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Signed Up September 13, 2014
Last Posted November 19, 2015 at 8:07 PM
Posts 51 (0 per day)
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Mousepad Standard Black from Staples
Headphones Logitech G633 Artemis Spectrum 7.1 Channel Headset
Monitor BenQ GL2460HM 60Hz 24.0"
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#8 A survey about your FPS in TF2 General Discussion

I've closed the survery after reaching 332 submissions. You can view the statistics here.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 My FPS config in Customization
ComangliaRhapsody(all experimental benchmarks and r_pixelfog on)
2860 frames 73.944 seconds 38.68 fps (25.85 ms/f) 2.656 fps variability

(filesystem_native set to 1, host_thread_mode set to 0)
2639 frames 68.168 seconds 38.71 fps (25.83 ms/f) 2.682 fps variability

Did you run 2 different demos cause the number of frames should be the exact same. Specifically the 2639 Frames is the one that was provided in the benchmark thread.

I ran the same demo, so that's weird...

posted about 9 years ago
#6 A survey about your FPS in TF2 General Discussion
Querti would also be interested to know what kind of pc could get fps higher than 300, 400, 500, etc as well

you should really add a "pc spec" section in that survey near the end, so we can have an idea of the ideal cpu and gpu

I can't add this info now since it would skew the results. I'll probably make another survey a week or two after this including more relevant info and see how results change.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 A survey about your FPS in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't bother to add it because 200+ is generally all you'd need to know. I plan on doing this again sometime, and including stats for processors, GPUs, PSUs, etc, so maybe I'll add that next time.

And thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 A survey about your FPS in TF2 General Discussion

I decided to make a survey to figure out people's general FPS in TF2, and so far have gotten around 240 responses thanks to Reddit. However, I'd like some more, and that's where you guys come in. Just click here and fill out the questions. I'll release the data and give some averages once September 25th comes, or when I feel like I have enough responses.

Please note that I made a mistake and forgot to add a "None" option to to question where I ask if you're using an FPS config, but I can't add it now because it would skew the results. Just select "Other" instead.

posted about 9 years ago
#99 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization

Added some more convars and a new experimental convar section. Convars in this section may have a supposed FPS gain or none at all, and are undergoing testing. They arent' detrimental to FPS however, by the looks of it. If you're experiencing crashes, then just delete everything in that section and comment it, or, if you want to help out, comment convars until you figure out which one is causing crashes and report it.

Thanks to Comanglia for helping me find some convars. I'm still looking through the entire convar list for TF2, though, to see if I can find anything else helpful.

posted about 9 years ago
#59 My FPS config in Customization

I gave them a try on my crappy PC and got these results with the benchmark;

(all experimental benchmarks and r_pixelfog on)
2860 frames 73.944 seconds 38.68 fps (25.85 ms/f) 2.656 fps variability

(filesystem_native set to 1, host_thread_mode set to 0)
2639 frames 68.168 seconds 38.71 fps (25.83 ms/f) 2.682 fps variability

By the looks of it, the FPS variance definitely went down from yours either way, but I don't think they did anything that would affect the demo. Perhaps it'd be more effective in real play, I don't know, but they don't seem to harm anything. I am, however, leaving r_pixelfog 0 commented since it seems to lower FPS in some situations.

Added some new convars;

mod_load_anims_async 1             // Loads model animations async
mod_load_mesh_async 1              // Load model mesh async
mod_load_vcollide_async 1          // Load model vcollide async

Note that with the above benchmarks and the one below, all of my standard graphics settings are set to their lowerest in windowed noborder at 1366x768. Gibs/ragdolls are on.

2639 frames 66.843 seconds 39.48 fps (25.33 ms/f) 2.654 fps variability

Looks like a very small FPS boost if anything, not a big deal but if it's not detrimental and doesn't cause crashes I'll go with it.

Forgot to mention I also added

net_queue_trace 1
pretty sure this will help with optimizing the net code for TF2 but I could be wrong.

