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Signed Up April 8, 2016
Last Posted August 18, 2021 at 3:30 AM
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#64 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
Lyreixnice job deflecting the sources that everyone in this thread were actively asking for and going for personal attacks instead of providing counterpoints to the studies I posted

You don't think "transphobic" is a personal attack? I don't particularly appreciate having my motives assumed by internet psychics, so yes, fuck you.

posted about 7 years ago
#62 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
Lyreixalso whoever said that transgenderism is a mental illness due to suicide rates needs to snap back from the 19th century
the reason why you would perceive that transgender folk have a very high suicidal rate is because trans folk are constantly facing an extreme amount of discrimination, be it before transitioning or not, regardless if they come out as trans or keep it to themselves
Just dropping this by while this thread is still unlocked. Just don't go around spouting transphobic shit because of your previous assumptions or biases

This is utter nonsense and you know it, the whole trans issue is about as uncontroversial as it gets these days, nearly nobody has anything to say against it (usually out of fear of the consequences just for speaking their fucking opinion) and it doesn't make me "transphobic" to disagree with dangerous practices regarding a serious mental health issue, fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

posted about 7 years ago
#56 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
fahrenheitCerdurmy opinion
the truth

your opinion - small brain
my opinion - enlightened brain

posted about 7 years ago
#51 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
thesqrtminus1wow people who disagree with me are clearly all trolls and retards I can't handle adult discussions

sincerely, a well-adjusted and not at all delusional person

posted about 7 years ago
#43 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
thesqrtminus1what are you talking about transgenderism is recognized by doctors everywhere as being a real thing

as for the scientific side there are many different theories as to what causes it. One of the leading ones is an overexposure to the opposite sex hormones in the womb during gestation, you can do a quick google search if you wanna see that

Gender dysphoria is a real thing for sure, but this pop culture idea of taking drugs or having surgery and pretending to be of the opposite sex as a solution to that condition has not proven helpful for sufferers and is completely divorced from science.

posted about 7 years ago
#39 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
Cerdurmy opinion
the truth

yeah I worded that poorly but that's obviously not what I meant

posted about 7 years ago
#37 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
thesqrtminus1i like how you started off by saying "this won't be a personal attack i promise" and then you transitioned into implying that being trans is a delusion

good job buddy

It's my honest opinion on the subject, it's not supposed to be a personal attack but there's obviously no nice way to say it, but the truth can't always be nice or pleasant to hear.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
thesqrtminus1seeing people shit on someone who's actively working to make lgbt people more recognized and accepted and what have you kind of does sting a little, ya know?

I don't want this to come across like a personal attack but you probably will take it as one no matter what I say, so I'm just gonna state plainly what I think:
This kind of blind advocacy is not actually helpful to anyone, there's nothing scientific about this, it's purely propagandistic in nature. Encouraging someone to take drugs or undergo surgery in order to live out their delusion is just about the farthest thing from helpful I can imagine for someone living with a mental illness and the stats are out there to back me up. Suicide rates for transsexual people are absolutely through the roof, even despite this constant atmosphere of positivity about it and our culture of forced tolerance.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 bill nye saves the world in The Dumpster
thesqrtminus1ah yes the era of not being assholes to everyone who isnt white and straight

cant wait

somebody's got a chip on his shoulder

posted about 7 years ago
#46 8values political quiz in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#41 8values political quiz in Off Topic
the301stspartanThis thread is bad.

every political thread on tftv is dumpster-worthy

posted about 7 years ago
#37 8values political quiz in Off Topic
Tino_You are missing the whole "Not everyone thinks like you do, and as it so happens some people think that they are in fact entitled to that free stuff"

thinking you are entitled to free shit does not make it so.

believing that the government should forcibly redistribute wealth in order to give free shit to people who can't pay for it is not libertarian, end of.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 8values political quiz in Off Topic
mustardoverlordsome people happen to believe that rich people are a lot more "free" than poor people because they have many more life options available to them and are not constrained by circumstance

everyone is constrained by circumstance, I can't breathe underwater or fly, that's not an injustice imposed on me, it's the nature of life. The option to live in a nice house or drive a nice car is not relevant to the idea of liberty, someone had to build that nice house and that nice car, if you can't afford to pay for it, that's just too bad, nobody is constraining your liberty by refusing to GIVE YOU FREE SHIT.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 8values political quiz in Off Topic
mustardoverlordAdnurakpositive rights do not exist
nobody has a right to anything they can't work for, nobody has the right to demand that someone else pay for it

you're about 150 years too late on this train buddy, positive rights are ingrained in international law and the constitutions of most countries

if you think you're describing a utopian vision of how things aught to be then you might want to put down atlas shrugged and take a good hard look at yourself
Adnurakincidentally, poor people had good access to healthcare before government fucked that up for them
rofl this might be the most ludicrous thing ive ever seen

because the turn of the 20th century was well known for poor people having long life expectancy and preventative care for infectious diseases right? that's why it was called the gilded age? because every working class person had gold-level health care plans?

so you're not interested in arguing that socialism is libertarian, that's good.

posted about 7 years ago
#28 8values political quiz in Off Topic
mustardoverlordpeople without access to health education and food
choose one; capitalism is antithetical to liberty

positive rights do not exist
nobody has a right to anything they can't work for, nobody has the right to demand that someone else pay for it, what about that idea seems libertarian to you?
incidentally, poor people had good access to healthcare before government fucked that up for them

posted about 7 years ago
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