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Last Posted June 1, 2022 at 8:49 AM
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#552 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

I'll throw this one out after watching Dreamhack

Sniper causes more stalemates than he breaks and hurts the game in his current state. The fact that he's useful even if he's not hitting shots, by controlling sightlines, is not okay.

(not to mention highlander and how the pocket snipers with razorback dominate the entire meta of the gamemode. Until now I thought highlander was the problem, not the sniper, but the way he was used at DH was really obnoxious.)

posted about 7 years ago
#25 Complete meme of a tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

Dude, defending with 2 engies with wrangler and rescue ranger available? In a 9v9 situation? It'd be easier to assault Fort Knox than that shit.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 your entire time with tf2 in Off Topic

Been playing since 2012. Originally I was just a pocket medic to my best friend IRL in a polish dustbowl server, and we even did a highlander season like that, but I got bored of medic pretty quickly (also I absolutely suck at calling).

Unfortunately at the time I was a 40 fps gamer that couldn't really aim anything and when I watched some pyro videos and was able to replicate some of that shit pretty quickly I was hooked. You can't deny that when you're new to the whole first person shooter thing, pyro is flashy. It looks cool. So I set out to become the best pyro ever (xd)

Obviously I didn't achieve that. But it was fun and I met some cool people along the way. Even played some sixes recently, I was getting kinda decent on scout but I don't have the same drive to become good now as I did 3 years ago. So I'm mostly watching from the sidelines and throwing some shitposts now. Wouldn't call it quitting - the community is great and it's great to be a (no matter how small) part of it.

posted about 7 years ago
#64 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

I agree that 6s is the better gamemode and more deserving of an e-sport push, but I've had more fun playing highlander and don't want it to die off entirely.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 What was your first experience in competitive TF2? in TF2 General Discussion

Back when my best friend IRL pubbed with me and I had bad ping, bad fps, and atrocious skills, he had some friends who played comp and we ended up wanting to try as well. First on the old tf2lobby (I was the zero lobby medic once!) and eventually we made a team for UGC Steel, back in season 9 when Iron didn't even exist in EU. I was med and he was heavy. Good times.

Our first match in that season was also the debut to our opponents, Tourettes Chessclub. EU players will know them because a few years later they won prem twice.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Which hero are you going to main in Overwatch? in Other Games

Tracer and Pharah are my favourite to play, but Lúcio is my most played because of solo Q and that "No Support Heroes" message. I also play Winston a lot when "No Tank Heroes" appears.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Why are all the TF2 league sites shit except UGC? in TF2 General Discussion

I like the ETF2L classic look way more than beta. As far as function, yeah it could use some more guidance to new players but once you get used to it's fairly easy to use, unlike UGC which is just a big old mess where something like finding a team can be stupidly hard.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 New OW animated short in Other Games

To be fair I think the storyline they have could go places with some good writing and character development. It just seems to fall short atm, but I'm willing to give it time.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 New OW animated short in Other Games

I feel the thing Blizzard fails to realize is that what they have is a cartoon FPS that is by definition pretty silly. Valve understood that with TF2 and fully embraced the silliness, coating it with that humour of theirs that works so well. With these videos it just feels like they're trying too hard to make an epic, larger-than-life lore, but they're lacking content to do so.

Of course since the game is rated teen and the videos are more destined to advertise the game than anything, said teens will probably eat this shit right up, so asking for "character development" in a cartoon FPS may be silly.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 FLAME/FLARE COMBO [HELP] in Customization

Step 1. Learn to use shotgun instead

Step 2. When your aim is good enough, realize that there is a class with a shotgun that is way better called "scout"

Step 3. Play that

It's too late for me, but you can still be saved!

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Perilous Gaming shuffles roster in News

Question is, is Silentes able to make i58?

If he is watch out americans, you've got competition

posted about 8 years ago
#129 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games

I'm enjoying it a lot despite some rage-inducing things like McCree flashbang+right click combos, winston and symmetra's auto aim weapons (I can forgive it on an ult but as your primary??), and teams that don't know how to deal with sentries or bastions. I won't be trying comp because TF2 was quite enough for me, but it's a great game for either casual pubbing or ranked with friends, which is all I wanted.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Froyo Black? in TF2 General Discussion

Hypothetically, wouldn't a team with this roster be forced to play invite or at least IM? I don't know if there are rules about sandbagging in ESEA. I'm sorry I'm just european

posted about 8 years ago
#413 Lmaobox premium detected. in TF2 General Discussion
what the hell I remember him helping me out big time with my uni science project, was talking with him for a while, seemed like a nice dude and besides a big helper. knowing now what kind of wolf in sheep's clothes he was doesn't feel too good :(

He can be a nice guy in real life and a dick in videogames because real life matters and games don't. There's no contradiction there.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 tf2 has been out longer than the time b/w tfc&tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Like people said TF3 only makes sense after TF2 has lost all interest and the economy is dead. It could be 5 or even 10 years before that happens but it's fun to think about what TF3 could be, no? Personally I'm thinking the cartoony artstyle is a staple and should stay, but it could be made in a futuristic setup instead of 60's-70's action espionage movies.

Gameplay-wise I'd like it to come a bit closer to arena shooters and play faster, which could be overall increased movement speed, maybe strafe jumps and/or quickdodges, maybe even friggin jetpacks, who knows.

You'd also need to change the support classes. Changing pyro to a LG class that has a projectile shield instead of airblast, heavy to be a half-tank half-support but not really dealing that much damage, engie maybe emphasised in quick teleporters and supplying buffs (armor/damage/etc) to his teammates instead of sentries, medic with a bit more combat ability but a heavy nerf on the ubercharge mechanic so it isn't so central to the gameplay. Like ideally you'd be able to choose to have a medic or an engie as your support without much difference.

Other classes could be more or less the same as they are. Possibly make the spy still able to backstab but more revolver-based with better guns, as stabbing won't be as effective with everyone wheezing around the map at quake-like speeds.

posted about 8 years ago
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