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Signed Up June 19, 2016
Last Posted April 8, 2021 at 11:12 AM
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#20 Idea: Make the phlog an actually lg in TF2 General Discussion
Messing_AroundCan we stop suggesting the lightning gun for any class?

The heavy already has the "lightning gun" (which is his minigun)
and I really don't think Valve is ever going to change the Pyro's flamethrower to work similarly to the Lightning Gun for a shit ton of reasons.
Valve barely has 5-7 people PROGRAMMING tf2, and you're going to not just ask for a new weapon with new attributes, but rather an entirely new weapon, that is also going to have to overhaul every flamethrower in the game?
Secondly, The heavy already has the fucking "Lightning Gun". Also, Is this suggestion coming from that tf2 video talking about how the Pyro should be fixed and than the guy in the video mentioned the lightning gun from quake? Or is everyone just hearing this from other people and thinking it's smart?
For those who don't know:
The lightning Gun in Quake was basically a gun that you needed REALLY GOOD TRACKING in order to use effectively, but the Minigun is exactly the same in terms of mechanics in the sense that all you need in order to be good with the MG is good tracking.

I love skill-based gameplay, and there's a reason why people say both heavy and pyro are the least skill based classes in the game. And it's because of their main weapon, which are both easy to use spin offs of the plasma gun for pyro, the machine gun for heavy. I really want a lg in one form or another for the pyro because it would get rid of the garbage no-skill flamethrowers that we've been given. A quote from Ninlop, "The flamethrower messes up the flow of tf2." The flamethrower, because of its lack of skill requires, stick out and attracts bad players. Something that does not fit in the most skill-based game outside of quake. Obviously giving the pyro a lg is not the only option. Making his flamethrowers a distinct plasma gun could work just as well, but right now, a lg seems like the most reasonable and successful option for the future of tf2 whether there are 5 or 50 people working on tf2.

posted about 6 years ago
#19 Idea: Make the phlog an actually lg in TF2 General Discussion
Ninlopmade this before the pyro update its unlisted now but yeah

Amazing video that perfectly demonstrates this. You should make it public again

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Idea: Make the phlog an actually lg in TF2 General Discussion
MikeMatIDK if anyone has mentioned this yet but what if we gave the pyro class a quake-style lightning gun?

I havent seen a post saying that specifically only the phlog gets changed to a lg, and in my mind thats getting rid of a useless weapon and replacing it with a useful one

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Idea: Make the phlog an actually lg in TF2 General Discussion
MoominTemporary crits with the extended range sounds obnoxious to deal with. I feel like a new pyro primary that's an lg would be better but if we were going to make an existing weapon into an lg I'd choose the Degreaser.

I was thinking of getting rid of the crits and making it just a stock lg from quake.

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Idea: Make the phlog an actually lg in TF2 General Discussion

Thoughts on having the phlog function as an lg straight from quake?

Edit: This would get rid of the current crits that the phlog has, making it just a normal lg that was copy pasted from quake

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Acer GN246HL Bbid Monitor in Hardware

My friend has it and hes says its neato

posted about 6 years ago
#15 TF2 update for 11/21/17 in TF2 General Discussion
Messing_Around no need for a LG, just make those particles behave like a Plasmagun and it'd be find, take skills to use and and less buggy, why do they have to overcomplicate stuffs

but i want an lg :(

posted about 6 years ago
#6 low fps :( in Q/A Help

I know a few people that have similar parts to yours, and their game runs like shit in dx8 but amazingly in dx9

posted about 6 years ago
#160 m0re hud in Customization

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to update all of these so fast

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Faint Gaming swaps scouts in News


posted about 6 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

From ToInfinityThenStop to "Infinity_"

i love you

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11