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Last Posted August 11, 2018 at 9:08 AM
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#45 Hater Callout Thread (OFFICIAL) in The Dumpster

I posit that Pankeyman is an elaborate post-modern art installation.

posted about 8 years ago
#158 Half of reason kicked in TF2 General Discussion

Hell, one could say... #illuminati?

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Spotify in Music, Movies, TV
cerealI have this problem too

even when I use the radio feature on random different songs I still get the same shit

Damn it, your flag caused me to think Spotify launched in Israel for a moment. Oh well, back to my 160 gigs.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 XCOM 2 in Other Games

The way they tried to explain it to Gamespot is kinda convoluted and I didn't understand a thing, but gist of it was that levels will be procedurally generated. This should be a game changer when it comes to replayability... Even though I didn't finish Enemy Unknown yet, it does start getting a bit predictable when you're stalling the main mission.

posted about 8 years ago
#72 Fallout? in Other Games

Bottom line: considering FNV was made in roughly a year and a half by a studio that inherited technology completely alien to them from another developer, wouldn't you say it turned out quite alright in the end?

posted about 8 years ago
#49 oldschool runescape in Other Games

Hey guys, I see a lot of subscribers here and I have a question: do you play the new version as well? Because you effectively pay for two games when you're subbed.

Aside from not having enough spare time (that grind...), that's what stops me from subbing and living my twelve year old self's dream of playing P2P old school RS - just can't imagine being subbed to two games at once and only playing one of them.

posted about 8 years ago
#66 Fallout? in Other Games
joejoe347FO3 and NV have pretty poor stories.

Whoa there Nelly!

I understand if the main quest of NV might have not felt very involving, what with mostly being about Mojave Wasteland geopolitics, but the companions? The sidequests? The brilliant DLCs? The quality of the writing itself? Gimme a break.

In that aspect New Vegas was definitely an improvement over Fallout 3. Hell, it was an improvement in everything but the atmosphere. There were not enough spooky vaults for instance.

posted about 8 years ago
#30 Fallout? in Other Games
AegisInhakeWell, looks like it's on an updated Creation engine, so the possibility that this installment will actually feel like a shooter is pretty low.

I mean, come on, they own id Tech.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your post but Fallout has never really been a shooter.

I just think that it would have been lovely if the shooty bits were as fleshed out as the RPG bits, right? The VATS system in FO3 and NV was a nice nod to the two original games, but it covered up the fact that shooting manually just felt weird.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Fallout? in Other Games

Well, looks like it's on an updated Creation engine, so the possibility that this installment will actually feel like a shooter is pretty low.

I mean, come on, they own id Tech.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 update changed gravity? in TF2 General Discussion
Not_MatlockIt all makes sense now.

Holy shit it's beautiful

posted about 9 years ago
#21 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

War is probably waiting for someone to mention how he got e-famous with a cat video so it might as well be me.

I love cat videos.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 COOL bandcamp artist recs in Music, Movies, TV

Somewhat disregarding OP's overly restrictive request, here's a nice album on Bandcamp:

They're not that obscure and have some semblance of a budget backing them (Kurt Ballou is a big name nowadays), but there you go. It's dirt cheap, too.


Shit yeah, gotta represent our own. I really like Elegy and Languid.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 ESEA S19 W3 – Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches
OsirisIs there a local recording of this that will be uploaded to YouTube? The Twitch VOD seems to have no sound for me.

Dashner always comes through with the VODs.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 Kung Fury Official Release in Music, Movies, TV

Man, I'm a sucker for semi-ironic '80s throwbacks, but past the facade of the jaw-dropping effects and synthwave (that doesn't even fit the scene sometimes) it's a pretty bad movie. Not even straddling the line of so-bad-it's-good territory for me.

I think Italian Spiderman does what Kung Fury set out to do a lot better, even though the cinematic style parodied in it is more obscure.

posted about 9 years ago
#29 CONTROVERSIAL interview with ESEA admin in TF2 General Discussion
shiznoEcho_I'm curious to see what the original video was aboutit was a skit about a couple with couple problems but the interviewer couldnt take it anymore and started losing his shit over the guys voice

The guy's voice could be seen as a metaphor for TF2's art style, incidentally.

posted about 9 years ago
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