Account Details
SteamID64 76561198118905985
SteamID3 [U:1:158640257]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:79320128
Country United States
Signed Up August 30, 2014
Last Posted July 5, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Posts 182 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4.0
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse DM1 Pro S
Keyboard Logitech G710+
Mousepad Glorious XL
Headphones Sennheiser HD 598 + ModMic 4.0
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
1 ⋅⋅ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
#3137 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

which file do I edit to fix the item borders in backpack? Ive done it before but I forgot which one. Missing the Collectors items borders as seen here -

posted about 8 years ago
#34 Nursey joins -bird noises- in News
PendjiowlDogewarriorbut.. nursey is a guy
Bad post
Isn't he? I kept connecting him with some other female medic player (and considering his twitter is flowers and sparkles) I've always been confused, but pretty damn sure it was a male voice playing with b4nny.

Nursey is M-F trans and thus goes by female pronouns

posted about 8 years ago
#8 If you could customise a mouse.. in Hardware

Zowie EC2-A with FK1 coating and a better scroll wheel and side buttons


IMO1.1A* with FK1 coating and cable

posted about 8 years ago
#4 dog2 voted into ESEA Invite in News

Invite mae hype!

posted about 8 years ago
#710 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

got 1 add me

posted about 8 years ago
#2 How can I remove the "featured" item on my HUD? in Q/A Help

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Forced OpenGL for more frames? in TF2 General Discussion
MopPertdo you simply add -gl to your existing launch options or is it supposed to replace -dxlevel?

also any one tried on AMD GPUs? I have a 7950 wondering if this will provide any benefit

You should probably have -dxlevel out after your first launch anyway, so it should replace it I guess. I also assume it must stay in there but someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Apparently it doesn't affect AMD GPU's but there's no harm in trying.

EDIT: From the reddit post:
AMD/ATI GPUs can use -d3d for a similar effect (I think that's the one)

according to Comanglia's config you dont have to remove -dxlevel after the first launch, its still in my launch options and Ive had no issues with it

will test -gl and -d3d when I get home

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Forced OpenGL for more frames? in TF2 General Discussion

do you simply add -gl to your existing launch options or is it supposed to replace -dxlevel?

also any one tried on AMD GPUs? I have a 7950 wondering if this will provide any benefit

posted about 8 years ago
#66 NBA Playoffs in Off Topic

hoping this Hawks/Cavs series turns out to be more competitive than it was last year. Both rosters are much healthier this go around!

Go Hawks!

posted about 8 years ago
#25 what is this bug in Off Topic
ZestyI also have had an arthropod that I've really wanted to identify for ages. No picture but when I was in Fiji I saw a group of these weird bright bluish legged spider/harvestman/cranefly things vibrating rapidly. The closest thing I've found to how they vibrate is cellar spiders- but these were definitely living communally and they seemed to be walking around flying or hovering above the rock they were on (though I'm not sure if there was a web I couldnt see because it was vibrating really fast).
This is a video that's the most similar to how these things were vibrating

thats just some dog hair in the wind

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Best large cloth mousepad? in Hardware

Steelseries are nice but they all seem to wear out pretty fast. I have that exact pad and numerous others.

My personal favorite cloth pad at the moment is the Glorious, I find it to be both more durable and comfortable than the Steelseries, here is the XXL version -

I also have this Reflex pad, and it is also nice and seems to be more durable than the Steelseries -

posted about 8 years ago
#27 kaidus retires from nerdRage due to wrist injury in News


kaidus has always been one of my favorite players to watch, sad day for TF2

posted about 8 years ago
#22 ez cardio that isn't boring in Off Topic

mountain biking is my favorite

jump rope is the cheapest and most convenient and HIIT is overall more effective anyways

CitroMaindi think that running is the only and best way to go about cardio imho. might be wrong tho.
Idk how its stressful tho man. just get headphones, a nice chill playlist and go for a run

anything that gets your heart rate up is good for you, running is def not the only way and best is pretty subjective

posted about 8 years ago
#221 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches
nykPlz tell me again why there's no merc system in esea

bc thats what rostered and paid up subs are for

posted about 8 years ago
#61 favorite fast food restaurant?? in Off Topic
4812622five guys


does hooters count i love hooters

hooters is def not fast food

posted about 8 years ago
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