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Last Posted March 31, 2016 at 12:29 PM
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#6 need lots of hud help (i have pictures) in Q/A Help

never seen that before but that's p cool.

I learned what I know about huds from all kinds of sources, but I got started with flames guide. After reading it and referring to it countless times, I eventually learned the rest from trial and error.

But to op: you may have a hard time finding someone to help you with all that stuff. I recommend familiarizing yourself with the guides omni and I posted, and trying stuff out on your own. You'll absorb the knowledge much better this way, and you can always ask [less broad] questions as you go along. Either route you choose, it won't take you long to realize how complicated making and editing huds can be, at least until you've spent a good amount of time working with them. But imo, it's easier to teach yourself a lot of this stuff rather than listening to someone else try to teach you.

Good luck.

He's right go look at that link you'll find awesome things

posted about 8 years ago
#2890 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hello! I was wondering if somebody knows the code to get your class preview in the class selection

-ItsArmiii |

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Hud Help Needed!!! in Customization

Hello! Thanks for viewing in to this post! So, today i was trying to edit my class selection
but i saw that there is no preview of the class


so if you know how to fix this problem i will thank you much

if you could help me please reply to this thread

- Armiii |

posted about 8 years ago