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Signed Up October 13, 2012
Last Posted April 25, 2024 at 3:33 AM
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#2 Can't connect to TF2 servers. Options? in Q/A Help

VPN. A good one that is close to you will add 10-20ms of latency, perfectly playable.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 i58 STV pack + ticks in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#10 ETF2L Season 25 announced in News

Allowing coaches for ETF2L matches would force every server owner to run the CompCtrl plugin (and Metamod+SourceMod), while currently a plain server without any plugins is sufficient.

Also, if having coaches makes more teams play like Crowns, TF2 will be dead in a week. Zzzzzzz

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Dashner not attending i58 in TF2 General Discussion

Still figuring that out. We'll make it work.

Worst case, a setup like i52.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Serveme hacked? in TF2 General Discussion
quintoshwhat reason would he have though?

Guesses: "My brother...", "Drunk", "Hacked"

Place your bets

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Serveme hacked? in TF2 General Discussion

To answer the thread title: No.

To answer the question how someone would get rcons for reservations, admin abuse. Specifically this cunt who was granted admin privileges in Feb 2014 and decided to raise from the grave and be a dick today:

That's ETF2L's Solid, from the anti-cheat team, abusing his privileges (granted to him to catch cheaters) to disrupt games in progress.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 cp_cardinal (5CP) in Map Discussion
camperdownload link not working for me :/
and i think is down maybe?

Here ya go:

posted about 7 years ago
#43 literature in Off Topic

Recenty finished:
Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline pretty great, maybe a bit too many pop culture references. Spielberg is making a movie about it, not a clue how he's going to pull that off.
The Three Body Problem (trilogy), by Liu Cixin really looking forward to book no. 3 in september. It's by a Chinese author and I thought I might not like it because of that, but these books are awesome.
Cryptonomicon by Neil Stephenson, basically a way more badass version of the Imitation Game. If you're just slightly into programming or cryptography, this is a great read.
Seveneves also by Neil Stephenson First 2/3 of the book are great, the last third is OK. Long read, but totally worth it if you like world ending apocalypse/sci-fi stories.

Currently reading a Brief History of Time, by Stephen Hawking

posted about 7 years ago
#13 For the casters - Suggestions in TF2 General Discussion

I like cheat feed (but I'm biased). CS:GO events are casted with no delay and despite some great observers they regularly miss flashy/important plays. It's such a shame to see multiple kill feed lines in the top right while in-eyes with someone doing nothing.

CS:GO has big live audiences watching the teams on a stage, so delays to enable cheat feed don't make sense.
We don't have that so I think we just gain things by using it properly without any downsides.

posted about 7 years ago
#77 - free server reservations in Projects
yttriumArieRemoved the default sourcemod plugin "nextmap" from all servers in all regions, when combined with SOAP DM this would lead to unplanned map changes when the map timer ran this explains way more than it should

ikr, I apologize to the player of the ETF2L match tonight that mentioned this on twitch chat after the match and its premature STV death.
Just because the previous 9 times players were messing with rcon, I shouldn't have assumed it would be more of the same tonight xD

posted about 7 years ago
#75 - free server reservations in Projects

Removed the default sourcemod plugin "nextmap" from all servers in all regions, when combined with SOAP DM this would lead to unplanned map changes when the map timer ran out.

posted about 7 years ago
#50 UPDATE VID OUT in TF2 General Discussion

Casual mode is a pleasant surprise

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Introducing BattlePoints in Esports
BattlePointsI would like to note, that this is not an advertisement.

Could have fooled me.

You have an idea and now you "just" need people to build it for free, genius!

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Why do people bitch about tf2's hit reg? in TF2 General Discussion
FireArieM4ngoLHow is tf2's hit reg bad?
It's not.

*explains why hitreg is shit*

if you hit something on your screen but dont do damage i'd say you can call that bad hitreg. i dont think theres any game where the server reconstructs it and sees "ah yes the enemy was exactly where he shot but i wanna troll him so he does 0 damage regardless"

Only the medic had mostly moved out of the way (medic's client side) when he shot. His game predicted the medic to be there (based on his typical ping and both their movements), but when the server looked at the actual positions and shots he mostly missed. Now that seems unfair, and it probably is, because he hit those shots on his screen.

But consider the medic's perspective, he sees most or maybe even all pellets miss him, it isn't fair either to have that register as a meatshot.

You can't have both perfectly fair hitreg (for the shooter) and perfectly fair 'dodge'-reg (for the one being shot at) in a game with lag compensation.

If you want to have perfect hitreg you need 0 latency or 0 prediction (including movement/mouse-look!). John Carmack wrote about QuakeWorld's netcode way back in the 90s. He settled on instant movement/mouse-look and delayed shots, requiring you to lead your targets in that game.
Half-life and later Valve games went with lag compensation. Giving you instant movement, mouse-look and shots

hitreg takes client-side prediction into account. the general consensus is that netcode should favour the shooter so you shoot exactly where the models appear

That's what Overwatch does. The downside is you might get hit by a shot you actually dodged.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Why do people bitch about tf2's hit reg? in TF2 General Discussion
M4ngoLHow is tf2's hit reg bad?

It's not.

Client side prediction of server side events will lead to errors on the client side. In that youtube video of noMsheep, he hits 2 good meatshots on the medic, at least on his screen. Meanwhile the medic actually moved out of the way of most of those shots (on the medic's screen).
The gameserver reconstructs where noMsheep shot and where that medic really should have been on noMsheep's screen, causing something looking like a 100+ meatshot doing only 10 damage.

Things will look worse with lower server FPS / tick rate and higher pings.

posted about 7 years ago
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