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Last Posted August 6, 2018 at 5:20 PM
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#4 Is nvidia g-sync worth it in Hardware

adaptive sync is only useful if you can not hit your fps cap at all (maxing out a game and getting 30 fps locked, etc)

also it is really bad for fps games

so no

posted about 6 years ago
#8 questions about 6s team size and more in TF2 General Discussion
branflakeswasn't saying we are wrong to use 6, i was asking why the difference existed at all and IF people think we should use a different amount.

The difference exists because 10 years ago everyone who was interested in playing this game competitively tried everything from 4s to 12s and eventually 6v6 got settled on with the 4s/5s/7s/8s/9s(not Highlander) and above all dying out for their own individual problems, whether that was pacing or class balance or difficulty to formulate teams etc.

It's not like 1 dude came out and said "yeah this game is gonna be 6 versus 6" or something. Collectively thousands upon thousands of hours from many different people and many MANY different league attempts settled on this ages ago.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 questions about 6s team size and more in TF2 General Discussion

Your argument is flawed from the start.

Just because other e-sports use a specific low number of players due to their gameplay design does not mean that going to that number of players is necessarily better in Team Fortress 2.

Real sports have a massive variety in the amount of players they employ and they're all pretty popular.

You pick player counts based on what works with the overall game. This would be like saying "hey American Football, Soccer, and Field Hockey all use 11 players, why doesn't Basketball use 11 players??"

Valve has specifically balanced things due to competitive very few times. (#2 is incorrect, they've done it before in the past and said as such publicly) But again, it's very VERY few times in 10 years. It's not worth betting on them doing it more until they actively do it more.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 So is MGE practice or no? in TF2 General Discussion

How effective MGE is for real game practice depends entirely on the two people playing it.

Open public MGE is pretty poor for practice beyond stuff like airshots because people add honor rules like no counterjumping even though in a real game you want to counterjump because it's super effective.

Treat it as one dimensional practice. It won't improve your gamesense but you can get better at 1-2 things, more if you do it with a friend and specifically play against each other in ways to practice certain things.

DM is a more effective real game practice for DM classes imo. You get more realistic fights, focusing on low health targets, 1v2s, 1v3s, etc.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 First logs in TF2 General Discussion


Not really but unfortunately tf2logs.com is long dead. My actual first log is from that site and almost 3 years prior to that one, was my first lobby from TF2Lobby's January 2010 release, which was a 6s game of 2fort with offclassing disabled (actually made 2fort vaguely fun).

Good times.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 vanilla tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
ArieLike GentlemanJon says, I had to take it down due to unpatched security holes in unmaintained plugins. Also lots of deprecated stuff broke after upgrading the machine that hosted it to PHP 7.
The content is safe of course, database backups and files are still there.

Excellent, please work with someone if you have to to get that content somewhere else that is safe whenever you can please, even if it's on an ugly website that just takes you to less graphically good looking articles.

I've been spending the past little while trying to make a well made and sourced "History of North American Highlander" type deal with player interviews and what not, and man, it is unbelievably hard if not impossible to find any content pre-2012, and even quite a bit of the 2012-2013 content is lost. There's so many format deciding events or important matches that just won't ever be seen again. (which on the flip side is weird because it means I've experienced/been apart of things that will just be lost)

I can only imagine how much worse off 6s is on this, where the pre-2012 content is an actually immensely substantial amount in comparison and it's kind of hella sucky that most of GotFrag/NATF2/Leogeos casts/old forced on crits on matches are lost outside of the very rare montage from back then that featured any of that stuff.

i think it's important that competitive TF2's history can be retold best it can, and VanillaTF2 was one of the only old-ish comp news site left so that's why I responded the way I did earlier. I hope you get this stuff somewhere, I'd loooove to go on a nostalgia train back to my era of 6s.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 vanilla tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
GentlemanJonIt's dead, maintenance of ancient wordpress plugins with massive security holes became too much. RIP

so is there no way to recover all the articles and put them somewhere else for safe keeping

was anyone smart enough to do that before taking the site down otherwise

there's a lot of tf2 history on there ... it's bad enough that most of gotfrag & natf2 are lost

posted about 6 years ago
#8 vanilla tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
thesqrtminus1https://vanilla.tf/ works for me, idk if its something on your end

That's not the same thing.

http://vanillatf2.org/ is an ancient competitive TF2 news site.


there's a google cache from just 20 or so days ago on the match part of the site, so I'm guessin it's just temporarily down?

posted about 6 years ago
#20 Visuals for League Size in TF2 General Discussion

sorry for the bump but i finished the final one of these that i'm doing - ugc na 6s.

Total Teams: http://imgur.com/S5D5yAn

Teams that got 6+ wins: http://imgur.com/mGCWSXJ

Comparison of UGC NA 6s vs UGC NA HL: http://imgur.com/uIyt2jj

Comparison of ESEA 6s vs UGC NA 6s: http://imgur.com/DpuvQMP

posted about 6 years ago
#6 computer stuck at 100% ram usage with nothing open in Hardware

If you have a Killer Network NIC you need to upgrade your drivers for it, the default drivers on Windows 10 cause a massive memory leak.

posted about 6 years ago
#10 Shade's Perfect Game in TF2 General Discussion
Tery_Another one for his records, but it's a 5-0 roll that took 10 minutes. To be fair that's where the majority of perfet games happen, so this one by ninjanick will always be more impressive (in my mind) since it was 30 minutes long.

i loved watching ninjanick beat six guys off

posted about 6 years ago
#119 CNN vs reddit user in World Events
domthewhiteguyno one has mentioned this yet and not that it at all justifies anything he said, more or less playing devils advocate, but the subreddit where his racist posts were made was ImGoingToHellForThis and the entire premise of the subreddit is to post very dark humor. personally to me it makes what he said hold a little less water but regardless, stupid is as stupid does, and the entire situation is ridiculous on both sides, but context matters.

if you look at #114 you'll see he's also posted in WatchPeopleDie and his account had plenty in the_donald so no.

posted about 6 years ago
#112 CNN vs reddit user in World Events


Don't forget this one where he says he'll join in on killing Islam believers: http://i.imgur.com/Y2CHL9V.png

posted about 6 years ago
#40 CNN vs reddit user in World Events
vipersomeone has an opinion on the internet that is not politically correct guys! we better go dox him and show the world how bad of a person he is on the internet so his entire future life, career, and education are all completely ruined!

go fuck yourself

ignoring the whole doxing thing because that's already been explained as wrong in this thread like ten times now

supporting the extermination of well over a billion people is a tiny little bit more than just political incorrect.

like what the fuck dude

posted about 6 years ago
#34 CNN vs reddit user in World Events


the doxing defense is bad because there are a multitude of laws & fcc rulings about how journalists can reveal people's names. largely, if you willingly talk with one (which this guy did) and confirm your identity (which this guy did) and do not come to an agreement to not reveal your name (which according to cnn he didn't, and they'd have the conversation recorded to prove it in court) the journalist is free to name/quote you pretty freely.

example: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2011/oct/22/press-complaints-commission

also stop saying it was "some bigotry", it was literally most of his profile, several hundreds if not thousands of comments, saying shit like calling for the mass extermination of the over a billion people who worship Islam or hoping the US nukes massive cities related to Islam or hoping that people keep killing blacks in our country. it wasn't some bigotry, it was all encompassing on his profile.

this album of his posts from earlier in the thread was just the greatest hits, he had far more

posted about 6 years ago
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