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Signed Up December 27, 2012
Last Posted March 12, 2019 at 7:08 PM
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#15 TF2 Update June 11 in TF2 General Discussion
Updated the Eureka Effect

Can now pickup buildings
Repair and upgrade rates have been decreased
Can teleport to your spawn room or your Teleporter Exit

Just tested this out with the upgrade, each hit only provides 12 metal. Takes roughly 12 seconds to upgrade from level 1 to 2, which is pretty fucking huge. You can teleport to exits without entrances, which is pretty great, but not sure if it's enough. Think it needs a small buff to upgrading (maybe only 25%), repair should stay the same since the RR exists. Luckily it's Steel week, so it'll be fun to fuck around with.

posted about 9 years ago
#57 Nintendo Smash Bros. Invitational in Other Games
ChaChiwhere is that from?

posted about 9 years ago
#55 Nintendo Smash Bros. Invitational in Other Games
8:02 Neal Ronaghan:
A competitive Smash player is trying to challenge Sakurai to see if he can win and help balance the game. Sakurai asked "have you ever made a game?"

Holy shiiiiit

posted about 9 years ago
#101 E3 2014 in Off Topic
hookyMario Party 10

prepare to have friendships ruined

They kept the shitty car idea, not worth a buy.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 HALO HD ANNOUNCED in Other Games

They'll probably release it 6-12 months after to bait Xboner sales.

Don't see why people are more hyped for Halo 2 when 3 was practically a complete upgrade. The problems with 3 were due to Peer 2 Peer, which is no more, and for competitive play Halo 3 is much more balanced. Also Forge and better customs and 4 player co-op campaign and theater and the minor character customization.

posted about 9 years ago
#87 E3 2014 in Off Topic
brownymasterFogNO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT GRIM FANDANGO? WHERE'S MEB?!Already told him it's PS exclusive (within a minute of them showing it). He mad.

posted about 9 years ago
#54 Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire in Other Games

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Mario Kart 8 in Other Games

Besides the connection issues and the limited MKTV, I'm having a lot of fun and the game is pretty good. Also, I would probably suggest adding people due to the fact that there is no concert number on how many people here will actually play the game. Entering a tournament when no one is on would be boring, imo.

Apparently I already have 40 hours in MK8. help

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Watch Dogs in Other Games
SaberNiko_JimskirbyI'm never going to understand people and their graphics obsession. Somehow now that it's 2014 and technology says your video games can look incredibly realistic, if your game doesn't look that way, then it's shit and you should feel like shit. I'm going to Wal-Mart. Do you want me to pick you up a kiddie pool so you can swim in your tears?

Holy shit.

Maybe you should buy a book while you are at it cause you need to learn how to actually read an entire post/thread. :^)
while u have a point i really like you're memes


defyalec_ everything made out of toothpicks or what?
this game is obviously a carbon copy of GTA but i think the awful psychics make it hilarious and worth playing, so bad its good

Or you could just play GTA IV/SA for hilariously bad shit like the swing set glitch (can't remember if they patched that on PC or not though) while owning a game that's actually not bad. Even if GTA IV wasn't amazing, the game was enjoyable to glitch and screw around in. Only thing holding it down is GFWL (which is leaving very soon, so hopefully R* uses Steamworks or some non-shitty online method.)

Only thing that you can't really do in GTA that you can in W_D is something like this.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Watch Dogs in Other Games
kirbyI'm never going to understand people and their graphics obsession. Somehow now that it's 2014 and technology says your video games can look incredibly realistic, if your game doesn't look that way, then it's shit and you should feel like shit. I'm going to Wal-Mart. Do you want me to pick you up a kiddie pool so you can swim in your tears?

Holy shit.

Maybe you should buy a book while you are at it cause you need to learn how to actually read an entire post/thread. :^)

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Watch Dogs in Other Games
VetosThe story isn't great, but it's not bad. I was actually impressed that they managed to not make the characters cringey.

Did you have your sound off the entire time with no subtitles? The MC is extremely cringe-worthy. Hard to believe you played this game and came out with this thought. Unfortunately I don't have videos of the god awful writing since I saw it through a multitude of streams.

I agree everything about the cars/driving is lackluster, but it's kind of silly that a some people's definition of a bad game nowadays = "no impact decal showed up on this wall when I crashed into it and also my tires don't interact people's bodies or fucking stairs"

No, that's not what makes it a bad game, it just adds unto it. How is that silly, though? GTA IV is 6 years old. 6. Yet, it looks, plays, and feels much better than W_D. Do you not remember the 2012 W_D trailer, the one that made the game look fantastic? People seem to forget what this game originally looked like. Anyways, the point is that the game took steps back. Graphics are something that should not go backwards. I don't care if graphics are not amazing, the problem is there is next to nothing worth praise in this trash game besides the spider mini-game.

Updated my post above with WebM's, enjoy.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Watch Dogs in Other Games

I can't tell you how many WebM's there are of just how awful this game is WebM's for more "gameplay". Spoiler alert, the final "boss" is a QTE.

-awful writing
-awful physics
-restricted open world game
-QTE's everywhere
-"Press X to do anything" because that's how cool kids hack
-awful AI
-awful gunplay
-awful driving
-bad graphics

+Spider mini-game

posted about 10 years ago
#105 What lack of sex does to you in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#46 Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire in Other Games

Was just confirmed that we won't be seeing much, if any, of the games until E3.

posted about 10 years ago
#31 Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire in Other Games

posted about 10 years ago
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