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Last Posted July 16, 2018 at 4:55 PM
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#47 CNN vs reddit user in World Events

#44 I don't know how often it needs to be said in this thread, nothing actually happened to the guy.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 yo so theres this chick in The Dumpster

So you met a chick on Tinder, which means she was ready to put out from the start, and somehow arrive at the point where she won't even do it with you for money? Now those are some negotiating skills.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 CNN vs reddit user in World Events

So what actually happened is CNN looking up the kids Reddit profile in an effort to do a story about how this sort of content is produced (this is a fairly routine strain of reporting these days, see the Planet Money podcast about a guy who operates sites publishing fake news articles), use information everyone could view to contact him, kid shits his pants and deletes his posts, apparently surprised that the garbage you can post online can be traced back to you. Subsequently, CNN states that they're not going to expose him.

You have to have a dangerously warped perspective to think that this is somehow the evil MSM threatening anyone's freedom of expression, but paranoia seems to be the one unifying characteristic of right-wingers today, so who am I to argue.

Oh, any by the way, next time just link the whole story instead of Twitter screencaps before "greentexting" (which LOL) made up bullshit like ">tell you they know your identity and will reveal it if you continue to be offensive" on here, thank you very much.

posted about 6 years ago
#34 ESL Cologne 2017 in CS2 General Discussion

Poor Friberg having to prepare takes about why his old team is pounding as soon as they get rid of him

posted about 6 years ago
#28 ESL Cologne 2017 in CS2 General Discussion

See you tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion of NaVi vs C9.

EDIT: Oh thank God, I think everybody just wanted that over with at that point.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 SGDQ 2017 in Other Games

Oh, they definitely planned out this bit beforehand - tilting a runner in front of an audience of thousands would be a really shitty thing to do.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 SGDQ 2017 in Other Games

I can't tell whether the Mirror's Edge runner getting heckled from the couch through the entire run is only funny because it's 3 am

send help

posted about 6 years ago
#24 tv show suggestions in Off Topic

Arrested Development set a standard I don't think any comedy is going to match in a long time.

Show Content
Also if you're a huge Lynch fan the new Twin Peaks is good but I was disappointed personally.
posted about 6 years ago
#16 A TF2 Investment in TF2 General Discussion
AdebisiOkay an example. You invest 10 pounds each and get 100 people to do this. You have 1000. The sort of return you'd expect to get based on sensible investing could be maybe 5 or even somehow 10% in a year.

So for all that money you make 50-100 pounds for tf2 in a year.

You might as well just all donate your original money. Unless you agreed to invest in risky as fuck stuff. You could maybe do that as nobody would care of they lost 10 pounds

Buddy if you know of a 'sensible investing' strategy that makes you 5 or even somehow 10% in a year, you could walk into any bank and get a 100k/yr job easily.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 I took a 1yr break and came back what happened? in Q/A Help
FuxxHaven't played in 9 years is Reptile still around?

Half the Invite scene is lizard people now, not sure if that counts.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 what is your favorite kind of milk? in Off Topic

3.5% is the best tastewise, but I tend to consume a ton of milk because of coffee and shakes and stuff, so I went down to 1.5%.

posted about 6 years ago
#39 favorite type of pie? in Off Topic

Lemon Meringue, and I like making apple pie just for the lattice crust.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Buzzfeed jebaited by CSGO team in CS2 General Discussion
I then sent an email to a Buzzfeed 'journalist' by the name of Lane Sainty to try and bait them into making a story out of it", Rigilio told Infowars.

Well I'm glad he went to a respectable journalistic outfit like Infowars. Let's hope he got some radiation stickers out of it, maybe even an anti-flouride shirt.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Good Story Driven Webcomics? in Music, Movies, TV

Order of the Stick and Darths&Droids are very fun. Both are based on tabletop gaming, but never having played any myself, I guess there's something there that will appeal even to outsiders.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion

Just a general note on improving: You're going to have more success if you break down 'I want to become a better player' into partial goals like 'I want to position myself better', 'I want to take smarter fights', 'I want to be more aware of where my team is and what they're doing' and similar stuff. Then when you go into games, you can focus on one or two of those in particular, which will make it far easier to keep track of how you're doing and eyeball your progress. Over time, those building blocks of good play will crystalize and become a habit, making it easier to improve other aspects of your game.

It really boils down to practice vs deliberate practice - sure, you get better by just playing, but it's not the fastest or most reliable way, even though it's more fun. Deliberate practice can lack the excitement of just going nuts and enjoying yourself; you are the one who has to know whether achieving a higher standard of play is worth doing a bunch of boring exercises.

posted about 7 years ago
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