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demo lft open
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Hey i'm looking for an esea open team, this will be my 1st season doing esea but i've had experience in ugc; 2 seasons of steel highlander and 2 seasons of 6's 1 being iron and the other being steel. I'm pretty much done with highlander and don't enjoy it anymore and i've always wanted to play 6's and i'm willing to do anything to improve myself for 6's cause i think it's way more better than highlander. I will be able to pay for myself cause i have a job also meaning my schedule may be busy. Here is my ugc experience page and steam account also my esea account.


Hope you consider trying me out, thank you.

Hey i'm looking for an esea open team, this will be my 1st season doing esea but i've had experience in ugc; 2 seasons of steel highlander and 2 seasons of 6's 1 being iron and the other being steel. I'm pretty much done with highlander and don't enjoy it anymore and i've always wanted to play 6's and i'm willing to do anything to improve myself for 6's cause i think it's way more better than highlander. I will be able to pay for myself cause i have a job also meaning my schedule may be busy. Here is my ugc experience page and steam account also my esea account.


Hope you consider trying me out, thank you.
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registration for esea is over in 2 days so you may have to find a team quick. Best of luck!

registration for esea is over in 2 days so you may have to find a team quick. Best of luck!
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guess i made this post at a bad time /:

guess i made this post at a bad time /:
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On the other hand, there are always a couple of teams made to save ESEA last minute and demos are always in short supply. Be ready to pay league fees on short notice! (But don't before you are actually on a team, ESEA hates chargebacks.)

If you haven't contacted them already, there are still a couple teams looking for low open demo tryouts on the lfp forum. Don't give up hope quite yet!

On the other hand, there are always a couple of teams made to save ESEA last minute and demos are always in short supply. Be ready to pay league fees on short notice! (But don't before you are actually on a team, ESEA hates chargebacks.)

If you haven't contacted them already, there are still a couple teams looking for low open demo tryouts on the lfp forum. Don't give up hope quite yet!
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GoldenchuI'm pretty much done with highlander


[quote=Goldenchu]I'm pretty much done with highlander[/quote]

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