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Last Posted May 14, 2022 at 1:43 AM
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#1 3v3 Ultitrio in Projects

Ultitrio??? What's that???
Yo! So, because I wanted to get a bit adventurous so I decided to create (or by my research, revive?) a comp format called "Ultitrio!" It's a little different than Ultiduo in a couple of ways, but it still keeps that small team style with a heavier focus on coordination, but still being heavily DM-focused.

What is Ultitrio
Ultitrio (previously called Ultiduo + 1) is a new 3v3 competitive format that consists of Soldier, Medic, and Scout. Good Ultitrio maps consist of lots of mobility opportunities for all 3 classes and less punishment for getting knocked off of the point. Good maps that have been tested consist of Ulti_Fira_b2a, Ultiduo_Grove_b4, and Ultitrio_Staten_b2. The addition of Scout is to add more dynamic gameplay for both teams. Before the finalization of the roster, Demoman was considered in place of Scout, but being as most Ultiduo maps have 2 exits and close quarters, Demoman would be able to lock down every inch of a map for free and subsequently deny everyone, so Scout was chosen for his flexibility and high mobility. With the addition of Scout, it allows for more strategic gameplay because of Scout's added dynamic play styles with weapons like the Fan O' War and Wrap Assassin, leaving Soldier to be more of a "clean up" class after a Scout marks someone or hits that player with a Wrap Assassin ball or it can even be vice-vera. Not only that, it's possible to split up your team to perform pincer maneuvers with Soldier and Medic pushing on one side and a fully buffed Scout pushing on the other, which became a common theme in our testing.

Personal Thoughts
I've been working on this steadily for the past couple of months here and I think I've got a version I'm mildly okay with having more people test and get used to. obviously, I don't plan for this to become a huge format, mostly sorta like an off-season kinda format.

Below I've linked some useful stuff to learn more about Ultitrio or get into PUGs/Cups for Ultitrio!

Offical GitHub Cap
Offical PUG/Cup Discord

Since I created the configs and such for this imagining of an Ultitrio format, feel free to leave comments here and I can try to address any questions or suggestions, but get to me on Discord via the server or by adding me "Coolstuff#0001" is the best way to get in contact with me.

posted about 2 years ago