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Signed Up August 2, 2012
Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#16 fuck you im fixing your format in The Dumpster
KEVCHEVactually read the op youll find my thesis was strong.
im reaching out asking for someones expertise and i even incentivized it
i didnt think it was that hard to understand
im still really excited to be able fall in love with the format again

seems like alot of people just came here for the easy target upfrags

Present yourself like an idiot you'll be treated like one.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 fuck you im fixing your format in The Dumpster

Can anyone umderstand what this guy is on about?

My understanding is he wants to improve 6s by editing configs and wants volunteers to help him.play test his ideas? This is fine in context but judging by how you present yourself nobody in a position of influence will take you seriously.

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Kuferl.tf TDM Servers in TF2 General Discussion

Do you still limit stickies to 2 per clip as its fairly pointless to play like this. Melkor DM has Demoman with no restrictions and it is fine. When it comes to practising Demoman you want to have all the tools available to you and when you practise against it you want the Demo to not be restricted as what is the point of practising against a Demo with half their ammo as in real matches you will not face Demos that are handicapped like this.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion

Also I credit you for including the background from before TF2 even existed, I remember SourceOP HL Pugs as my first experience of any sort of competitive TF2 and even though by today's standards it was dreadful, I remember getting destroyed by some random people and using this as a drive to improve myself.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Comprehensive North American Highlander History in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordsorry if I went a lil overboard on my section, I was just OVERWHELMED with EMOTION

Holy shit when you realize you were solely responsible for organizing the one event Mustardoverlord ever won in TF2.

Dead Ringer Storage was also best name in HL.

posted about 6 years ago
#99 SWEDEN????? in LAN Discussion

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/173554322 1:00:00

they talk about SweLAN - Swedish Government Grants? Essentials got more influence than we thought!

posted about 6 years ago
#14 sheepy dog's hand says goodbye to Weebtunnel Tactics in News

Sheepy allowed to have a voice in the article but not the comments :(

posted about 6 years ago
#2 PEOPLE NEED TO MAKE TEAMS in TF2 General Discussion

This has been a thing in TF2 for as long as I remember, it's simple really, either people don't want to lead or don't have the mentality to lead teams.

It's added stress to lead a team as well, not just as a maincaller but as someone who organises outside of the game.

posted about 6 years ago
#41 How much of your life has been on TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Does not account for time spend watching TF2 streams and video and reading TF2 content like on this website and more.

However what else are you meant to do with your time outside of work / school? Go Lamp shopping with your missus? Nahh, this is a good percentage of my life well spent.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Funs to join SVIFT? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#9 i61 Feedback in LAN Discussion

Only thing about observing that irks me is when casters talking about certain aspects of plays happening ie Scout in behind and they continue to follow a soldier respawning and rolling out into the action.

Production quality wise was highest I ever seen. I did not like the seedings, the schedule is what it is, tough for everyone and the map pick system was odd. Would have preferred something mirroring ETF2L system.

Other than that I thought it was great, remembering though it was not perfect without essential s we would never gotten a LAN.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 i61 streamed? in Q/A Help
corsasmziMissing froyo is a downer but lets be real the rest of the teams is at the same skilllevel as at previous lans
that's just not even true though. pretty much every top 4 team for the past few years at i series is respectively better than the ones at i61, meaning each 1st place team is better than this 1st place team, each 2nd place team is better than this 2nd place team. the only exception from memory is that crowns from i58 and 7 this time are pretty similar

i'm not trying to shittalk i61, but people disagreeing with true posts need a reality check about the competition in tf2

Crowns won i58, 7 came 2nd in Prem this season. By this logic you just proved your argument is wrong.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 LAN Football (LFT) in LAN Discussion

Yah this won't happen for sure. Every LAN someone mentions it every LAN nobody can be bothered because to find somewhere to play will bs difficult and people too busy getting drunk.

Wishful thinking though.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Rental ticket ? in LAN Discussion
GlastryI waited like 15min at phone (7p per minute) and once I got someone it took literally 1min to get my ticket. worth it ???

Is your issue solved?

Problem is solved for the matter of £1.05, if you wanted to you could write a written complaint arguing they refund you the cost of the call as they should have emailed the ticket when you booked, assuming the money clearly debited your account when the purchase was made.

If you really want your £1.05 back that is.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Rental ticket ? in LAN Discussion

Phone customer services tomorrrow my only advice.

posted about 6 years ago
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