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SteamID64 76561198061560390
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Signed Up August 11, 2015
Last Posted April 9, 2024 at 6:45 PM
Posts 93 (0 per day)
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#15 RGB LAN 4 Team Preview in News

I got rolled in bracket but I went 7-0 in arm wrestling

posted about 4 years ago
#85 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

Just an FYI a lower time limit makes people 'park the bus' more, not less.

posted about 4 years ago
#202 Announcing Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion

It just sounds like you have a sigafoo hate boner? What did your original comment add besides "he advertised his league in an accurate way"? There was literally zero input from that post and you're trying your best to bring up something out of nothing, lmao.

I've played in multiple leagues, talk to new players/spectating players constantly, and have a shit ton of experience across like any game mode you can think of. The only thing I don't agree with in RGL is the spectating, map changes, and I wish we started playing matches on the european ruleset. Even then, RGL is 100% going to provide a better experience for anybody involved over ESEA. It's super lame seeing everyone trying to start shit over nothing.

posted about 4 years ago
#200 Announcing Sixes - Season 1 in TF2 General Discussion

I know you said "there's nothing wrong with that" but it literally looks like you don't like how Sigafoo actually knows how to advertise a league. You know advertising is an important thing for a business, right? It's not like he's wrong with it either. Playing RGL for HL has been much better than UGC for me and I've enjoyed playing Prolander as well. It's literally not a bad website to use at all. I have had an easier time using it than ESEA, ETF2L, and UGC.

posted about 4 years ago
#157 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion
NursayI am able to come but I need a ride. I live near between Wilkes-Barre/Scranton if anyone can get me. I also require room for my equipment if that isn't an issue. I will pay for gas. Add me if you can offer any assistance.

Still need help.

posted about 4 years ago
#8 pipeKING LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

You guys can circlejerk all you want about rkt being annoying or some shit but there's a high chance he is a better medic and a more bearable player to play with than you.

posted about 4 years ago
#12 I love everyone in TF2 General Discussion
DwapkingLoving everyone is the same as loving no-one.

I really don't favor things like this. While I completely understand what you mean by this, I think this is a foolish way to think of things. Obviously you can't show everyone the same amount of love or of the like but you can always provide the best for everybody to the best of your own abilities.

griffi had burger king w/ you at rewind, hi.

Yeah, I remember that! I remember you caught me at a very awkward time. My girlfriend at the time was getting really upset that a fan was constantly following us. She went out of the building while I was asking the guy to go away (he did with no problems). When I went to go tell her we can be alone you gestured me over. I'm very sorry if I kind of rushed our conversation lol

Sorry for making this post guys. I'm not usually a fan of garnering attention for myself by doing really stupid shit (not lately anyway) but after accidentally breaking my shot glass chugging from the bottle was a very poor on-the-spot decision. I can think much clearer now and I promise the sentiment is all the same.


For someone who says they don't care about being banned from pugchamp you certainly love bringing it up a lot....

posted about 4 years ago
#1 I love everyone in TF2 General Discussion

I know the sentiment can't be shared about me. I know to a majority of you guys I'm just some random freak who does weird thing, but I love you guys. I know everyone who's close to me thinks i hate the comp community, but I love you guys. There's some bad people lurking around the scene but anyone who respojnds to this is a good guy and I love you. Humanity is great ad I hope we keep dumbasses like m around for a WHILE LOL. Please remember no matter how I am, I am fighting the good fight tfor all of you. :) let's go tf2 the best game in the world, fucking woot!!!!!!

posted about 4 years ago
#419 age in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#24's incredible review of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

If you're brand new to the game I can completely understand how confusing the game can be to get into. However, compared to something like Overwatch if you were to play it brand new never touching a FPS, there's plenty of confusion to still be had. Overwatch has better default settings and a better hud for beginners, but all the heroes and the art style of the game is still very confusing. I can just be very stupid but I still have a hard time spectating the game. TF2 is really easy to get into and just understand what's going on. I think the gripes about the hud are so nitpicky. "The icons are too generic" like what the hell is that supposed to mean? You can also get really good unlocks in TF2 through achievements, which is a good way to help players understand how the game works. The only thing TF2 needs for beginners is honestly better default settings. Fixing training mode would be a nice bonus though lol

posted about 4 years ago
#3's incredible review of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

For comparison, Overwatch$29.99 at Amazon recently simplified its lineup of 29 heroes into three categories (down from four): Damage, Tank, and Support. In addition to the larger pool of playable characters, Overwatch's heroes are more nuanced in terms of individual abilities. As a result, effectively attacking and defending against enemies requires more strategy, thus making the game more engaging.

posted about 4 years ago
#131 RGB LAN 4 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion

I am able to come but I need a ride. I live near between Wilkes-Barre/Scranton if anyone can get me. I also require room for my equipment if that isn't an issue. I will pay for gas. Add me if you can offer any assistance.

posted about 4 years ago
#44 creepiest person in tf2 and why? in The Dumpster

i think wanting to warn the community of predators is a good thing but there's a correct way of doing it and a wrong way of doing it and u def do it in one of the worse ways

btw this thread seems to just be people wanting a reason to witch hunt. this thread is not gonna do anyone any favors right now

posted about 4 years ago
#45 map tier list in TF2 General Discussion

"Product can't stalemate!" While a team is stuck in spawn, unable to push against the enemy team's forward hold 'with a timer'. It's literally a stalemate but with a timer I don't get the argument lol

posted about 4 years ago
#35 map tier list in TF2 General Discussion

I'm glad most of us can agree that Badlands is bottom tier.

posted about 4 years ago
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