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Signed Up August 10, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2019 at 1:59 PM
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#113 seagull in TF2 General Discussion

The main problem with speccing a game of TF2/OW is the fact that you really can't get the best of both worlds when it comes to observing the raw skill as well as what is actually going on. You can probably get a better understanding if you play a bunch which makes it easier to watch but I said it before the game came out that it will struggle with casual viewers for the exact same reason. In order to truly grasp what's going on, you need to be watching the game in third person as there are a lot of moving parts. However, if you are watching in third person, you don't see how talented the players are at the various things they do (mostly aim which is why fp view is always on fps because people can relate to that). Watching in first person, you get to see how amazing the players are at the various things they do however, it is easy to get lost it what the fuck is actually going on. It's the same way if your team has shit comms but you are still playing well, it's hard to understand what you should actually do.

In Dota, the skill is shown when you watch in third person. There's no first person to really understand the skill of the game. This is why Dota and MOBAs are a good spectating game. CSGO is also a good spectating game because the action is slower and less chaotic. We can watch the CT defending the site where the T are about to approach and have a very good idea of how the game is going. Since the action is concentrated in one or two areas with action being very linear, it's easy to see the skill and the action at the same time.

Luckily for OW, they already have a huge playerbase so they can still comprehend what is going/the skill of the players when watching the opposite viewpoint.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Videos of insane plans working perfectly in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#538 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games


posted about 7 years ago
#34 ESEA Season 22 registration extended in News

How are tf2 players so fucking terrible at staying together for more than one season? It never ceased to boggle my mind. Everyone is just certain they are better than their entire team somehow.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 dog2 in invite in TF2 General Discussion
alec_i thought killing said they check if its a tf2 player and only count tf2 player votes
when do they check for that and fix the numbers?

Yeah, we filtered them out in the back end. So after the poll closed, I'd just go check the results there and announce them.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 ESEA Update (moveups, invite) in TF2 General Discussion

Tri doing it up solo style!

posted about 8 years ago
#80 drop out in Off Topic

Dropping out of high school isn't the worst thing in the world although it is easy as fuck to finish. If you really do hate it but are smart, you should be able to minimize your time in that environment if you really feel it's that destructive. Here's some of my thoughts from reading through this thread:

If you've been going to a therapist weekly for two years and you're in this spot, I have to think they haven't been that effective. I would personally search out a different one and maybe see a psychiatrist instead. I think this is really big. I get that there is some area of comfort going back to the same place with the person that knowns you very well vs starting over with a new therapist but if they aren't helping you, you're just torching money.

If you actually do drop out, do not treat it like a vacation. You have an interest in cooking and if that's what you want your career to be, that's awesome however you're not gonna get there working your current line job forever. You'll obviously have to go to culinary school and if dropping out of school doesn't resolve issues that might be present in your future then you're really not doing yourself any favors by dropping out. Also what year are you in high school?

You really have to plan and research. Don't drop out and take it as you go. This will probably create more anxiety + depression due to the uncertainty of your future. I would do some research on the culinary schools you'd think about attending and what your chances are of getting in without finishing high school. What are you chances with not graduating vs GED vs graduating. Remember that with depression, lethargy comes hand in hand. If you don't make a plan and make sure to stick with it, you'll pretty much bound to fail.

I'm not a therapist or an advisor or any shit but these are the things that jumped out at me

posted about 8 years ago
#6 boosters in matchmaking already in TF2 General Discussion
Killingstrazyyyneedless to say i had fun not being able to come
posted about 8 years ago
#5 boosters in matchmaking already in TF2 General Discussion
strazyyyneedless to say i had fun not being able to come

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Peace out in TF2 General Discussion
tatuwahcan i play my match tonight first

Yeah it should be good.

dMenaceThank you for your service [uBer] Killing.

How often did you get into a call with lpkane and how often would he have hookers in the background?

Probably talk with lpkane once a season. Never heard any hookers though.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Peace out in TF2 General Discussion
kittynwhere do we apply for ur job

I'm not sure if it's just going to be tri or they'll be hiring another TF2 admin

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Peace out in TF2 General Discussion

After six years, I'm finally going to call it quits. I'll officially no longer be an ESEA admin at the end of the week but considering that I'm going to be busy on the weekend, this will unofficially be my last night as an ESEA admin. I had a lot of fun growing ESEA from S6 all the way to today. At times the job was super rough but if I had to go back, I'd do it all again. I honestly can say that I think we have the greatest community in the world, I genuinely liked every single person that I met through all the ESEA lans or the ETS ones. I think I'm leaving ESEA in great hands when it comes to tri so there's really nothing to worry about. I just want to take a moment to thank everyone in the community that I've worked with over the years, it really made the job far more enjoyable than it might have been. I hope that with the release of MM, TF2 explodes and it becomes the big esport it really deserves to be. Anyways, that's just about it. Although I won't release any information that is secret in ESEA, I wouldn't mind answering any questions about stuff I've been quiet about over the years.

Once again, thanks to the greatest community on the planet for bringing me along for the crazy ride.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 REMINDER: Pay up your league fees! in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativeif you have 4 paid up it shows commitment and ESEA wont remove your team, if you have a problem just talk to killing

Yeah. If you can't get 6 paid up tonight but actually plan on playing please send me a message on steam or TFTV.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 ESEA S21 Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion
PhiRemember: Sunshine has been updated to RC9, which is a drastic improvement upon the RC7 that ESEA played in S20. Among many layout changes is a large optimization pass. Try it out, see how it's improved.

Also: bug Killing, and make sure he knows the map's been updated. I would be terribly disappointed if Sunshine doesn't get updated to RC9 for S21.

Confirmed I know

posted about 8 years ago
#1 ESEA S21 Map Vote in TF2 General Discussion

What do you guys want to replace it? Suggestions here.

posted about 8 years ago
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