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Last Posted May 19, 2016 at 9:09 PM
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#16 How to get all your frames back after Tough Break in TF2 General Discussion

damn that really sucks. it's odd your fps is completely unaffected by any program tweaks
last time a similar thing like this happened to me in tf2 i found out my cpu was running at 90c+
i know it sounds stupid but double checking cpu temp/missing drivers/hardware is a good idea

also disable steam cloud when reinstalling as it reloads your old cfgs
clear launch options and i can't think of anything else, hopefully something turns up

posted about 8 years ago
#14 How to get all your frames back after Tough Break in TF2 General Discussion
wru57RMr_WillAnyone got any new solutions that I have not tried yet? It would be much appreciated.http://www.teamfortress.tv/16179/no-hats-mod i gave this a try, helped me out a lot. easy to install and can be reverted just easily whenever u feel like having cosmetics againyou will never feel like playing with hats again after at least a week of using this, be sure

very true. i have on 90% of the time now. will take butter smooth fps any day over showing off my shit cosmetics

posted about 8 years ago
#12 How to get all your frames back after Tough Break in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_WillAnyone got any new solutions that I have not tried yet? It would be much appreciated.

http://www.teamfortress.tv/16179/no-hats-mod i gave this a try, helped me out a lot. easy to install and can be reverted just easily whenever u feel like having cosmetics again

posted about 8 years ago
#51 The Pyro Update Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

what if you could control the flame mechanics. like instead of just pressing m1 if you held too long, then the flame would be less hot or dmg/ammo disperses faster. or if you hold down m1 too long, a larger low dmg radius occurs versus using your m1 at timed moments. some sort of a charge aspect even

jake_Overall, I think that shotgun pyro will become dominant as "flarepunching" has been made much more similar to hitting airshots given the increase in time from airblasting to flaring. A push for hitscan skill on pyro may promote interest in exploring the depth found in the core combat classes, while making pyro require more mechanical skill in general will allow for the depth that many desire on the class. Concerns about W+M1 are overstated, essentially every single hitscan weapon in the game (aimed well) can kite a pyro who is clearly telegraphing his intentions by rushing forward.

this this this
shotgun is vastly underrated when most people main the class. so many roll the degreaser + secondary crit. why should one weapon that encourages a specific playstyle become the only viable way to play in a higher skill setting. if the perks of one weapon give that much of an advantage, something is wrong. i feel that being able to combo should not be rewarded more easily than having better hitscan, especially when the latter can actually be transfered to another class

posted about 8 years ago
#432 The Tough Break Update in TF2 General Discussion

i play pyro all the time in pubs you dont even need the flamethrower
besides, relying on a sidegrade that encourages a gimmicky playstyle is dumb

have reddit pyro mains ever played without the degreaser?
you're not much of a pyro main if you don't know how to play well with stock

maybe instead of crying over this update learn how to aim shotty? and when to use primary vs secondary?
you got used to having both simultaneously. finally now u can see that right click+m1 was never a skill
there are other ways of winning fights. ways that don't involve ridiculous airblasts and undeserved minicrits

i'm glad stock finally overshadows the sidegrade. it's about time
very happy with this update as someone who plays stock pyro
thanks valve :D

posted about 8 years ago
#119 Shooting at the Inland Regional Center in Off Topic
BonafideHow is this not blowing up?

ikd i'm kind of surprised how so many people bought it here too. corporate media at its best i guess, shaping public opinion. multiple eyewitnesses reporting the same thing will never be enough to challenge an entire conglomerate with strong political objectives

keep calm and carry on as they say

posted about 8 years ago
#117 Shooting at the Inland Regional Center in Off Topic

i wonder when cbs news will take down this video

posted about 8 years ago
#15 Logitech G303 $30 @ Bestbuy in Hardware

sorry for the necro but it's $24 right now even cheaper lol


posted about 8 years ago
ikpureaim-A lot of you guys are showing your true colors, yikes. I'm sure that the Quran doesn't say kill for the hell of it knowing that none of you guys have read it for yourselves and just cherry picking verses. The media has done an exceptional job of pretty much nailing people of the Islamic race as a whole. No it's not just extremists of Islam but a certain sect of the Sunnis.

