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Signed Up April 21, 2014
Last Posted February 23, 2016 at 10:19 AM
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#186 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineThat's because that name is just too darn long. I can't figure how to work font auto-sizing so you'll probably just have to live with that one. I guess a possible solution would be to move up the item names inside the model panel.

Can you screenshot this killstreak problem?

In other news, I'm finishing up hopeful fixes for 4:3 including demo charge meters, uber meters, and other arbitrary fixes. I'm having some problems getting everything done though (files don't like me). Expect the 1.6 patch sometime soon.

I got some more killstreaks this day and I'm beginning to think that the killstreaks are normal, it maybe is just my personal taste/opinion.
And I can live with my Rage-Inducing Specialized Killstreak Carbonado Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk. 1 not showing correctly, I guess ^×^.

Thank you for this B-E-A-Utiful HUD! And please, please don't abandon this HUD (maintenance (did I spell this right? #dutchies) wise).

EDIT: I hope anyone gets the reference or I will cry.

posted about 10 years ago
#184 flatHUD in Customization

Hey man, nice hud! There's only one thing that bothers me, and that is the fact that when I'm in my loadout screen some weapon names are too long and get cut off.

Here's my problem: Loadout screen.

Can I fix this somehow? BTW, I'm the biggest noob at installing HUDs but atleast I'm sure that installed all the fonts.

This is the only "problem" I ran into, great job dude!

EDIT: I have another problem; when I get the killstreak message, the font is weird. But like I said I installed them all. Any solutions?

posted about 10 years ago
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