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Last Posted April 13, 2019 at 11:09 PM
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#29 How many genders are there in The Dumpster
MakyIf they're not interested in picking a side then that means that there is no hardcore proof that there is more that two genders, does it not? I'm glad that research hasn't stopped just because of there being no evidence, I want the psychologists and gender scientists to finally crack the case.

lacking consensus, and having debate, doesn't mean that there isn't evidence or credibility behind it, i'm sure plenty of people have arguments to make, i just don't think you've actually looked at any and thought a dictionary definition would be a solid argument

SentinelI don't get why we have to have a bloody label for everything just be yourself lmao. You can be a more effeminate guy or a more masculine girl, you don't need 200 bs terms to describe it

It honestly baffles me how much people care to present themselves as a bunch of adjectives about their race sexuality gender nationality interests or whatever the fuck else instead of presenting themselves as a human being that has more depth of character than a few epithets can convey

i don't think all nonbinary people want to identify as treegender or a bunch of other things, i think they more or less agree with you that who you are as a person shouldn't be confined to certain labels, which in their case would be a man/woman

posted about 6 years ago
#25 How many genders are there in The Dumpster
MakyBut the argument is the definition and the fact is there are two sub-categories of biological humans; Males and Females.

yes that's a fact, but the distinction is being made between gender and sex as biological and cultural/social differences, which is even included in your definitions

MakyIf the psychological community and the people who make dictionaries different factions. Then why is it that multiple dictionaries have almost identical definitions?

because they're interested in consensus and widely accepted use of the word, there's certainly debate around genderqueer stuff, so i don't know if they're interested in picking a side
it just isn't an argument, do you think psychologists looking into this would pick up a dictionary and go "ah well i guess we gotta stop doing research because this definition is limited"

posted about 6 years ago
#21 How many genders are there in The Dumpster
Makyit states that gender and sex are synonyms and can be used interchangeably. https://gyazo.com/4d3dd815a57067a266e2c041270038f5

did you not understand the first part of that sentence? you can scroll down to feminism and genderqueer or look at the genderqueer wikipedia page, but you're right that wikipedia isn't really going to have the most useful information

MakyWords change definition yes, so then why haven't we changed these definitions?

i don't know, the psychological community and the people who make dictionaries are different entities, if you wanted up to date information on psychology which one would you ask? the latter is more likely interested in consensus and acceptance rather than actually exploring and researching the subject

again i don't know much about it but you should probably have more of an argument than a definition

posted about 6 years ago
#11 How many genders are there in The Dumpster

Sex and gender are synonymous, you cannot divide a category of biology into two separate categories. I am not denying the idea of other genders/sexes but as of now there are two; Male and Female. Now if you want to get technical we can talk about hermaphrodites and transvestites but at the end of the day they choose a single gender/sex and they make up a minuscule number of society. You can identify as whatever you want, you deserve to be happy, and I will respect your choice.

i'm not into the nonbinary thing but we obviously have gained a wider and more in depth understanding of this since that definition was thought up so i don't see how that proves a point? shouldn't words be adapted to our contemporary ideas rather than the other way around?

posted about 6 years ago
#21 rate the image above. in Off Topic



posted about 6 years ago
#12 Chose One in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#7 I need help in Off Topic

i know you aren't feeling motivated but don't neglect adjusting your meds if you've gotten them to work in the past

posted about 6 years ago
#13 What do you LOVE about tf2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#257 Say something nice about the person above you in Off Topic

i went to an into it over it concert and vecc was there giving compliments to everybody as they entered the venue

posted about 6 years ago
#14 DrDisrespect went live confess cheating on wife in Off Topic

if you got cheated on would you want your partner to talk about it to his incredibly large livestream audience because he wants to use it to feel better about his guilt? it still seems selfish to me, but ultimately i'm just assuming that his wife would be uncomfortable with this

posted about 6 years ago
#11 DrDisrespect went live confess cheating on wife in Off Topic
zheepcheating on your spouse and then admitting to it live on stream just feels so invasive and disrespectful to his wife

he just wanted to feel self-righteous
that seems like his whole thing

posted about 6 years ago
#4 How esport orgs earn money? in Esports

tf2 orgs get paid in upfrags

posted about 6 years ago
#568 worst steam profile in Off Topic

this guy was making sure we got to see her bobs
a real hero

posted about 6 years ago
#5 - Fixed not being able to detonate stickybombs whe in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
flufhow many frags do i have to collect to buy a girlfriend

buy me ramen and i will be your e-bf that pockets you on pubs wearing pink medic hats

posted about 6 years ago
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