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Signed Up March 16, 2013
Last Posted May 10, 2024 at 12:56 AM
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#1 Split_ lft IM Scout/Med(?) in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey there everyone, so I spent the past season backing up with Satan Take the Wheel as Scout/Medic but now I'm hoping to play more and start for a team. I'm preferably looking IM, but I'd also be happy to join a playoff Open team since I'm more interested in playtime overall.

6s history-
ESEA-IM S17 - Satan Take The Wheel (backup) - (12-4)
CEVO-O S4 - Simple Machines - (5-11)
ESEA-O S15 - Stoop Nation - (9-7)
ESEA-O S14 - Dispenser Took 3 - (8-8)

I work best when the team has a strong caller(s) and communication is clear with the team. Besides that I play best around the combo, but I can fit the aggressive flank role or switch flexibly between if you like.

You can add me here - http://steamcommunity.com/id/Split_/

I'm available most days at any time for scrims. Thanks for reading.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Getting a G400 in Hardware

I believe by "old one", rock was referring to the G400 in comparison to the G400s, in which case his statement is true.

That said, Amazon or Ebay would be your best bet. Edit : Oh I'm sorry, I offered to ship one I had new to you for around the price of a refurb since I wasn't using it, but just noticed your location, which would probably nulify savings for you and make shipping a pain anyhow. Sorry for that

posted about 9 years ago
#1 How Team Fortress 2's fans keep the pro scene kicking in News

Very cool to see an article about TF2 on such a high profile site, really great work.

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Medic LFT Open (Backup/Sub) in Recruitment (looking for team)

I had that third paragraph in there from the start because no matter what I've heard she appeared a capable medic and deserved a shot, the only reason I edited the post was to shorten it; I don't know why you're assuming I added another paragraph to backpedal when all you see is that I edited the thing. I only mentioned the attitude since it had been brought up to me by multiple people in the past but wasn't mentioned in the thread, and personality is obviously a big thing when looking to pick someone up for your team.

I think you're a cool guy Alosec and my own experiences with cbunz have been okay overall so I apologize if I set the wrong tone, I never intended for my post to come across as a callout or anything like that.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Medic LFT Open (Backup/Sub) in Recruitment (looking for team)
Pretty unfair to post rumors in a LFT thread, especially of a newcomer. Why post anything you didn't witness firsthand?

From playing with cbunz in lobbies, she's an eager, improving med who will do well on a low/mid open team. She is actively trying to improve and she likes to win (is that a bad thing?). I've never seen her rage/whine/complain about anything + she has a cute voice. Pick her up.

They aren't exactly rumors considering those are direct accounts from teammates, I'm don't think I'm speculating at all. In my one experience with cbunz outside of Newbie Mixes it reflected negatively as she didn't respond to advice and promptly cancelled playing for the night and left after losing one scrim, but again she might have been having a bad night with other things, I said right in the post to give her a shot, as maybe I happened to get the wrong impression of her.

But nah you have a better view from playing lobbies with her.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Medic LFT Open (Backup/Sub) in Recruitment (looking for team)

From what I heard from teammates, she cared more about winning scrims/matches (tried to get Invite players to join her UGC team?) than improving with them. She was apparently bad tempered, couldn't handle criticism and whined about odd things (going too fast when healing Scouts on quick-fix??)

Now I did have the chance to coach her during Newbie Mixes, so taking from that experience she appeared more pleasant. Gameplay wise she was fine, was eager to comm and took advice well.

She should be a good addition to a low Open team who needs a backup as she seems to be taking steps to improve, there's just the attitude to look out for. No reason not to give her a shot though, I might've simply gotten the wrong impression from people.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 LF Medic Open Team in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hey there, I'd be interested in trying out.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Split LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump with updated information.

posted about 9 years ago
#2514 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Small Album

Modified Goat hud. Some little quirks from editing like the scoreboard streak counter I'll get to soon.

Edit: Touched up some things. I should mention this HUD isn't updated for the new taunts and such, so apologies for that. Download

posted about 9 years ago
#904 yahud in Customization
WarNerveDoes anyone know how to enable to enable 2 custom crosshairs?. Been trying to get a cross aswell as the wings but i've had no luck. Thanks in advance

Change the title (name before the braces) to something different. For example



posted about 9 years ago
#11 Split LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump. :)

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Split LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Okay final final bump, sorry about that.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Split LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Final bump for any last teams. :)

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Obligatory Mouse Nerd Thread in Hardware

I fingertip grip as well, but have been using a Roccat Savu the last year or so. Since you dislike ambidextrous mice so much, I might recommend looking into it. Besides that, a Razer Abyssus might work well, but just from your list I'd say the Zowie FK/Deathadder are your best bets.

A thing that reviewers/threads rarely ever discuss is how balanced the weight of a mouse is, and I've used lots of mice, and from experience most palm grip mice, such as time using an Evo EC2 and G400, have a heavy backend, causing a uneven feel to the mouse which causes me to more have the back of the mouse drag behind as I'm moving the front, instead of moving as a unit. It's simply due to the fingertip grip, you don't have a supporting palm to accomodate the heavier backend, but I find it makes a mouse much less usable for me, however it might not be an issue for you.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Split LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've had a few teams to tryout with, bump for any others that might be looking.

posted about 9 years ago
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