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Last Posted November 5, 2016 at 7:11 PM
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#16 CS:GO update for 4/15/15 (4/16/15 UTC, in CS2 General Discussion

These skins look awesome. I think I want:


Unfortunately, the AWP colors look much different (and worse) in-game.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Attention Twitch Streamers in Off Topic

Oh shit I watch this guy all the time.

Not anymore.

posted about 9 years ago
#286 Concerns about Flares that Care in TF2 General Discussion
Disgusting and toxic community, everyone here needs to go fucking kill themselves, because scum like you dont even deserve to be on steam or this planet

Time to take a break from the internet, dude.

posted about 9 years ago
#83 ESL One Katowice Thread in CS2 General Discussion

Look at those man arms of Taz. Hairy (manly) as fuck (Poland)

And Hiko needs to lose the maroon suit.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 tf2 cpu usage exceeding 50% in Q/A Help

It's likely not the hardware if it is only tf2. Other than that I dunno what to tell you.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 axiomatic returns in TF2 General Discussion

I was watching Hiko stream CS about a month ago in MM. Axio and stones were playing together against Hiko. Axio was just shittalking Hiko and calling his friend Handi a hacker the whole time. Worthless.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 coffee in Off Topic

1. Most Kona coffee you see in the states says Kona blend. This is NOT Kona coffee, it has a couple of percent Kona coffee beans and is inferior.

2. Presses give MUCH better bang for your buck. The diffusion time and agitation time let you get more "coffee-ness" (and cholesterol =( ) per bean. Definitely the way to go.

3. I'm sure you know this, but darker = less caffeine because roasting longer degrades it.

4. Keurig is a ripoff, sorry man, the coffee/extraction amount is almost the worst out there. And you pay $$$$ for it. Mr. Coffee is much better. It doesn't seem as good because it doesn't market as effectively, but it is much higher quality than Keurig. Presses take more personal time but are cheaper and better than automatic coffee makers.

Edit: and honestly, Folgers Columbian is just as good as most store coffees at like 1/10th the price.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 lft in Recruitment (looking for team)


Likes to stroke his dick when TF2Center kids drool at his sniping.

posted about 9 years ago
#173 Live from the streets in Off Topic

Bottom line:

1. Police brutality exists in America and is real.
2. Not all cops are pigs. Some care a lot.
3. The Brown case is an extremely poor case to exemplify police officer aggression and racism. A much better example would be the host of NYPD acts of unwarranted violence. Example #1 and Example #2. This is disgusting and should be the real focus of rage.
4. The Brown case shows how the media inflames emotions and neglects rationality. People need to do a better job thinking for themselves.

Almost makes me want to move to Norway or something.

posted about 9 years ago
#172 Live from the streets in Off Topic
boppet The way Wilson phrases it basically makes it looks like Brown was literally running through the bullets as if he was superman. He described it as if the bullets 'annoyed' him. His testimony is complete bullshit right from the beginning lie about his knowledge of the robbery that just happened.

It is also mind boggling to me the people buy into the story that Brown was running away from DW (who admitted he was shooting at a fleeing enemy; mistake #1), then for some reason decided to turn around and charge at him. Let me ask anyone, if you were running away from gunshots, do you think you, with a functioning brain, would turn around and run back at them? It is extremely more sensible to think that after realizing that he was being shot at - MB stopped and surrendered (which ALL of the eyewitness stories maintain and are consistent) then was shot.

Brown was facing him, not running away. He was 290 pounds. The he had approached the officer for 20 feet after he had been shot.

290lb guy was within 8 feet of him. Doesn't matter what race he was, I'd be scared as fuck.

Shut. The fuck. Up.

posted about 9 years ago
#103 Live from the streets in Off Topic

Please. People please. Read the actual autopsy report before you make claims that he was standing with his hands up pleading. Literally only 1 person knows if he did or not, the officer. The eyewitnesses were not found to have coherent testimony and were not even allowed to testify in court because of it.

Report summary
Actual autopsy

Also, holy mother of fuck that kid is behemoth. I'm pretty sure that if Brown or any other black, white, hispanic or asian guy that big was physically confronting me, a 5'9" 150 pound guy, while im trying to exit my car (it really happened read the autopsy) and reaches for my gun my best protection I would unload my clip in an instant. I don't know how or why the officer didn't and it would be interesting to know.

Oh, and unfortunately in many cases guns are much easier to unholster and put at the ready than tasers or pepper spray. Not saying that makes it right, just that pulling his gun out first doesn't make him a stone-cold killer. Unfortunately people don't even go the the source (autopsy and official documents) and like to start telling everybody he's a cold-blooded murderer because they heard other people saying the same thing.

posted about 9 years ago
#46 Live from the streets in Off Topic
flameim no lawyer but how credible are 4 eyewitness reports for cases like these?

I could find 4 people to testify that they saw eXtine use a lowercase x one time. Seems questionable.

I know this is CRAZY on a videogame forum, but I really recommend the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It's about split-second (blink of an eye) thought processes and talks a bit about how eyewitness memories are extraordinarily likely to change over time.

Incidentally, it also talks about some subconscious aspects of racism. In one chapter, he takes a test where he needs to identify a "good" person from a "bad" person based on two pictures as fast as possible. He and most people are very fast and accurate when it's white=good and black=bad, but a different test throws in more black=good and white=bad and he gets horrified as he (as a black person) starts slowing down and making tons of mistakes. Then he goes on to talk about the reasons for why the brain works that way.

EDIT: Found the test if anyone is interested. It's the skin tone test: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/selectatest.html

posted about 9 years ago
#36 Live from the streets in Off Topic
Falcon0408I know a cop shot mike brown 6 times. I know mike brown was unarmed and had his hands up. I know the cop has made ~$600k from fucking borderline-KKK donation drives (the comments from donors on these were sickeningly racist). I know 4 eyewitness reports all coincide and say that mike brown ran away when the cop started shooting, then felt a bullet graze his arm (see autopsy) and turned round, put his hands up and said he was unarmed and begged the cop not to shoot (see all 4 eyewitness reports) and was then shot 6 times in the head and chest. I also know that in a city that is around 60% african americans, the jury was 75% white and required a 75% majority. are you seeing where i'm going with this or are the eyeholes in your white hood too small?

In all seriousness though, weren't those the autopsy findings from the coroner that the Brown family hired? I thought that the public coroner and other medical examiners found different bullet trajectories through the body, most of them suggesting conflicting scenarios.

Also, didn't they find the kid's blood in the car and gunshot residue on his hands from close proximity to the barrel muzzle?

I'm not trying to make a point I promise. I have no opinion on this case because I'm not dumb enough to believe I know what really happened. And btw nobody but like 4 people KNOW what really happened.

P.S. Oh and I thought that the prosecution and defense agree on jurors from a very large pool of potentials? Or is that for the trial jury not the grand jury?

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Hiding Non-TF2 Streams in Site Discussion

Would it be difficult to put a tiny icon of what they are playing next to their name on the sidebar, like





That would allow users to see what game b4nny, tagg, etc. are playing without having to use the tabs that are currently set up.

Edit: woah those are big but I don't know how to resize them, sorry for the eye-sore.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 ESEA-IM S18 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Yo fun fact of the day, the guy who made that song and the legitimate music video did it because people in India accused him of using sexy women to gain attention and views, so he made a video of only him.

posted about 9 years ago
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