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Last Posted April 25, 2024 at 8:06 AM
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#13 TFTV continuously redirecting in TF2 General Discussion

I used to get this periodically on my old smartphone with a hopelessly out-of-date operating system(hello incompetent cellphone carriers and manufacturers) and had it once before on PC and turned on Ad Block from that point on. I've seen this on all sorts of official business, news and sports websites as well, not just TFtv.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Highlight: Mike vs Froyotech: i58 in Videos

I like how he's just sitting there cross-legged, meditating in mid-air in the video thumbnail.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 I sent this to valve in TF2 General Discussion
rowrowI've never been able to think of a simple way to make it so that class limits are in place but not for scout soldier, but it makes so much sense to have limit 2 on offense, 1 on defense/support. And it's not even remotely confusing of a concept.

This has been suggested many times by many people for a long time as the simplest way to explain class limits to new players; it's definitely not new. With the upcoming Pyro rebalance, this could even be really cool in "our version" of 6s. If Pyro's airblast was less of a "stuff-them-back-into-the-doorway" mechanic and could be used more offensively and the class had more lightning gun mechanics, you might just see a Scout and a Pyro or even two Pyros being run on select maps instead of the regular two scouts.

Gives Valve a class limit excuse, creates more gameplay variation, forces a proper Pyro fix and unifies Valve's vision with ours. One can but dream.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 i58 mvps in TF2 General Discussion

Roaming scout: Starkie by a country mile
Pocket scout: B4nny or Astt
Roamer: Mike
Pocket: Kaptain, though shout-out to Geoh's übers
Demo: Woof
Medic: Raymon by a million light years
Off-classer: Starkie, used literally all of them to great effect

Overall best player: Raymon or Starkie

posted about 7 years ago
#88 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News

I also hope that in-game coaching won't become a thing in any game, not just TF2. Coaches should only be allowed to be involved during a tactical time-out(maybe the time between rounds + limited number of tactical pauses per team), between maps and in practice.

That being said, because of the unfortunate circumstances with Kaidus no longer being able to play, I don't mind it as much in this instance even though I would prefer that it doesn't make a return in the future. There's also the downside of the added time to react because things have to go through Kaidus before someone reacts instead of the caller just instantly reacting on their own because they already know what they want to do.

I think in the end the best team did win. Stark delivers the intelligent ninja plays and 1v1s/1v2s every single bloody time, Kaptain is an absolute rock both with his damage output/denial and his positioning relative to his team and Raymon's arrows(seriously, if you watch back and pay attention to this specifically, the amount of times he saves people or turns the health advantage on its head with a few quick ones), positioning/surfing and milking was as good as any medic at an i-Series ever.

Congratulations to Crowns; I have always enjoyed watching you even if I seem to be the only one who does. The top 4 all entertained me and all would have deserved to win, but in the end you played best when it mattered and won. Thank you for the nail-biting entertainment.

posted about 7 years ago
#77 Everyone thank the production team ITT in TF2 General Discussion

Thank you to poor Dashner, the production team(special shout-out to David for stepping up, cheers! And Arie for always being there whenever the community needs him), tournament admins(RIP Nymthae's day 1 schedule every year), observers, casters, analysts, eXtine, photographers, camera operators, sound guys, video/graphic design writers/editors, Omni for the HUD, article writers, general communications and chores staff, the guys who write all of the infrastructure(plug-ins, broadcasting software, websites, databases etcetera), and, of course, the players(you always end up falling in love with the Australians and then they break your heart by finishing 4th). All of you were so entertaining on camera as well, from the crew to the crowd to the players, there was never a dull moment.

Thank you to Multiplay(get better server admins), Crowns, Xenex, everyone who donated to the teams and production, Toshiba, Geel and the other TF2 sponsors of which I'm not sure who owns them. Thank you Seagull for hosting TFtv.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, thank you so much.

P.S. Valve, if you're reading this, please show the i58 outro video in your break room or something so some more of your staff might join in on developing TF2, because the current team is overworked and incomplete(you need people who better understand game design/balance and dedicated communications/opinion gathering figures).

posted about 7 years ago
#129 i58 Invite Group R1: Full Tilt vs. froyotech in Matches
Rules pageIn the group stages draws are permitted, during the elimination stage a golden cap round will be played with no time limit.
posted about 7 years ago
#73 i58 Invite Group R1: Full Tilt vs. froyotech in Matches


Last year it was Multiplay's servers that were the problem as well, wasn't it?

posted about 7 years ago
#57 i58 - Schedule Set in LAN Discussion
nonamenopasswordhonestly at i58 i feel like games should be played with the american rule set. fuck those 30 min stalemates and parking the bus techniques

How can a stalemate ever be 30 minutes long if the entire match is 30 minutes long and you need to get ahead first to park the bus? Both rule sets are equally prone to stalemates because one of the win conditions is being ahead when the timer hits 0, except with EU rules you only have to watch it for 30 minutes instead of 2x 30 minutes.

And before you say "but they can get to 5 and win that way", that is complete non-sense as well because the entire situation arose in the first place because neither of the teams felt confident enough to push their advantage home and score rounds. If they did, they would try to push for mercy rule in EU, or build a bigger cushion regardless of the rule set used. It's literally the same except EU isn't preceded by 30 more minutes of possible stalemates.

posted about 7 years ago
#113 ESEA S22 Grand Finals: froyotech vs. RONIN in Matches

Is the VOD for this coming soon(before i58)? I tried watching it on Twitch, but part of it is muted at the beginning and for some reason the sound is muted throughout the entire VOD for me and not turning back on.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 i58 prize pool increase in LAN Discussion

Pretty nice to have an actual sponsor from outside the scene. Looks like they're only sponsoring TF2 as well, not any of the other tournaments. Thank mr Toshiba!

posted about 7 years ago
#19 Gamemode opinions? in Map Discussion
azarunnope reduce the timerReducing the timer will only produce more stalemates, for example after losing snake mid instead of hard second defence teams would go for full-turtle last defence.

Teams can do this right now except you have to watch it for 10 minutes instead of a shorter amount of time. It would lead to an equal amount of stalemates which don't last as long, not more stalemates. Not to mention it would provide more incentive for the attacking team to try to quickly break the stalemate in a more aggressive fashion instead of just sitting there for 10 minutes trying very safe options like sacing a roamer until they get lucky. So either it stays exactly the same or teams get better at pushing last; it definitely won't get worse.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Highlight: Alle, Mike & Spudd: i58 Showmatch in Videos
OsirisWandumhttps://clips.twitch.tv/teamfortresstv/CuteNarwhalOSslothhttps://youtu.be/W3iFv4JAGFU?t=223 Spudd sure is good at trolling his medics with the loose cannon.
posted about 7 years ago
#51 i58 Showmatch: Crowns eSports Club vs. Full Tilt in Matches

https://youtu.be/W3iFv4JAGFU?t=223 Spudd sure is good at trolling his medics with the loose cannon.

posted about 7 years ago
#35 QuakeCon 2016 in Off Topic


That's nice to see.

posted about 7 years ago
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