Account Details
SteamID64 76561198072250111
SteamID3 [U:1:111984383]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:55992191
Country Belgium
Signed Up September 18, 2016
Last Posted April 16, 2024 at 1:29 PM
Posts 124 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.90
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro Wireless
Keyboard Wooting One
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK XL
Headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50X
Monitor LG 27GK750F
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#24 rahThread: Class nerf discussion in TF2 General Discussion

1. Make uncharged headshots do 140 damage
2. Make pyro not knock you across the map while on a slope with airblast
3. Reduce afterburn duration of flare gun weapons to not be the full duration
4. Remove scorch shot hitting you twice, stunning you in the process

posted about 2 years ago
#37 The Papercuts Thread - Bring up annoyances here in Projects

Spawn outlines being enabled on some competitive server configs. Just annoying on spy & the alternative is to undisguise and have the spy scream about some point not being captured or whatever. Didn't have to bother dealing with this years ago so not sure why this is a thing now

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Can you reduce Vaccinator sound volume in casual? in Q/A Help

Short answer: no, not by normal means.

Long answer: you can edit basically every sound in the game afaik (I'm not here to discuss the legality of doing it, in fact it boggles my mind that Valve still hasn't fixed this to this day, if you play in leagues I would advise against doing this). I think mods like the one that change the original sound to the rocket launcher's do it like this as well, but it doesn't take a genius to realize how easily this can be abused.

I don't know the specifics for the Vaccinator but try the following:
1. download GCFScape
2. look for a file called game_sounds_weapons.txt in tf2_misc_dir.vpk (located in tf folder)
3. extract/copy that file
4. CTRL+F and look for 'vaccinator'
5. tweak the volume/soundlevel parts to your desire
6. place the file within your tf/custom/foldernameofyourchoice/scripts/game_sounds_weapons.txt (this will override the one TF2 uses)

posted about 2 years ago
#5926 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
WhipAdjeKrymaAdjesayohud edit (different colors & font, match hud with class icons)


Can you post a new link for this? Edit is sick (:

posted about 2 years ago
#5922 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
KrymaAdjesayohud edit (different colors & font, match hud with class icons)


posted about 2 years ago
#5920 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

sayohud edit (different colors & font, match hud with class icons)

posted about 2 years ago
#9 a good competitive balancing system? in TF2 General Discussion

AI would only classify skill/balance properly if the dataset you're using ( in this case) isn't a complete mess on a player per player basis. You'd have to prepare and clean up that data and afaik there's roughly three million logs so good luck with that. There's people with logs for dumb maps like 2fort upsidedown, mess around pugs, ultiduo bball HL 6s Prolander 4v4 you name it. Some of these will be from scrims, offis, TF2C, pugs or other stuff. It would also need to consider individual classes, other individuals on the team you're playing to really make sense I think. Probably do-able with something like Keras/TensorFlow, but sounds like a pain to train a model for that with all the variables you have.

Not only that, but you'd have to feed it data it can actually understand. Just throwing 30GB of raw text logs at AI isn't going to do much so you'd probably end up making several monster CSV/JSON files first (parsed from those 30GB logs).

Using some sort of elo score or assigning a score based on ETF2L/RGL division sounds a lot easier. If you want to go the extra mile you can check amount of matches played on ETF2L, how many won/lost etc. But if your goal is to just make the life of a handful of people easier, I think that'll go a long way.

If you like what you have with you could just scrape the data rather than use an API. You should probably ask the creator if they are fine with that though.

posted about 2 years ago
#23 Ask Delphi in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#33 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

Where does it even state in the rules that throwing a game leads to a ban? Are admins this desperate that this falls under the 'match betting' rule? Please show me these people betting on Div 2 6s main season games

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Help getting player name from steamID3 in Q/A Help

The Steam API uses 64-bit Steam ID's, so before you could fetch the name you'd have to convert your SteamID3 to a 64-bit Steam ID.

They can be mathematically converted to a 64-bit ID, the actual math behind it is briefly explained in the official Valve documentation but I'd recommend you grab a library for your language of choice since there will almost certainly be someone who already built a package to do the conversion for you.

Once you're at that point you can use the Steam GetPlayerSummaries API to get their current nickname (or better in this context probably: use the league's API to fetch their primary alias).

RGL used to have an undocumented API to fetch stuff by Steam ID but it seems like it's not available anymore, last time I asked them about it they seemed equally confused about having an API. Not sure if they've built a proper API by now (doubt it), you might be out of luck on that front unless you want to try scraping the data

Alternatively, since the logs should contain names as well you could build a script and see which alias gets used the most for every player

posted about 2 years ago
#78 RGL Ringer Fees in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_... because pretty much all of the backend people who wanted to even try to work on a project like this have said fuck it and left and don't care anymore.

Building the technical infrastructure for a league (minus all the game servers I guess, but other leagues like ETF2L don't provide those either) isn't that hard to arrange and I strongly doubt that no one in this entire community has the skill set to build something that matches or outclasses RGL.

The real problem imo is that the people who are capable to make this have no guarantee that people will actually move over to a new platform, and it'll probably end up segmentalizing the existing playerbase over multiple leagues. No developer is going to spend a few weeks coding for the laugh just to realize that people would rather stick with RGL because b4nny plays it (while said developer(s) pay out of pocket to keep that infrastructure running). Marketing a league, sustaining it, finding volunteers to actually run the whole thing and do admin/AC work + incentivizing people to play on it (with or without prize pools) over RGL is the hard part, Valve's not even adding new medals to the game afaik and just rehashes old models (which is one of the bigger incentives for newer players to join like it or not).

When ESEA died it was a no-brainer to move to RGL since all it took was for them to add a gamemode to their already existing platform (also b4nny plays it). The only competition at the time ESEA died that wasn't a wip or ran by questionable people was UGC (lol)

posted about 2 years ago
#3 What's wrong with my posts? (Esp. my perf guide) in Off Topic

stop playing tech support for this website

lots of the information you spread is just wrong or so completely irrelevant (at this point in time) that it hurts (posting about an RCE years after the code leak, talking about how changing DNS servers increases your in-game performance etc)

even when it's not and whatever you are saying is technically correct people are not asking you, they are asking the original creator of whatever tf2 customization is around

posted about 2 years ago
#5876 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Changed some fonts and other things on srshud

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Frag video help/advice in Videos

Don't know much about how you'd go about solving the first or third problem but I found a copy of the no disguise smoke mod on my drive so here you go (I think it only works for STV demos though, not sure).

Using it with Lawena should just be a matter of dragging the folder inside of custom (Lawena's custom folder) and then enabling it on launch.

posted about 3 years ago
#125 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

It's a good system, no random crits & spread, decent map pool, queue times are roughly 1-3 minutes and most importantly no automated cheating bots. It took me a while to get the anti-cheat working as I had to disable Hyper-V and run some weird command line tool to get it working, but now it's fine.

Pubs are quite enjoyable and they don't take years to finish thanks to stopwatch. Haven't seen too many stacks but most of the people who queue with their friends are just vibing from what I've seen. I've only ran into like two 6 stacks with like 3 medics that run perma kritz + banners to farm points for a ~€10-20 hat/weapon from the shop, but honestly it doesn't matter cause your game will end in no time, you get one less point and just move on from there.

posted about 3 years ago
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