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Signed Up April 3, 2014
Last Posted July 5, 2015 at 1:07 AM
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#247 Goat_HUD in Customization
Creepyfirst i had Hud crosshair GoatCrosshairPlusOutline White collor now i have gray-black .. how change it for white ?

In your scripts folder, open the file called hudlayout.res. Find the name of your crosshair and change the fgcolor value to whatever you want using either a color variable defined in the clientscheme or an rgba value.

posted about 10 years ago
#96 notoHUD in Customization

Does anyone know how to change the font for the first two combo boxes on the left here?

Edit: Never mind I got it

posted about 10 years ago
#1939 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SFX Thanks! It took around an hour and a half to figure out.
I wish I knew how to change the text on the "Quality Color Border" dropdown though, the fact that it goes behind the arrow really bugs me when I look at it.

You mean just changing the font size of it?

posted about 10 years ago
#6 main menu buttons in Customization
hanbroloI'm an idiot: confirmed.

Thanks for the help!

Although I'm pretty sure PLAY isn't the quickplay thing you said but serverbrowserbutton. (quickplay is the right-facing triangle in the bottom row of symbol buttons.

Oh I thought "PLAY" brought up the quickplay search panel for that hud, my bad. Yea, it should be serverbrowserbutton then if it brings up the list of servers to choose from.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 main menu buttons in Customization
hanbroloMagmaThere are buttons that can be defined in the mainmenuoverride.res that do not have to be defined in gamemenu.res, but I don't think I've seen it the other way around. Which buttons are you talking about?
For every button in the second picture that doesn't have an outline I couldn't find anything in mainmenuoverrride.res, maybe I'm an idiot though.

I'll make a list for the buttons here (name on the left is the name you see, name on the right is the button name):

"PLAY" -> "QuickplayButton"
"COOP" -> "PlayPVEButton"
"ITEMS" -> "CharacterSetupButton"
"STORE" -> "GeneralStoreButton"
"REPLAY" -> "ReplayBrowserButton"
"QUIT" -> "QuitButton"

posted about 10 years ago
#2 main menu buttons in Customization

There are buttons that can be defined in the mainmenuoverride.res that do not have to be defined in gamemenu.res, but I don't think I've seen it the other way around. Which buttons are you talking about? Also in the third picture, the file is called quickplaydialog.res I'm pretty sure. If you want the radio buttons that are supposed to appear for that specific panel you have up, make sure you have this in your in your clientscheme.res with the rest of your fonts:

				"name"		"Marlett"
				"tall"		"20"
				"weight"	"0"
				"symbol"	"1"
				"range"		"0x0000 0x007F"	//	Basic Latin
				"name"		"Marlett"
				"tall"		"14"
				"weight"	"0"
				"symbol"	"1"
				"range"		"0x0000 0x007F"	//	Basic Latin
posted about 10 years ago
#99 bwHUD in Customization
VanillaKnoxMagmaWow, you wanna know what the problem was? BwHUD has both stat summary files named wrong. They are named StatsSummary, and the actual name should be StatSummary (no "s" after "Stat").
Wooooow. I would have never guessed! Sure enough, changing the name of the two files fixed the problem, and I no longer see the tips.

But, another problem comes up because of this... Problem

When the file is named correctly, the home screen seems to bleed through the server-connection screen. Take a look at the picture I attached for an example.

What is going on?

In the StatSummary.res, look for MapInfo. Underneath that, change the bgcolor_override value to 46 43 42 255 like this:

		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"	"MapInfo"
		"xpos"		"0"
		"ypos"		"0"
		"wide"		"f0"
		"tall"		"480"
		"visible"	"0"
		"enabled"	"1"
		"bgcolor_override"	"46 43 42 255"
posted about 10 years ago
#96 bwHUD in Customization
VanillaKnoxI got all the things that I wanted changed, except for one thing. "5.)In StatsSummary.res change TipImage and TipText xpos to a large number like 99999 to move off of the screen" did not seem to work. I tried a number of different values, but the xpos of the tips did not change at all.

