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Signed Up July 21, 2013
Last Posted March 11, 2016 at 2:36 PM
Posts 930 (0.2 per day)
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#81 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

Oh my last name is Teumer it's pronounced Toymer but most people say toomer haha good times

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Weird Names of People you know in Off Topic

There's this teacher in my school named Yugoslav Dudkovsky and he posts instagram picks of him paintballing

My friend had a baseball teamate named Alexander Alexander

my bestfriend's lastname is salmon

what about you

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Eleague starts in 1 hour: Optic vs CSGOLOUNGE in CS2 General Discussion

Bot oskarish? jesus that was unreal

the nerves on these csgl players is insane

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Eleague starts in 1 hour: Optic vs CSGOLOUNGE in CS2 General Discussion

This production looks really promising. Good signs from turner

shahzams evolution as a player over the past few months has been fun to see I think

posted about 8 years ago
#8 NEW TSM in CS2 General Discussion

It's not money it's orgs holding on to players and players not making the commitment to actually trying to do this because of egos. Look at Liquid. Instead of keeping the same old shit like CLG, C9, old liquid they are taking a big chance that could be fucking huge or could flop
C9 kept semphis how long? What happened when they brought in two new dudes? Oh right they went to 3 straight finals

Chances are what builds great CS teams. Take a look at NiP and how they are blowing it

Fnatic cutting schneider even though he was one of their better performers for OlofM and krimz. Best team to date.
EnvyUS losing Shoxie their arguable best player for 2 new ones. Wins a major
The forming of that DHW winning LDLC team. Totally rebuilt the french scene with the ex6tenz Happy split formed the best french csgo team
Kinguin taking a big risk and look at them now

NA just has the same old stagnating shit teams revolving around

posted about 8 years ago
#6 NEW TSM in CS2 General Discussion

I think semphis is the biggest road to nowhere in the game rofl

he's like the Rex Ryan of CSGO. Everywhere he goes turns into a wasteland\

also on the paying topic I wish we knew what NME offered Koosta to stay. A big org like TSM buying semphis for 50k I can only imagine what NME offered him to stay...I had no idea they had that kind of money really

posted about 8 years ago
#34 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

But doesn't cheating regardless of where it was caught also count towards "Integrity and Fair Play" ? The fact that it was a CEVO game is slightly irrelevant. The correlation there is that both are completely disconnected not valve affiliated at all and yet Cheaters aren't banned BUT match fixing is?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 NEW TSM in CS2 General Discussion

Just announced I believe have fun!

I have no fucking clue how Koosta is still on enemy and renewed his contract for 2016
Apparently NME outbid TSM I had no idea NME had the money to do that
and new rumors from skrunk who coached team coast I believe

posted about 8 years ago
#30 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

That's true to an extent but I am fighting for epsilon as much as I am iBP. I'd clearly like to see iBP just because I cared about them more because they're from my home scene but epsilon deserves an unban just like I believe iBP does for a multitude of reasons.

Richard Lewis gave his statement which I believe has a lot of good stuff about it. Lot's of good points views etc if anyone cares to read it

tldr; Integrity is everything but I believe everyone deserves a second chance and these guys are not bad people

So I'll give you an argument I believe is very parallel to something about the bans

So what about those players caught on anti-cheats that isn't valve's? So for example mOE was caught cheating but not on VAC. I believe s1mple and Delpan were also BUT again not on VAC. They were caught on other anti-cheats that isn't valves. So why would valve not ban these people for similar bans like emilio and kqly for being vac banned.
The whole point of this is it wasn't valve's doing or wasn't on valve's watch or whatever I'm trying to say here

But match fixing on csgolounge in a CEVO league let's take a look at that. So csgolounge is not a valve run or valve owned site much like the anti-cheat of ESL (which I believe all of these players were banned on). And yet they care about that but not cheating on other anti-cheats. Hm so much for integrity. Also in support of that was that these were CEVO games (they were in iBP not sure about epsilon) they weren't in the Valve Major so why would they care about those when they clearly don't care if people cheat on other non-related anticheats? I'm curious because in my mind these two topics seem very parallel because they are both disassociated from Valve but they care about one and not the other. Please tell me if I am hugely mistaken here I actually would like to know. I'm ranting I really want these guys unbanned

posted about 8 years ago
#23 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

Why is everyone only talking about iBP sure they were the greater of the two but Epsilon did the same thing and nobody cares that those guys are permabanned too!?!?!

posted about 8 years ago
#16 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

That's actually so wrong it's insane. I expected it just like almost everyone but there is always that hope. There's so many things that Valve did wrong in this situation. A permaban is absolutely ridiculous for these players. I recall something like Valve not even wanting betting in their game and it was frowned upon

I'm not saying they shouldn't have had a consequence because what they did was definitely wrong, but a permaban for the first time it's ever showed up in their game instead of maybe a year ban or 2 years even 3 years etc and actually laying down some rules saying any previous cases of this will result in permabans.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

I knew they were going to get perma banned but I had this hope. I can't get over how fucking ludicrous this is man. Fucking journalists and fucking reddit betting fuckers

sad day sorry for those guys

I wonder what leagues will let them compete in. Hopefully all of them allow them to play

posted about 8 years ago
#9 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion
VouriRed_there weren't even set rules for shit like thisMatchfixing and shit like this is banned in pretty much every competitive sport, it doesn't have to be written in stone for people to know it's not allowed.

It does have to have a written consequence yeah. You don't just randomly toss perma bans on people for the first time it's ever happened in a "new" game. Saying oh yeah you're permanently banned for throwing a worthless CEVO game that didn't have any placement on seedings when they just got back from a LAN. Yeah that's definitely bullshit

You don't just come out and join the community 2 times out of a year to say "yeah we permanently banned some people and not EVER talk about it or anything. That's definitely fucked up

I believe these two tweets from MSL are well said

The only reason Valve cared was because skins were involved. They didn't get into the actual investigation until Richard Lewis sent valve the texts saying that they threw for skins. That's incredibly stupid. Where in betting does it say that you are guaranteed to win or not lose anything? That's fucking dumb
And besides that I believe that the entire iBP team gave back more skins than they got to many many many people

posted about 8 years ago
#5 iBP confirmed indefinitely banned in CS2 General Discussion

yeah that's some bullshit really there weren't even set rules for shit like this that's so fucking dumb

I think epsilon got off easy right? Wasn't theirs a confirmed 1 year ban

edit: Epsilon are also perma banned

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Adware issues in Off Topic

Alright I think adwcleaner worked thanks guys have a nice january

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ⋅⋅ 62