Just please stop bashing the religion in this thread if you're viewing it from an outsiders perspective!

Some facts for you. Don't generalize Sunnis because 90% of all muslims are Sunnis. Thats 90% of 1.6 billion people and not all of them are extremists I mean come on there are 1.6 billion muslims in the world if Islam bred terror everyone would be dead by now. The combines forces in total of Islamic State, Boko Haram and Al Qaeda makes up 0.003% of the global muslim population. Less than 2% of all terror attacks are carried out in the name of Islam. I've read the entire Quran, I've read the Bible as well. That doesn't make me an expert on this topic at all but its enough to prove to me that the majority of the people who posted in this thread about Islam haven't read the Quran and are forming prejudice opinions on Islam through their cherry picked verses of the Quran. The same people aren't able to put those verses into context or know what they actually mean because they lack the background knowledge to do so.

I believe he was referring to ISIS as a group composed of two extremist branches of sects from Sunni Islam -- not Sunnis in general, or Wahhabis/Salafis as a whole. The majority of Muslims are Sunni and they do not represent the actions of this terrorist group. It's very saddening that less than 5% of 1.6 billion people suddenly are chosen by the media to represent Muslims on a wide scale. Aside from cultivating more hatred and distrust, associating revered phrases with actions of terror continually is a sore indicator of how much willful ignorance still exists in our world.

Yes ISIS is a religious terrorist group. And yes it is run by Muslims. Yes, these specific Muslims choose to represent Islam as a violent political struggle. Yes, this is one representation of the religion. To all hating on Islam or religion in general: you are allowed to judge a religion based on its adherents -- but keep in mind how you do it because a small marginalized group does not represent the whole most accurately.

This doesn't just apply to Islam, it applies to any other religion. If you truly want to understand a religion please stop judging it completely by its adherents and try to understand the doctrine of what the religion itself wants to be. Reading a page of wikipedia overnight doesn't make you an expert on it. Hearing something from Fox News doesn't make you informed. It takes years, a lot of research and reading to fully understand a doctrine and all its implications.

Yes people do represent their religion to some extent, but people are not perfect. They are certainly capable of contradicting their own religion, whether out of stupidity or personal gain. Fun fact ISIS has never read and understood a page of the Quran because everything they are doing is going against the religious doctrine adopted and practiced by 95% of Muslims around the world. To link their fanatical actions to that major religious doctrine, and then start hating on the religion and its adherents, is an incredibly stupid thing to do.

I really don’t want to open up a can of worms but no country really has a spotless history. Yes Middle Eastern countries are abundant in terror and violence – even among its own people – but it’s not like the USA has never committed genocide on Native Americans or bombed tons of deleted uranium in civilian areas in Iraq. Let’s not kid ourselves here. Violence is violence. Wherever it is, however it is. I understand you want to be patriotic but stop cherry-picking and misrepresenting actual history please.

I’m saddened deeply by the Paris terror attacks and how people were targeted for bloodshed. They were ordinary people just like you and me and to suddenly learn that your family or loved one is gone forever must be devastating. There’s nothing these people will be able to do to bring their loved ones back and it’s heartbreaking, completely unjust. These people will want retribution which is understandable but all I can say is I hope it goes out to the people who actually deserve it.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 update from tf2 pub in The Dumpster
wthizaxi play golf at 10 am 5 days a week

holy shit wtf TIGER WOODS

posted about 8 years ago
#5 strafing :( in Mentoring

thanks for the help guys that guide looks awesome just what i needed

posted about 8 years ago
#1 strafing :( in Mentoring

yes it sounds really dumb but i'm looking for someone who can teach me how to strafe correctly on scout and practice mge sometimes or do w/e that will help. i can aim sometimes but my movement/dodging is shit on a whole. i literally need someone to break it down for me starting with the basics. i can mumble and if i improve i will be forever grateful possibly give some sort of compensation for your trouble for this silly favor ty

add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/57R

posted about 8 years ago
#13 So I played my very first lobby today! in TF2 General Discussion

u gotta listen to yakety sax when u play hl lobbies everything will make sense then

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Introducing... TF2 Soccer PUGs! in TF2 General Discussion

ban engineer

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Map location nicknames in TF2 General Discussion







posted about 8 years ago
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