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Signed Up October 25, 2013
Last Posted September 13, 2021 at 2:48 AM
Posts 753 (0.2 per day)
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Headphones Sennheiser HD280/AT 2020 Mic
Monitor The 144hz BenQ everyone has
1 ⋅⋅ 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ⋅⋅ 50
#37 Fun things to do while under the influence? in The Dumpster

For you people with a general understanding of basic calculus I once got drunk, played TF2 (I main demo) and came to this profound realization, at screaming volumes...


yes I'm a nerd and I go to engineering school leave me alone

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Dedoris 6s LF Low-Mid Open Demoman in Recruitment (looking for players)

Noooooo yurwill :(

This team is a nice bunch of guys- they have always been kind to my teams in the past. If I was able to play I would try out!

posted about 9 years ago
#11 what has changed in TF2 General Discussion
Twisted-Pyro can no longer airblast.

you sick bastard don't get our hopes up

posted about 9 years ago
#71 How long have you been around? in Off Topic

Got TF2 just after the scout update. I've been mapping since just after that. I joined competitive TF2 when I jokingly told my buddy Thintri that we should start a 6's team, and the next day he had the roster and we sucked so much cock it was unreal in UGC season 11. I can't play TF2 anymore because of my internet situation but god damn do I miss it. Someday...

posted about 9 years ago
#59 Mikey lft demo open in Recruitment (looking for team)
audiei love how every LFT thread that gets shit on starts off with 5 or so supportive replies
then there's the next reply that stands out with all the +frags denouncing him

That's because they usually cry to their four friends to +frag and comment to help themselves

posted about 9 years ago
#174 TF2GAMES in The Dumpster
kirbyi would like to hear what mark has to say personally

My name's mark and I'm pretty sure this is a load of shet

posted about 9 years ago
#185 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

Quick Update:

Don't expect a new version until Logjam is played in ETF2L season 19. That should be a few weeks away at least.

While I'm not making gameplay changes, actual detailing is going to happen in areas that are not subject to much change.

Gandalf's Summer Cave:



By no means is it perfect or done, but I figured I'd make a post showing that the map is still in dev. Thanks guys!

posted about 9 years ago
#9 bake lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bake's a chill dude, solid player.

posted about 9 years ago
#183 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

I'm not sure why you would be over there, but that can definitely be fixed, but I don't think it merits a new version. That's not intentional but it was not supposed to be the other way either; if it becomes an issue I can fix it.

And of course that transition is going to get cleaned up. I wanted to dress up cave a bit for this update but due to the ETF2L season starting I needed a new official version out pretty quickly.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

I fully agree that the issue is not getting mappers it is getting the mappers good feedback.

Intermodal got fucked because the only feedback I was getting was from players similar to my caliber at the time- less than open. We didn't really know what was up or why things worked or they didn't.

Logjam worked out great because when I re-designed it for a10 and handed it to ETF2L to test they really liked it, and their premiership guys would doublemix it frequently and give feedback. ETF2L put it in their Nations Cup, they made their biggest single map cup ever on it with 144 teams, and they put it in their 19th season to help me out.

CEVO put it in preseason which was a nice thought but like 4 people played it and didn't say anything.

tl;dr NA TF2 for the most part doesn't really give any good feedback to maps (love you mangachu and b4nny)

posted about 9 years ago
#180 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

HERE'S B10 (officially this time you assholes!)!


No screens, couldn't get it to take screenshots for some reason. Mid has a few slight tweaks as does the ramp up from banana- the sniper sightline is 95% gone, and you can still do the neat solly rollout, you just have to fire the 3rd rocket really late.

Changes to B10:

Block bullets clipping @ 2nd floating stickies
Displacement hole 2nd choke
Reduced last capture time from 2.0 to 1.3
Made the capture area a cylinder to reduce wari's autism attacks
Added a prop at last to allow scout jumping
Moved kit+ammo at last
Made secret/sneaky less chokey
Lowered the railings in lobby so that they are flush
Fixed sightline from mid-forwards at 2nd
Moved forwards at 2nd to a more logical place
Moved small kit on top of the spire
Changed a few medium ammo packs to small ammo packs
Re-designed mid
Made upper left at last a shutter
Adjusted respawn times so that teams attacking mid have shorter respawns
Adjusted respawn times so that teams defending last have shorter respawns
Clipped the right side of choke to ease rollouts
Re-added a prop at last that got deleted for scouts to jump on
Fixed a door floor plate
Fixed blue forward's ceiling being see-through
Hopefully fixed a glitch with the displacements at 2nd
Fixed stickies floating on a shutter door at last
Altered the ramps leading to mid to fuck the sniper sightline right in the pussy

Let me know if anything sucks or is completely fucked quick so I can fix it before ETF2L's S19, thanks!

posted about 9 years ago
#82 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion
Vortexmaybe they should add trains to sunshine last so you don't have to wait for them to push out first

more trains is obviously what mapmakers should be focusing on

I mean I could suggest that ESEA adds ctf_frogger, my map where there's 7 trains running in between bases... Bonus points if they use the old one where the trains broke and come at you sideways

posted about 9 years ago
#67 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

I think the idea for two matches a week was so that you could prioritize learning strategy for one map and then have it come to fruition more than once, two different maps in the same week would be a clusterfuck

posted about 9 years ago
#46 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

Logjam probably won't be ready for S18, I'm going to get feedback from the ETF2L guys in their S19 to try and make it the best for hopefully ESEA S19... the Euros are brave and are going to try a beta map in the season. Logjam's not quite fixed in it's layout yet, so I wouldn't want to let to see it get thrown in for a season and then die because people hate it without realizing that I give a shit about my maps.

And mustard, if you're talking about a map I made that's a complete disaster, you're thinking of Intermodal... yuck, lol

posted about 9 years ago
#176 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion

Okay okay okay hold the phone here guys

I didn't release the beta yet because it wasn't ready for public release, don't hate me too much... there's no download because b10 isn't done yet. You can run around on that prebeta all you want and point out all these things I already know and need to fix because it was a hurried version to test the new mid, lol.

Morgus, frankly those other two forward spawn locations don't work. The one under spire is way too close to mid, and the one in cave is really inconvenient and limiting. Forward spawns should dump you out into the whole arena, not a connector.

The shutter where it is on upper left actually works fantastically well as is right now, it's not necessarily about the need for surprise but rather being able to pop a bit later without being spammed out, yet it's still defendable with pyro and a good demo.

I'm really not worried about a cave rollout either because it puts you where choke would anyways and the choke rollouts are insanely fast anyways.

Desonator I guess I'll look into those displacements (yes wareya they're a pain in the balls sometimes) because that's weird as all hell

Twiggy- I don't really care if the mid is similar to badlands, obscure, gullywash, or whatever anyone else has called it. It plays way better. You don't need a shitty different thing instead of a good similar thing, know what I mean?

Also, the map's in beta. The detailing is by no means finished. Many things will look like afterthoughts as they are part of gameplay changes and won't be done, and yes I'm well aware of how the TF2 styling works guys. Chill. Bitch at me about the map looking shitty when it's in RC.

Thanks all- B10 should be done officially soon.

posted about 9 years ago
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