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Country England
Signed Up July 9, 2013
Last Posted April 17, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Posts 540 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⋅⋅ 36
#45 Who does not use Iron Bomber in TF2 General Discussion
MakIf Iron Bomber is a straight upgrade then so is the Original


posted about 5 years ago
#41 Who does not use Iron Bomber in TF2 General Discussion

If it were truly a 'sidegrade' then the decision between using either stock or the iron bomber would come down to just personal preference right? But when a vast majority of people use it (demomains and non-demomains alike) then surely that falsifies the 'sidegrade' argument since there must be a reason other than the aforementioned self-preference to the aesthetic qualities of the gun such as the sounds it makes or the viewmodel.

It's not impossible that everyone just prefers the iron bomber for reasons other than it being just better than the stock, but I think that would be highly unlikely.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Who does not use Iron Bomber in TF2 General Discussion

smaller projectile with the same hitbox size as the stock pipes, basically 4 extra stickies, enemies cant see them.
Every decent to good demoman ive ever spoken to has said its a direct upgrade

posted about 5 years ago
#22 The breaking of the fellowship in News
LupusOnly if we fold halfway in, make it look like we never even tried (even though we probably did try very hard) and pretend like we are big boy edgelords Aubriac.

im sure you can make it into prem after 20 seasons of trying

posted about 5 years ago
#31 community frags 6 in Videos

All the ticks are in the file names

Nice heroshot on the med

Drop the med as they push last and then 2 more kills to defend last

Headshot one scout then skybox headshot the other scout

posted about 5 years ago
#7 The breaking of the fellowship in News

u want sum ill give it ya

posted about 5 years ago
#19 the fellowship folds. in TF2 General Discussion

let's stop pretending this league is anything more than a hobby for 99% of people that play in it, if real life responsibilities come up, or even if you are having no fun playing - You should be able to drop out since it doesn't impact anyone in any significant way

posted about 5 years ago
#8 the fellowship folds. in TF2 General Discussion

good fucking riddance.

posted about 5 years ago
#14 ETF2L S31 W5: Se7en vs. Ascent.EU in Matches

i dont think valve care

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Uberchain was pissed on in The Dumpster


posted about 5 years ago
#139 favorite team you've ever played for? in TF2 General Discussion

THE FELLOWSHIP S28 or The Bugs EU s29
honorable mention to The Amusement Club in s17 - Still friends with them to this day :3

posted about 5 years ago
#106 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuZolakwhy creating all this shitstorm?The first page and a half was brigaded by the bottom of the European barrel to stir up a controversy on the basis that, if they lie and cry hard enough, the situations "Degu/Pred" and "Samski/Puo" would be considered "equal" and therefor the outcome should be the same, unfortunately for them, in the real world, those situations are not the same.

People just want there to be no hypocrisy when it comes to punishing 'toxicity', people like you - safe space utopia crusaders - proved that whining and crying in a thread gets you what you want. Just because you dont agree with it doesnt make it any worse than what has happened in other instances.
It doesnt matter if these situations are 'equal' or not, what matters is that the rules are very grey and are being made up as we find we ourselves in these new situations, and it seems from my point of view that all of the people making the rules are a hivemind of 'no meanies!', making it feel very one sided when things like this come up.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Ascent.EU saw opportunity with Connor as Nursey steps down in News


posted about 5 years ago
#64 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion
gemmi LOVE when all the big brain non-snowflake anti sjw warriors come out of the woodwork for threads like this

Imagine if i said something along those lines when everyone was jumping in on the uberchain fiasco, there would be hysterics.

Samski has been known to be a toxic twat for years and now hes finally 'crossed the line' by the standards that etf2l and tftv set, people see it as a non-issue just because samski turned himself into the victim by sending sad messages and removing friends from steam.

posted about 5 years ago
#24 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

The victim wasn’t a minority so it doesn’t matter :p

posted about 5 years ago
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