Didn't notice this, thanks. I'll add it.

posted about 9 years ago
#57 My FPS config in Customization

That list is outdated by two years, new convars are sure to have turned up or been missed. In fact, I found some experimental ones that I'm about to benchmark with my config;

ai_expression_optimization 1       // Disables NPC expressions when you can't see them, not sure if it works on regular players in TF2, but that's why it's experimental.
//r_pixelfog 1                     // Supposedly increases FPS via fog, but it doesn't seem like it. Feel free to play with it to test. I'll run benchmarks later.
fast_fogvolume 1                   // Undocumented but I didn't experience any FPS loss with it enabled, will run benchmarks later.
filesystem_native 0                // I think there's an FPS gain with this, anyway.
host_thread_mode 1                 // runs host in threaded mode if multicore
posted about 9 years ago
#55 My FPS config in Customization

Looks like some interesting stuff, I'll add those to my config. Past that, I'll probably print all cl_ and mat_ commands to a text file from console and look for potential improvements.

I just wish convar documentation was better, because this can only be painful to do. Hopefully they improve it in Source 2.

posted about 9 years ago
#48 My FPS config in Customization

That's... interesting. Why would it decrease FPS that much just by a value change? What does it do visually other than allow Halloween hats? If that's the cause, does using the NoHats mod counteract it?

posted about 9 years ago
#25 My FPS config in Customization
ulmyxxI think its about time we make an ultiamte config for people livin in the struggle 12 year olds who cant convince their parents that a 800 gaming pc is a good idea. A config that DOES everything for fps boost.

That's what I'm trying to do with mine, and that's why Comanglia released his, to help out my project.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 My FPS config in Customization

I appreciate that.

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization
popcorpr_pixelfog 1/0 - Can potentially boost your FPS, makess your game look foggy tho, Dxlevel 90+ only

I'll give this a try and add it as an option if it works.

EDIT: Looks like r_pixelfog is set to 1 by default. I'll play around with it some more, though.

EDIT2: r_pixelfog 1 means that pixel fog is off by default. Setting it to 0 shows the fog, but it's not like normal map fog that is used as an optimization; this fog decreases FPS by 20~ in idle situations and isn't beneficial in active situations.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 My FPS config in Customization

Winner is decided on who can get TF2 to run @ 300FPS constant on a Rasberry Pi.

I'd rather not argue over this, I'd rather we help each other to make a great FPS config; that's what I'm trying to do with mine, and why I put it up on github.

posted about 9 years ago
#90 Rhapsody's Performance Config in Customization
QuertFerskinif you do maxframes

i'll suck your dick
hooliliterally the only difference between highframes and maxframes are these cvars

mat_picmip 2
mat_specular 0
mat_trilinear 0
mp_decals 1
r_decals 1

also, i'm having a hard time finding how your "cfg" is supposed to be useful? it basically combines cvars from chris highframes with some stuff that is not necessary and does not benefit you in terms of fps?
also, like someone said above, chris cfg is already pretty organized, there's nothing else that could be added to make it "more documented".

this is proved by the benchmarks already posted here by several users that shows no noticeable fps gain, yet you say, and i quote
Rhapsodybe superior in every way

active and is updated with more convars that increase performance

documented much more thoroughly than Chris' was

completely re-organized in a neater fashion, and is much more user-friendy and intuitive.

doesn't look like it.

It is a project intended to be superior in every way, and that's progressive. It is indeed documented more, if you look (Chris didn't describe what most of the convars do, I did), and it's user-friendly/intuitive thanks to the in-game setup.

People have reported FPS gain on Reddit and here, and I myself have gained performance, hence why I released it. As stated a page back, this is a chance to make a community project that can help us all out, instead of arguing about it. What is deemed unneeded, I remove. I never stated that I'm an expert. This project depends on information already released or the information people are willing to disclose for it.

I'll finish off by saying that it matters that this exists; Chris' configs were abandoned and public improvements wouldn't be made any longer. There was no one willing to step up to the plate to update them publicly until now.

On another note, I've updated the config again. The two convars that were causing crashes are now commented and mentioned in the FPS section in the wizard (for people that still want to use them), and cl_software_cursor is commented since it was preventing some people from moving their cursor up, theoretically.

posted about 9 years ago
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