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Signed Up February 17, 2016
Last Posted September 22, 2018 at 1:56 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 24
#1 MatPat in The Dumpster

I truly do not understand the level of stupid regarding this guy. We could just ignore and disregard all this Overwatch vs Tf2 bs right? Yes, we can, but the problem is, this guy has almost 7 million subs. He has lots of influence over his fanbase and to see him bagging on tf2 (and overwatch) with clearly having absolutely 0 knowledge on the subject is just infuriating. There have already been countless videos made in regard to this video, but I wanted to hear your guys' take on it.

posted about 8 years ago
#277 Vent your anger in Off Topic
saamok so in one night

phlps's internet was laggy as fuck and he sounded like this in mumble

cookie's mic was cutting in and out because he had fucked up mumble binds so he basically couldnt comm

and trip's E: drive got corrupted mid scrim so his computer stopped working entirely

is this the slin curse please help me

u have been cursed by slindini

posted about 8 years ago
#99 Crowns are gold at Insomnia58 in News
glorythe real mvp is seagull for that host right guys

yeah what happened to him

posted about 8 years ago
#56 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion
trapsterBlitheYeah tbh valve is pretty bad at the competitive side of things. AFAIK cs:go is outsourced to hidden path and they developed the competitive system for cs:go. Correct me if i'm wrong.
"We're not involved in any of the patches that have updated CS:GO since its launch in August 2012. Valve took over the development and updating of the game after launch and are the ones deciding what to update and change. We aren't currently involved with updating the game."

thanks my b

posted about 8 years ago
#77 Insomnia58 memes and Twitch Spam Thread in LAN Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#53 After i58, do you think tf2 lans will go? in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah tbh valve is pretty bad at the competitive side of things. AFAIK cs:go is outsourced to hidden path and they developed the competitive system for cs:go. Correct me if i'm wrong.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Logitech G Pro Gaming Mouse in Hardware
joshuawnsaamjoshuawng900 is better

no thank you

good things cost money
if i had more of it, i'd rock one of those 0.1ms persistence dell OLED monitors too
i'd also get a ferrari and a yacht and a beachside penthouse and lots of food im raelly hungry can u help me

well most of us are poor as shit lmao

posted about 8 years ago
#14 The Skilled Market Gardeners Second Tournament! in Off Topic

zappy cmon I slam u all the time on la harvest skilled gardeners smh

posted about 8 years ago
#8 How is this happening in World Events
avaiihnIdiots calling idiots idiots.

I'm not saying he's qualified, I want him, or even that I like him. But personally I don't think this is the real him. That doesnt justify it mind you and I'm not happy that we might get someone who faked a persona to get into the white house but if you look at old interviews and even ones as recent as 2014, he was very eloquent and professional. You HAVE to give him credit for being the successful business man he is and along with that comes a lot of foreign relations, especially with China.

While your at it, look how long hes talked about his potential to run. I've seen interviews from the late 80's where he talks about how he doesn't want to run but if the US cant get in check he will. He said the same exact thing all the way up until he started running.

I don't think he's a solution and at this point he's definitely seeming like a problem, but he is right that the US needs to get its shit in check. Maybe rattling up the system will do it, maybe it won't. I'm not qualified to decide. I do think that if he gets elected we'll see an almost immediate shift to a much more professional, rational, and logical approach. He is, after all, a business man. I'm sure he knows that no country will take him seriously if he keeps acting like he is.

I feel like I have to make it VERY CLEAR that I DO NOT SUPPORT TRUMP. I'm just attempting as best I can to look at things objectively.

I can kind of see your point, our government does need to "get its shit in check" so to speak, but Donald Trump is not the answer. I haven't seen this footage of acting eloquent or professional, but I have to question a man who wants to literally go against the first amendment.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 How is this happening in World Events

Donald Trump is pretty stupid. Most of us understand this. He believes China created global warming, along with a bunch of other stupid shit. So he is kind of a meme, people make fun of him all the time. But the fact that he has even a chance at winning the election is terrifying. It is truly scary that we have this many people in this country that would actually vote for this man. There are many factors here that lead to his popularity as a candidate. I really am not too knowledgeable on the subject, but at this point I just think we have a lot of stupid people in this country. Help me understand this idiot and the people who believe in this idiot please.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 PUGs? in TF2 General Discussion

Is there anything besides pugchamp, i almost always get fat-kidded because im bad. Mixchamp is always dead and tf2centers don't get me better. Does anyone know of other pugs?

posted about 8 years ago
#61 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

and yo can someone explain to me why the sandwich needs to be whitelisted? and people are calling for sandwich nerfs? y tho it's perfectly balanced imo.

posted about 8 years ago
#59 Heavy & Pyro: How could they be changed? in TF2 General Discussion

make pyro's flamethrower like Zarya's gun so you actually have to track to do damage.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 250K TF2 Tournament Leak in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#4 new grips in Off Topic

I listened to the first song, it sounded like a guy with a bad stuttering problem used autotune.

posted about 8 years ago
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