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Signed Up April 3, 2013
Last Posted April 30, 2013 at 11:48 AM
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#1 LF Scout mentor in Mentoring

I'm looking for a Scout mentor that has played in any competitive format, preferable 6's but I'm really not picky. My DM is meteocer, and my game sense is shit. I'm really looking for some one to rip apart my gameplay. I'm open to criticism of any form. Scout isn't my main but that is what my team needs me to play. Something to know about me is I have a tendency to chase frags and overextend. Thanks for you time. Here is my steam ID,

posted about 11 years ago
#1 I have candy and a van.All I need is people. in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello I'm new to teamfortress.tv but I'm not new to the TF2 community and the competitive aspect of the game. In previous months I have played in multiple scrims, mixes and lobbies. I'm not going to bore you with my bio, so none the less in preparation to next season i would like to find some recruits for a 6's team. I know that there are hundreds of posts regarding this topic so its understandable for people to skip by this. We have in total 4 people in our team as of now and their mains are Demo Solider and Scout. Their skill levels range from Platinum to a low open. If any one has any questions please feel free to add me and message my steam or YouTube account.
Thanks for your time!

posted about 11 years ago