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SteamID64 76561198035644270
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Country Sweden
Signed Up June 25, 2015
Last Posted March 19, 2021 at 12:50 PM
Posts 67 (0 per day)
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#3 Can someone recommend a server host in TF2 General Discussion

alright thanks, population wont be a problem though.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Can someone recommend a server host in TF2 General Discussion

I want to make a 24 man surf server with some simple sourcemod plugins but I'm not sure what server provider I should opt to. Some people suggest tragic servers which will give you a 24 man server for 20 usd and I've also been looking at ping perfect which has 24 man servers for 14 usd. Do you guys have anything you can recommend?


posted about 7 years ago
#6 cp process small in Q/A Help


posted about 7 years ago
#7 help with making frag vid not look bad in Videos
feforDon't ever think of using windows movie maker if you want quality, get Sony Vegas, record the clips at 120 fps and drag the .avis into Vegas, then render the video with the "mp4 Internet HD 1080p" option on the render settings and make sure to set the frame rate to 60 aswell.

My friend who is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to video recommended these render settings to me:

This renders your video in 4k (even though most people probably dont have 4k monitors theres still a big improvement in quality when comparing 4k video on youtube on a 1080p monitor with 1080p video on a 1080p monitor).

posted about 7 years ago
#5 help with making frag vid not look bad in Videos

ye i see, just add me on steam if you want the link

btw keep up the good work on cast beater

posted about 7 years ago
#3 help with making frag vid not look bad in Videos

i dunno if this is against tf2 tv's terms but i could give you a link to a cracked version of sony vegas 14 if you want to, there's no reason to limit yourself with movie maker as mentioned above

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Worst weapon names/descriptions you've ever seen? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Is it safe to invite people to a local server? in TF2 General Discussion

alright thanks

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Is it safe to invite people to a local server? in TF2 General Discussion

I've been messing around with my friend on a local server ( hosted by typing e.g "map surf_xxxx" in console and sending an invite) and I was thinking of inviting some more people. But I was wondering if it's safe to do this or if it would somehow make my pc vulnerable since I assume this makes my ip visible or something.

Thanks, have a nice day.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 How do you disable the ""line on your hud in Videos
i cba to go into detail but he knows how to do it

alright, thanks man

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How do you disable the ""line on your hud in Videos

I know it's possibe to do this using the /logo command ingame, however this method doesnt work if you want to remove the line from a demo file. So my question is if theres a way to disable all hud motds like this one by editing the code for the hud itself.

any help is appreciated, thanks

posted about 7 years ago
#388 Global whitelist unveiled in News

sandman :(

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Need a link to koth_ramjam_b9 in Videos

oh nice, thanks <3

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Need a link to koth_ramjam_b9 in Videos

Hello, I recently reinstalled TF2 and it seems like I cant access my demos taht were recorded on koth_ramjam because I no longer have koth_ramjam_b9.bsp in my maps folder. The map is no longer available on and i cant seem to find it anywhere else. So if someone of you guys could upload this map and send me a downlad link I'd be very grateful.

Thanks :) //Blu

posted about 7 years ago
#11 How do I remove these red crosses in my demo files in Q/A Help

I posted the same thread on the official tf2 discussions forum and ⎠_ͣ_ͬ_ͣ_ͭ_ͤ King found an easy solution to this problem:

⎠_ͣ_ͬ_ͣ_ͭ_ͤ King;371918937280514715
Probably less likely to work but try putting into tf/custom/demofix/particles/ . It's not ideal but what it should do is just make that error particle never be visible, but at the same time if it's replacing something then you shouldn't see anything (better but not ideal).
posted about 8 years ago
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