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Signed Up May 9, 2014
Last Posted December 16, 2023 at 11:53 PM
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#3 Solemn Vow unbanned in September Global Whitelist update in News

I actually can't believe that people don't understand how good this weapon could be if people knew how to call around it. I mean, it's not necessarily an unfun weapon so I guess it's cool but holy shit does medic have some powerful unlocks.

posted about 3 years ago
#42 blessed videos in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#40 Top 5 favourite current rappers in Music, Movies, TV

Does De La still count as having recently released anything? Because if so De La. If not, maybe like RTJ, kendrick, Death Grips, or whatever percentage of Chance released exclusively Acid Rap and none of his other albums. Something like that.

Also, something interesting, it appears that everyone that loves any one of DOOM, Tribe, or Aesop generally loves all of them. Strong crossover in fans from what I would consider to be some of the best lyricists of all time.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 main chill team in Recruitment (looking for players)

So, for a more general piece of cooking advice, the fewer ingredients there are in whatever you're cooking, the more important it generally is to make sure that you A, get a good version of whatever ingredients you're using, and B, treat them well. A chili recipe with like 43 different kinds of dried peppers and other fucking spices in it might seem intimidating at first, but especially with long-cooked stews, braises, and other things like that, there's often a lot more leeway to get things right than there is if you're, say, cooking a steak in a pan with just salt and pepper. The fact of the matter is, you're going to notice an overcooked steak a lot more easily than you'll be able to notice the fact that you put a tablespoon of dried mustard instead of a teaspoon to your uncle's fucking secret chili spice blend.

That being said, if you DO find yourself with a piece of food or something else that's a lot higher-quality than what you normally have available to you, do your best to not get in the way of it. I got some fucking crazy good honey from my uncle in Colorado a few months ago, and rather than hiding it in some honey glaze or a marinade for a pork chop or some shit, I decided to make baklava, because it's like 6 ingredients or something, and 85% of the flavor comes from the honey. I did literally nothing special to it, stole the first recipe I could find off of google, and that shit was mind-blowingly good. Do your best to remember when you shouldn't get in the way of food that already tastes good before you even touch it, and you will be handsomely rewarded for your efforts.

Oh by the way we're also making an hl team if any of you degenerates wanted to play an objectively worse format on a le funi offclass.

posted about 4 years ago
#106 Any confirmed corona cases in the tf2 community? in Off Topic

I work in a restaurant, which obviously has to severely cut down on staffing, menu, and fucking everything else, so I'm probably going to be out of a job for who knows how long. The kicker, though, is that it appears I'm about 2 weeks before the minimum time worked at a job to qualify for unemployment because I only started with them like 3 months ago


posted about 4 years ago
#60 RGL Bans in TF2 General Discussion

Aight jag, I wasn't gonna post anything, but you got me this time. Good job.

If what ghad said really upset you, then I would still advocate for you considering the possibility of being the bigger person and either talking to him directly to tell him that that's not cool with you, or just trying to stop the cycle of shittiness at your own door by just letting it go.

Oh wait. It didn't upset you. You instead say that "part of my intent was to pass some of the grief on[sic] that was done to my team." And you decided to do so by making use of rgl's "huge policing overreach problem" with "utterly flawed implementation" that YOUR YOURSELF WISH WASN'T A PROBLEM FOR YOUR OWN TEAM. Now, I don't remember any of us reporting your players, so it's not revenge either, even though that's ALSO a shitty motivation. No, you just got hurt before, so now you want to hurt other people in the same way. Spectacular.

I remembered having a good time sitting 2 seats away from you at RGB 2, when I was still low open and you were playing at the exact same level of tf2 that you are now. I really hate that that positive memory has to be ruined by something so fucking childish. Yeah, ghad made a poor decision after being needled in chat for no less than 45 minutes. But you also had the opportunity to prove that you were the bigger person no less than 4 times during our match, and didn't take a single one of those opportunities. I really miss playing with and against people I could call my friends in this game, but there are fewer and fewer of those people playing every season. I can't help but feel that shit like this is a contributing factor, and it makes me legitimately fucking sad.

Like I said in the main thread, ggs. It's been fun.


posted about 4 years ago
#153 RGL Main S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

GG TF2. It's been fun.

posted about 4 years ago
#36 Autism test in Off Topic


posted about 4 years ago
#5 yo i updated soap dm to 4.0 in Projects

Yeah your new soap isn't unexecing when teams ready up btw

posted about 4 years ago
#109 RGL Main S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ngl I didn't really expect "less serious" to just mean "we're going to just call everyone in the server bad for an hour" but I guess if that's what you wanted to do more power to you.

posted about 4 years ago
#105 RGL Main S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

ggs grape

posted about 4 years ago
#56 RGB LAN 5 + TooManyGames in LAN Discussion

Oh yeah cu@

Also people you've gotta stop defaulting to cheeburger there are so many better restaurants in the area

posted about 4 years ago
#20 The least serious democall ever, part deux in Videos



58400 (more stupid)
43600 (less stupid)

name in demo: SS Kami

posted about 4 years ago
#58 RGL Main S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Thank god snake week is done. Don't know why but it's been my worst map for like 3 years.

Please tell me I'm not alone in this

posted about 4 years ago
#40 RGL Main S2 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I get where you're coming from patrick but I can personally guarantee that we're going to get rolling once the season starts, and I look forward to seeing you on match day, should be fun.

posted about 4 years ago
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