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Signed Up August 22, 2012
Last Posted July 31, 2023 at 10:33 PM
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#12 FROYO medic in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#6 TF2 update for 7/29/22 in TF2 General Discussion

one footstep closer to every class's toes being out, and discovering what lies beneath the Pyro's boots

posted about 2 years ago
#28 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

Sad I didn't make the cut, but this is a really stellar video. Wonderfully researched and edited. Thanks for the quality content.

posted about 2 years ago
#29 Revive pugs in TF2 General Discussion

It's hard to divlock as well when some players just get better faster than others in the group. I keep my PUGs generally NC to Main with the bulk of the playerbase being AM/IM, and put emphasis on drafting evenly and exercising patience and/or willingness to teach with newer players.

Also, it's a lot of work sometimes, but closely monitoring the kind of people who get invited and how people behave during games has, I think, probably done the heavy lifting for the group's longevity and people's desire to keep playing and making friends.

We had our 1-year in April and still run regularly, so I think it's worked pretty well so far.

posted about 2 years ago
#17 golf in Off Topic
scrambledHow the fuck do you "tear down" a golf course?

why don't u try tearing up a dance floor, noob

posted about 2 years ago
#12 playing medic probably healthy in TF2 General Discussion

playing medic gives me heart palpitations so it's basically free cardio

posted about 2 years ago
#17 working on a comp tf2 video essay, need your help! in Projects

This looks sick!! Excited to see the finished product. Submitted my own recording. Wasn't sure how long it ought to be so I kept it brief, but I could probably talk for hours about the visuals of this game.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 TF2 update for 6/21/22 (6/22/22 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

good patch

i often wonder why tuesdays are a default match day for IM tho

posted about 2 years ago
#8 tips for teaching a future ultiduo med/comp med? in TF2 General Discussion

Ulti is really simple to pick up and play with friends. My partner had never touched medic beforehand, and ended up having a lot of fun. Granted they know more about the rest of the game, but I think if your friend knows how to use a bow and saw and you don't stack the teams against him, he can learn and have fun.

I would wait until he understands more about the pub-level mechanics of the other classes before trying to pull him into 6s or 9s, personally. I think having fun in the early stages is precious, and wouldn't want to immediately introduce the grind or throw him to the wolves (like hearing people mald in PUGs or whatever).

posted about 2 years ago
#73 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
zheepit’s true though(except the tasheem part). why are you unbanned? because you finally learned at your big age how to have any common decency? cuz if that’s the case RGL is doomed. i wish people would stop pretending this idiot doing the bare minimum means he is a reformed player and not just some stupid racist and transphobe in disguise. this nigga literally woulda called anybody the t-slur or would probably even call people a nigger for dominating him in a pub like last year. tf2 players must have 0 standards and that must be why shitheads like u are given the chance to “reform” as if that’s even possible

rgl must be really desperate for players man

I think the issue is that, while the community seems less racist than before (from my perspective, having taken a break 2013-2021), it's not staunchly anti-racist. Lot of people seem satisfied with "well, I'm not saying the N word" and don't want to talk about or deal with teammates that say dogwhistle nonsense as long as it's not an outright slur. I think we (especially white people like myself) have to call players on this stuff and hold one another accountable if we want to create meaningful change.

Even if a league doesn't ban someone for bigoted behavior, I think it would be pretty powerful if the players in the community collectively educated and/or shunned bigots from community spaces (teams, PUGs, etc.).

posted about 2 years ago
#60 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
indecencyRendoas I don't really know how they could resolve this unless they actually had predominantly white staff handing out N word passes after demanding to see the color of someone's skin.
wtf is this "handing out n word passes" nonsense you ppl keep regurgitating

If it's unclear, I was being somewhat facetious; I was saying that it's impossible to know someone's race and whether they should be allowed to say the N word in a normal game of TF2 or through the RGL website (like, if they never looked at your content or this website), so the only way I could think of would be to slap some kind of "can say the N word" tag onto RGL profiles and require the tag in-game when saying the N word so other players know it's fine, which would, of course, be all kinds of absurd, in part because white mods telling Black people they're "allowed" to say the N word is bad optics.

That being said, I do hear what you're saying re: the code switching. I'm too white to have anything meaningful to say to that. I'm sorry.

indecencyif niggas really wanna get into it rap and homophobia are damn near synonymous

I acknowledge that a lot of rap and hiphop contains homophobic lyrics/imagery, but I don't think it should just be taken for granted and glossed over as society (hopefully) moves forward. I like the genres, but as a queer person I do find it upsetting to be jamming out and be hit with "faggot" or whatever. I don't think it's wrong to enjoy the content necessarily, but I think it's important to think about the kinds of things we let be normalized.

In an interview with Variety, Lil Nas said

“The honest truth is, I don’t want to speak on a lot of the homophobia within rap because I feel like this is a very dangerous playing field,” he told the magazine when asked about the anti-gay statements from a variety of fellow rappers lately, including hateful statements from DaBaby that have gotten him booted from a number of festivals and sent his career into free fall. “It’s more for my own safety rather than anything else.”

I think it's sad that this man feels unsafe speaking out against homophobia in his own community. Just something to think about.

posted about 2 years ago
#56 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
brodyjust want to clarify that both the person who reported him and the person who approved the ban all absolutely knew who tasheem is. nobody directly involved in this was actually worried about actual racism here.

That is messed up, then. No way around it. Broadly I stand by it being difficult to moderate, but this smells targeted. He should only have received a warning or something.

posted about 2 years ago
#41 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
jetzquite racist to assume that everyone playing tf2 is white, innit?

I didn't say I would assume whiteness? Racists come in all colors.

posted about 2 years ago
#37 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
hooliallowing or disallowing an action depending on a physical characteristic that is entirely genetic is ironically racist af

This is the kind of remark that makes me assume everyone I encounter saying the N word in this game isn't Black. Like, yeah, discrimination based on race is racism by definition. But it's a word that has been used in systemic violence against Black people. When they say it, they're reclaiming it for themselves, not for others who haven't experienced the centuries of systemic antiblack violence, who don't know the real pain of the word and the actions behind it. Ruby Bridges is still alive. This stuff wasn't all that long ago, and it's still happening. Not being able to say a word that isn't ours is nothing compared to that.

posted about 2 years ago
#36 free sheem in TF2 General Discussion
brodyRendoasnot every player knows who you are or that you're Blackname one person in the scene who thinks tasheem is white lol

u weirdos all keep bringing up all this theoretical doomsday shit like RGL giving "passes" or "verifying skin color" to dance around the tangible situation at hand, which is that someone who literally everyone knows is black got both reported and banned for saying the n word in a scrim

I would have literally no idea if it weren't for this thread. I only got back into this game recently. I don't know who most people are. If I saw those weapons in a match, I'd have reported it too and assumed it was some edgy homophobic racist. I've run into this issue in my PUGs, where someone made a joke about their own ethnicity and someone who didn't know what their background is because all they see is a username was upset. I think it's difficult to selectively enforce.

posted about 2 years ago
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