Wow, you wanna know what the problem was? BwHUD has both stat summary files named wrong. They are named StatsSummary, and the actual name should be StatSummary (no "s" after "Stat").

posted about 10 years ago
#94 bwHUD in Customization

didn't mean to post twice

posted about 10 years ago
#93 bwHUD in Customization
pwny_VanillaKnoxHey, this is a really good HUD you have going here. Someone introduced me to it on my stream after seeing I'd been using yaHUD for a long time, and I think I'm gonna start using it. I have a few questions. Some of them might not be DIRECTLY related to the HUD, but I hope you can still help me. I am relatively familiar with customizing HUDs.

1) How do you remove the class panel and image/model from the bottom left?
2) How do you move the location of the hit indicator that pops up right under your crosshair?
3) Is it possible to change the position of the respawn timer? If so, how do you do it?
4) How do you change the font of the game timer (top middle) to be bigger/bolded?
5) Is it possible to remove the "tips" that appear on the screen when changing maps/servers?
6) How do I rebind the join-random-team button from "1" to "r"?

I included a picture to help with explaining each of the problems, since words aren't always as easy as pictures. Picture

Thank you for all your help! I know some of these questions might be stupidly basic, but please forgive me!

Hey there.

1) Answered in above post
2) Answered in above post
3) It is, and you need to go to Spectator.res and scroll down to "ReinforcementsLabel". Alter the xpos and ypos to move it to where you'd like.
4) Go to HudObjectiveStatus and scroll down to "TimePanelValue". Change the "font" from "NoveLight20" to "NoveMedium20".
5) I believe it is, but I couldn't tell you how to do so, sorry.
6) In TeamMenu.res, find "&1. AUTO" and change it to "&R. AUTO".
7) Not really sure if removing the button popups is possible, sorry.

3.)make sure you also change the same "ReinforcementsLabel" in SpectatorTournament.res as well.
4.)make sure you have the same font for blue and red team's timepanelvalue in HudObjectiveKothTimePanel.res
5.)In StatsSummary.res change TipImage and TipText xpos to a large number like 99999 to move off of the screen. You could also change how tall the AveragesBG is to match how tall the RecordsBG is so there doesn't appear to be an empty space where you removed the tips.
7.)Go into your GameMenu.res file in the resource folder and under "DisconnectButton" just remove (or comment out) where it says ' "tooltip" "Leave Server?" '

posted about 10 years ago
#15 broeselhud in Customization
OsirisI guess I should ask this here instead of on the update thread which no-one will ever read. xD

Is there a way to make the expanding overheal cross(not just the numbers) green instead of white, just like the low health cross is red?

Nah, as far as I know, you would need a custom vtf to change the overheal cross color.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 broeselhud in Customization
AzraxIs there a way of getting the ammo font smaller, like in this vid (from ages ago)?

Look for a file in your resource/ui directory called HudAmmoWeapon and change the fonts from there. If you don't know what font sizes you have to choose from, search for the font in your clientscheme.res in your resource folder. If there's a specific size you want, you can add the new font size yourself like this:

"FuturaHeavy13" //Use whatever font name the hud uses (this is an example of mine)
		      "name"		"Roboto Medium"
		      "tall"		"13" //change font size here
		      "additive"	"0"
		      "antialias" "1"

Then just change the number after the font name to reflect the size you changed it to for easier memorization (for example: FuturaHeavy13 has tall attribute of 13).

posted about 10 years ago
#619 rayshud in Customization
PepzishiznoPepzidoes the hud have a file with something like "scout hurt" or "scout buffed"? if yes where to find it? :3closedcaption 1 in console or something like that
thats only for the hurt people. is there something for when people are buffed? cuz im medic and it's nice to have i think

There's a closed captions file you can download here that includes the class heal notification, or you can just add it to yours if you know how.

posted about 10 years ago
#1900 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Fuck the vaccinator.

I thought covering the shadow text was a good idea

posted about 10 years ago
#87 bwHUD in Customization

Also, do you leave the health bonus image without an animation when overhealed or when low on health on purpose? Just wondering

posted about 10 years ago
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