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SteamID64 76561198004476128
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Country Finland
Signed Up October 23, 2012
Last Posted May 10, 2016 at 5:33 PM
Posts 138 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 4.5
Windows Sensitivity 6
Raw Input 1
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Mouse Zowie AM
Keyboard Qpad MK-50
Mousepad Puretrak Talent
Headphones Sennheiser PC350
Monitor ASUS VG236
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#8 Looking for people to 5stack with in CS2 General Discussion

Get one kill on B, run on site, not checking upper, CT or any of the site, just running on it. 5/5 would cringe again.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 todsay is my mum's birthday in The Dumpster
Wholegrainhow would we know what your mum likes

I heard most of the guys on MW2 know what my mum likes so it's not too far fetched.

posted about 9 years ago
#865 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
kKaltUuAnd this is why a public vigilante thread like this is detrimental to a lot of AC cases.

Too many unfounded opinions without any AC work under their belts trying to figure out if something can be legit.
Without a doubt there are a lot of players that have been caught using aimbot, wall hack or other cheats, but those were the blatant ones.
I haven't looked into Rondego's case, because frankly I haven't had time for it, but from what I'm reading a lot of comments here assume he's cheating and you just have to find the evidence.

Please remember that this isn't a popularity contest and you get to vote if you think someone is cheating. You are positively sure of someone being innocent, you have your suspicions or you have undeniable proof someone is cheating in the form of AC evidence.

Like quintosh says, there are only a handful of players in this community that have the tools, ability or experience to determine someone is cheating. Edge cases like Rondego can get seriously hurt by vigilantism or bad evidence stacked with bad calls (which have happened in the past in ETF2L, see Quad's case I guess).

I've been playing heavy for a really long time so this is pretty interesting and I'm going to take my time to review everything, just wanted to attend people to the fact that this isn't the way to go on trying to determine cheats.

kKaltUu is a cheater confirmed. I saw from pixels and I've seen a lot of pixels in my time.

posted about 9 years ago
#833 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
JohnMilterKarlThe way he moves between targets and flicks to people who were not on his screen is what looks most blatant to me.
Can you elaborate any on tf2 cheats a highlander heavy might be using? Considering your vac banned tf2 alt you might have some insider knowledge to share.

Silent aimbot,regular aimbot, wallhack, ESP, 2D radar. Basically any cheat. Just config them right and you can play a long time without getting caught.

posted about 9 years ago
#121 Dirty Bomb Beta in Other Games

I like the hybrid of CS and quake style gameplay. I don't like the fact that guns do fuck all and explosives instagib like crazy. GL trying to pass a defence of 3 auras, 1 kira and 2 naders.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 Things to do in my head in Off Topic

I work at a warehouse packing groceries for markets. Music players are banned cause of safety. I usually just pick songs and kind of half sing and half humm them in my head and try to remember the lyrics. The upside is I have something to think about. The downside, well, just imagine having Justing Beiber - Baby stuck in your head for 4 hours straight.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Counter-Strike FragMovie Thread in CS2 General Discussion

Not a movie but a friend edited a clip from my 5HS USP ace on ESEA.

Unedited from stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_DmFSSM89Q

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Any LEM-Supremes wanna play in CS2 General Discussion

Atleast in EU, FaceIt games get good after reaching 2500+ elo. Nobody plays CEVO, but when it was still altpug the averagi skill was around DMG-LE (that was before LE turned to SEM after the banwaves tho). ESEA is kinda shit on average but every once in a while you get a good game with some decent players. MM is the most consistent with challenge but there's a new sub 100h "smurf" in everygame at high ranks (supreme/global)

Edit: Also, faceit has some of the worst AC ever, with anything over 40 ping people just pop out behind corners due to the "not in LOS, won't draw model" anti-WH.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Crouch Key? in TF2 General Discussion
Vortexctrl, i always accidentally bring up steam overlay if i use shift

Change the overlay binding to crtl+shift+tab, no more accidents.

posted about 9 years ago
#793 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 9 years ago
#26 What class do you main? in TF2 General Discussion

Shoul've been Scout (W+M1) and Scout (Pussymode)

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Sniping? in The Dumpster
TheRealGucciAny huds out there good for playing sniper?


posted about 9 years ago
#44 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
KanecoMIndKanecogod dammit hltv is so fuckin aids
Competitive TF2? saw some of his i49 fragclips, i don't really see anything special about his shots, i mean they're nice but i don't get why the casters are pure jacking off everytime he hits one, it's not that hard to snipe in tf2.
It's true tho, TF2 sniping is ezpz.
Yeah, on the other hand 1 shotting everyone with awp is so hard, specially when csgo movement is so much more slow paced and predictable.Why cant it be easy like tf2?

In TF2 you have all the time in the world to aim if you are positioned correctly. In CS, if you take more than .1 seconds to shoot them, they're gonna take your head off. Sure, the mechanical part of aiming might be harder in TF2, but in action CS sniping is a whole different level.

posted about 9 years ago
#37 Sheep in CSGO in CS2 General Discussion
Kanecogod dammit hltv is so fuckin aids
Competitive TF2? saw some of his i49 fragclips, i don't really see anything special about his shots, i mean they're nice but i don't get why the casters are pure jacking off everytime he hits one, it's not that hard to snipe in tf2.

It's true tho, TF2 sniping is ezpz.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 baud banned again.. in TF2 General Discussion
SheepylolThis shit should not be allowed if we don't want TF2 to appear as a complete joke.

Don't worry, it's already a complete joke.

posted about 9 years ago
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