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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted February 28, 2015 at 5:53 AM
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#33 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
ClandestinePzBefore: The new quickfix makes the game really interesting and exciting, it should be made the new meta and we'll savage anyone who dares to disagree.

After game 1: The new quickfix makes the game really stale and boring, it should be banned and we'll savage anyone who dares to disagree.

I don't really understand how the community's opinion can sway so easily.

Seeing top teams use it effectively it's the answer for your question

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Empire by Almie in TF2 General Discussion

As everyone said, totally deserves an epic movie trailer badge :D

posted about 10 years ago
#377 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
omniI'm close to releasing my HUD, so I uploaded a bunch of screenshots for people who were interested.

Oh Boy I'm So Excited

I still have a few things to do with alignment for other resolutions, but for the most part it works as a full HUD so I should have it released soon.

Also, if anybody has the files for editing the Replay Browser, please let me know. Can't find that shit.

That looks really awesome! Great job on the menu designs :)

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Life's Good in Customization

Well this is... hmm... different :p

I like your student ones tho, specially the fashion one! ^^

EDIT: Omg I didn't see your last one! :O

posted about 10 years ago
#352 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SentientMade this for fun, based off Black Mesa's HUD
everything turns red when low
Pretty much everything besides HP and ammo is m0rehud.
If someone wants to make a full HUD out of this I'd be fine with that.

I LIKE! :DD <33

posted about 10 years ago
#164 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

I made a hp cross in this hud theme. Overheal and full hp looks same as default. It has been made for 1920x1080 resolution however it might work well in all resolutions. The zip file contains 2 folders (you only need to install one of them). If you don't know anything about editing just install the 1st folder. I assume you all know how to install this, if not just google it.

Link: www.mediafire.com/download/o981e87c59sknkq/HpCross.zip

That's pretty baddass! Really nice work! :D
Shame it doesn't work in sv_pure 2 ;_;

posted about 10 years ago
#20 4's Hud Editor in Customization
thrasherTrue, but if someone were to forget to fully close the program or accidentally join off a friend... Just wanted to make sure there were no issues there.

I really want to test it. I might try it out on my laptop with a freeplay account just to be on the safe side until more people have tried it.

How can you forget you're playing tf2 from a small ass window inside another window with lots of text around? :p

posted about 10 years ago
#25 TeamInfusedTV (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ in TF2 General Discussion
basHkeep it up please....
i want some povs of kaidus !


posted about 10 years ago
#9 ZBHUD in Customization

Squeaky clean! :)

posted about 10 years ago
#160 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

This happened when i tried to change my pulse cross hair in the update. plz send help...

What did you do again? :S

all i did was replace the scripts and resources files with the new one and when i tried to enable the pulse cross hair this happened. The black dot is not suppose to be there

Oh you mean the black dot? Well that was my mistake, I forgot to disable the crosshair. you can find it in hudlayout.res under the name of QuartzsCrosshair and Outline :)

posted about 10 years ago
#157 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization

This happened when i tried to change my pulse cross hair in the update. plz send help...

What did you do again? :S

posted about 10 years ago
#154 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
SolidSpeerlaiyeQuartzEDIT: I forgot to add this to the changelog:

- Added status icons for Marked for Death, Bleeding and Milked below HP

You said that you're gonna give me credit for that :(
Either way I love your hud and I love beta testing it <3 Keep it up man

I have to wait for Sir Villeta in order to update the changelog and credits :p

posted about 10 years ago
#152 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
bl4zeGreat work Quartz. I''ll definitelly try out the new cross HP not just cause its new but also cause I really love cross HPs in general. Thanks for the death mark support as well :)

Cheers mate! Hope you like it :)

Chief_Beefdoes this hud work with windows 8?

Why wouldn't it? I'm using windows 8 at the moment so it should :P

posted about 10 years ago
#149 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
Kanecotbh I prefer the old cross much more. It fits the style more imo, but still great update. Any chance you could release a version with the old health cross?

"- Added 2 optional files for enabling a health cross left to the HP numbers (check screenshots below)"

It is optional already, if you install the update and start the game you should still have the default one. Unless I messed it all up. Either way, you can just rename the file 'HudPlayerHealth - default.res' to 'HudPlayerHealth.res' and you'll have the good ol default cross :)

EDIT: I forgot to add this to the changelog:

- Added status icons for Marked for Death, Bleeding and Milked below HP

posted about 10 years ago
#147 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization


Check the website for download and screenshots!

Cross: http://i.imgur.com/zDFZRgyh.jpg
Cross with Full Outline: http://i.imgur.com/lW3KefSh.jpg

posted about 10 years ago
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