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Last Posted August 2, 2020 at 1:33 PM
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#2 TF2 update for 4/17/19 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#8 alex jones goes on joe rogan podcast in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#1 ESEA S30 W2: AyyyyLmao Terror Squad vs. bring back turbine dm in Matches

Go lights!

posted about 5 years ago
#215 so uhh.. in TF2 General Discussion

I don’t want people to think what I write here is fact but merely how I feel about the approach to TF2’s banning should be done and just a general rant of how things are being done. Within the community there is a lot of qualms with the current attitude of weapon banning. People don’t seem to even remotely share the same sentiments as each other not only among the top level of competition but at all levels.

I think this stems from the approach taken by the community during previous meetings when deciding how to appropriately ban weapons. The consensus is that a weapon must violate one of two conditions.

- Weapon is overpowered and considerably disruptive to gameplay (Such as the Quick-Fix)
- Weapon has existing bug and exploits

While I think its fair that objectively this is a great way to look at how to ban weapons, the issue of such an approach is that is don’t consider what is within the spirit of competition. This is where I’ll say immediately that if you disagree with this line of thinking that is completely fine, but I also believe a lot of the community shares this common frustration.
At the end of the day, we’re all playing, spectating and following competitive TF2 because we love it. It’s been refined slowly from TF2 initial launch where people were trying numerous different formats, to EU and NA’s first clash to now. What has always important more than anything is that as Slideezy said, TF2 is our game. A 6 player format every other condition was picked and chosen on the basis that is what in the interest of those who cared the most about playing the game. But by taking this “Accept Valve’s terms” goes against the very nature of how the competitive TF2 came to be in the first place.

It would be fair to say that changes have been made to 6’s beyond its initial conception through items and further class limit reductions. What is important to remember that these changes were for most of the game’s life span made for the sake of keeping the game’s competitive integrity intact. Caving unwillingly to “what Valve wants” is going against that very belief. Item’s like Bonk and the Solemn Vow weren’t banned because FUCK VALVE, but because they’re only use wasn’t in the interest of good gameplay.

I’ll pose the question again for the sake of it. What positive impact would say Bonk have on the game?

The design of Bonk just isn’t an interesting gameplay dynamic. At the very best like a lot of the higher levels seem to believe it’ll be a non-issue. But if it adds nothing, then I see no good reason that the weapon should be unbanned. Because in any other scenario it will have a negative impact on game flow.

Solemn Vow while I’ve previously been adamant against, I can see an exception being made depending on your view point. My issue with the Solemn Vow has always been it takes away from the game without really adding, it allows Medic to read health and ubers of the enemy team. Which has a negative impact of bluffing and faking Medic’s could call them at any time. While I agree that this would give Medic a more proactive role in calling, I think what it sacrifices isn’t within the spirit of the game. But I would also accept that this may not be too impactful to gameplay.

At the end of the day, I think the way things are being done and the motive behind them is agreeably flawed. Most people here I think are willing to accept change under the premise that it makes the game we made as a community more engaging but b4nny’s goal isn’t within those interests. It is for a belief that utilizing Valve’s format will revitalize the game. Which as a lot of people have already state is a lot of ifs that put the existing community at risk of completely dying if said plan fails.

I think it is completely acceptable that the community feel threatened by this. Since these choices aren’t the consensus of the whole community but rather a sole individual whose income is dictated by the very same game. Of course, it would be within his interests to try and push anything possible that would increase that income, but it comes at a sacrifice of the existing community.

It is a very harsh pill to swallow considering how the road has been since that initial announcement of in-game MM coming have been met with at best “mixed” reception.
All these updates have honestly done very little to prove the credibility of competitive TF2 for several factors.

1. Meet your Match was a disaster

Meet your Match has been possibly one of the most influential updates in TF2’s history. Except majority of the is for mostly negative reasons. Match-making for casual was completely redone and for a lot of people has ruined the experience of TF2 as a whole. This created a lot of negative stigma towards the competitive community because this update was a long time coming and was meant to be “our” update, but it ended up impacting the rest of the community in a way they did not like.

2. Communication is non-existent

Regardless of your opinion on Quake Champions, after being involved with it over the second half of this year. There is no word that exists to properly express how angry Valve’s lack of communication makes me. A discord with the developers, monthly dev livestreams going over what’s happening and their roadmap for the upcoming months, blog posts and constant patches, a PTS to refine changes before they go live (remember when TF2 had that).
The best TF2 gets is “update will be cool beans.”

Don’t get me wrong, they’ve done alright in the past, but the issue is there is absolutely zero consistency with how this is managed. How does anyone expect the community to just accept Valve’s terms when we can’t even get a weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or even general update of how things are going and the flow.
Even just talking about concepts and ideas they have gives the community fuel for discussion which could be immensely valuable for them. I get Valve typically doesn’t like to steer or influence community discussion but holy fuck man.

