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lfp pocket/roamer @i63
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Assuming there will be an open bracket in the tournament, I plan on playing at i63 with the s30 roster of this team. Our soldiers can't make it, so we'll need two more people to play. Ideally they would play the roles they replace, but we're just going there for fun anyways so we can switch around a bit to adapt to class preference.
As far as skill levels go, anyone with previous league experience is welcome to join us. Add me on steam if you're interested.

Assuming there will be an open bracket in the tournament, I plan on playing at i63 with the s30 roster of [url=http://etf2l.org/teams/27859/]this team[/url]. Our soldiers can't make it, so we'll need two more people to play. Ideally they would play the roles they replace, but we're just going there for fun anyways so we can switch around a bit to adapt to class preference.
As far as skill levels go, anyone with previous league experience is welcome to join us. [url=https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/[U:1:98513276]Add me[/url] on steam if you're interested.
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