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Signed Up January 27, 2021
Last Posted May 16, 2024 at 7:57 PM
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#124 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuu[ citation needed ]


And if you just want a TLDR, here's a video that condenses all of those articles + the handbook:

I know a lot of people don't like McVicker, but it's the best video that summaries everything.

posted about 2 years ago
#35 What do you like and dislike about this community? in TF2 General Discussion
Tholedislike: all non-invite medic mains

It's so hard to find Medics now-a-days, why the hate. :(

posted about 2 years ago
#120 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
24I'll bet that if I was a Valve engineer working on tf2 and I had to stare at my screen at that code for any more than I already had for that day, I would probably say it would be time for a vacation.

The reason for Valve's delays is not because they're lazy, but because their employees are constantly encouraged to "push boundaries" and "invent new things", no matter how long it takes. If you're a coder at Valve and for four months straight, you report to your supervisor all the work you've been doing and it's nothing but TF2 fixes, they're going to question why you're even at the studio and probably fire you. But if you're a coder at Valve and for four months straight, you report this physics engine you're working on that has realistic player and environment reaction with simulated weight per prop, they're going to tell you it looks like it has great potential and keep it up.

They don't care if the physics coding takes eight years to perfect, they only care about being the studio that is constantly doing the next incredible that will sell big. It's what happened with Alyx; they had a team working on it for ages but when they finally finished, it caused a such a huge surge for the Index that they ran out of stock. THAT'S what Valve wants to see.

Any staff member who might be passionate about trying to fix TF2 is basically discouraged from doing so because there is no "progress" to be made from that.


Valve sees something like this and think, "We spent time on the Jungle Inferno update, didn't see a huge new peak in players, and instead, saw a big loss months later? What's the point of investing time to updating the game then?". Nevermind that the reason for the dip was because of big bugs (specifically for Pyro) that made the game unplayable. Valve just sees those numbers and thinks the investment of big updates is not worth it.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 What do you like and dislike about this community? in TF2 General Discussion

Like: How dedicated some of you people are at making community content just to keep the game alive/make it better. Map makers, hud makers, TF2 discord bot coders, FPS config scripters, game mode modders. Just a few weeks ago we got a guy who made a program to merge HUD elements together from different HUDS so people can mix and match from different ones they like, that's rad. I like that people are still making new shit for the game.

Dislike: Obsession over logs. People who throw tantrums and would rather kill pugs if they get rolled on Med. It's 30 minutes or maybe less, just play Medic.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 If you were forced to replace one of the 5CP maps in TF2 General Discussion

I wanted to pick maps that used to be played and aren't that popular to make the decision slightly difficult. I thought if I included Granary + Badlands, they would easily win with landslides and you wouldn't even need the "forced to choose" part.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 If you were forced to replace one of the 5CP maps in TF2 General Discussion
vibeisveryowarmfront count?

Warm + Pro versions count.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 If you were forced to replace one of the 5CP maps in TF2 General Discussion

If you were forced to replace one of the 5CP maps on the right column and put in a map from the left column, what would it be?


posted about 2 years ago
#24 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
hpqoeuweren't all these mods based on leaked source code obtained and released without permission??


I believe those were allegations that turned out to be untrue, unless there is a source that specifically points to OpenFortress' response being a lie or cover-up.

posted about 2 years ago
#22 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
hpqoeu[the fact that enthusiasts do it for free

"The fact that they can get away with free labor years down the line while still retaining the power to shut down any project based on their product" is awful justification. Especially given the poor timing of your post with other TF2 mods currently suspended with everyone left in the dark as to why where it's a 50/50 chance right now the mods will either be implemented or denied to the public.

hpqoeubro go post about unity tf2 on reddit or something instead of this it's not a good look

You can't spew random buzzwords out and hope it makes for a good insult. Defending the decision to exploit modder's free labor is a horrible look.

posted about 2 years ago
#20 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
hpqoeuthis has nothing to do with bad and bloated coding, the fact is the game runs on an engine first released in 2004, when people were still running pentium 4s or athlon 64s, with a single core. the engine has not been made modern to take full advantage of the processing power of new computers all the while the game has gotten significant amount of content added, some of which i imagine is very high poly count because it has been made in recent times.

nevermind the fact that sure, hardware has gotten faster, but ALL software has gotten more demanding, not just your 14 year old game. steam now basically has an embedded browser for the library and chat display. you just don't know what you're talking about

Cool, now what's the justification that Valve will never port TF2 to an engine that is now six years old and that enthusiasts have to do it for them?

posted about 2 years ago
#18 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
hpqoeuwow! i can't believe the tf2 team froze the tf2 codebase 14 years ago, no updates or added models whatsoever. sunshine? whats that bro, lets go play some goldrush

Who defends Valve's known bad and bloated coding that gets so bad, modders have to fix it for them?

posted about 2 years ago
#15 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
brodyalmost as if the game is more bloated and resource intensive than it was 14 years ago thank u for another inane post

The last big update TF2 got was five years ago. 85% of discussion is the same thing. People have to talk about playdoh snakes on Snakewater for two days just so they can talk about something. You're on the wrong website if you're hoping for new discussions.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion
corsairwow it's almost as if hardware that was powerful 10 years ago isnt as powerful as hardware now

10 year old hardware shouldn't struggle to run a 14-year old game.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 I'm Cashing out to upgrade PC in TF2 General Discussion

Did anyone else here experience the problem where they played TF2 back in the day and your computer ran it fine, then you took a break for some years, came back, and suddenly the same game you played in 2012 but are now playing in 2020 causes your computer (that I even minorly upgraded in between that time) to struggle getting it above 80FPS even with FPS configs?

It was weird having a graphics card that I bought ages ago specifically to run TF2 was no longer able to run TF2.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 b4nny in Off Topic


posted about 2 years ago
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