3. The mess is still being cleaned up

It’s been over 3 years and closing in on 4 since we first got news that in-game MM was being worked on
Yet here we are all that time later with a competitive mode that barely represents how competitive is played. With dumb restrictions on config options, no class limits or item bans. A stick-det bug that still isn’t fixed and a viewership that has plummeted harshly.

No one plays the in-game matchmaking, but why?

Because it satisfies no one. As people have continuously stated and pointed out. Little jimmy isn’t going to suddenly change his mind and get into competitive just because he can play engineer with the rescue ranger and wrangler. Competitive isn’t and never will be within the casual interest because it is so jarringly different from casual play. This is where this same source of hatred for the MyM update comes from because it actively fucked with the aspect of the game they enjoyed.

On the other hand, competitive players see no reason to touch it when they have an existing community that already perfectly represents what they want to play and it’s going to take some good proof to change that mindset.
I could list more reasons, but the point is that despite the initial hype and interest that Valve’s support garnered. It has had a negative impact on the scene in general and I think it’s incredibly selfish to expect people to continue to accept their support upon that premise.

Thank you for listening to my autistic rant, I'm too lazy to fix grammar errors so I'm sorry in advance.

posted about 5 years ago
#198 so uhh.. in TF2 General Discussion
Its just bonk

pls chill

improvise adapt overcome

Its just less items banned
Its just no items banned
Its just no time limit
Its just no class limit
Its just best of 3

"Well if you allowed this, why not this now?"

All of those little allowances stack up over time.

posted about 5 years ago
#43 so uhh.. in TF2 General Discussion

EVEN if you want to argue that the changes made to bonk over the years makes a difference (it doesn't, a not retarded scout will already be within his teams safety by the time bonk would wear off) the issue I'll always with have with a lot of unlocks is they just enable unfun and degenerative gameplay. Like there is nothing interesting or unique about the fact that a scout can get a free info check while the other team has to just look at him like morons or maybe attempt to juggle him into an inescapable position.

Yes I'm aware competitive and fun are two different things but I don't think anyone here thinks that adding weapons to enable lazy and degenerate playstyles is fun. Same goes for the Solemn Vow, its not adding anything to the meta beyond allowing the medic to make specific calls on health, which itself is taking away a dynamic of bluffing your health.

Also Soda Popper lol

tldr: if a weapon just leads to degenerative gameplay approaches I think its better it stays away

posted about 5 years ago
#30 TF2 update for 12/19/18 (Smissmas 2018) in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe I'm just poorly informed but why does everyone believe a Heavy update is coming?

All I remember from Meat your Match is that whoever won would get a class pack while the other wouldn't. Did this Heavy update get confirmed in a non-official source?

That's straight from the Meat your Match page.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 CSGO: Danger Zone in CS2 General Discussion

Battle Royal mode
CSGO is now F2P

This is gonna blow up hard

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Stan Lee is dead in World Events


posted about 5 years ago
#511 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

2639 frames 22.872 seconds 115.38 fps ( 8.67 ms/f) 7.732 fps variability

OS: Windows 10 Home 64 Bit
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600x @ 3.5GHz
RAM: Corsair Vengence LPX 2 x 8GB @ 3000MHZ

Resolution: 1920x1080
DirectX: 9.0
Model Detail: High
Texture Detail: Very High
Shader Detail: High
Water Detail: Reflect All
Shadow Detail: High
Anti-Aliasing: 8xMSAA
Anisotropic Filtering: x16
Multicore Rendering: Enabled
HDR: Full

Hud: Default
Config: No custom graphics configs

posted about 5 years ago
#1 duwatna steps down from Ascent, passes to marmaduke in News

That was fast.

posted about 5 years ago
#42 Why are you still here? in TF2 General Discussion

I feel personally attacked by seeing this even though I don't play anymore but still browse here.

Jokes aside, Team Fortress 2 at the time I got into felt like a one of kind. Nothing on the market was really like it. Especially for someone that didn't even play games on PC before I got TF2. I got hooked on the easy to play but hard to master feeling of the game, it has introduced me to a lot of other people, games and interests I'd probably have never even considered without it. Even now when I don't even actively play anymore, I still hope for and think about the next update and keep fairly up to date with how the top levels of the game are doing.

I've just kind of came to accept, I love this game too much to just stop playing outright even if I play only one every few months from now.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 what do Y'ALL DRINK when GAMING in TF2 General Discussion

Fruit Juice

posted about 5 years ago
#3 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion

You shouldn't punish teams just for being better than the competition, regardless of how big the gap appears.

posted about 5 years ago
#15 Mono lft s27 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Really solid DM and has a decent game sense.

But it's majorly overshadowed by his awful at best attitude towards both the game and teammates, he is also incredibly prone to tilt and becomes very sarcastic and straight up disrespectful to people on his team. After falling behind in one match he spent that entire period all the way into the post-game completely belittling them.

There is also no limit to the kind of garbage he'll say while tilted, expect a overwhelming amount of n-bombs at you if you dare start losing or fuck up.

If he can turn around his attitude he'd be a great pickup but its gonna take a lot of work.

posted about 5 years ago
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