shoutout to supra, thanks to him we had this amazing event, as always cooperation with you was great
shoutout to TCM squad, especially to skrimus for filling the spot very late (also for beeing GOAT during our matches)
shoutout to jmax for the work he did, I'm still amazed how great the production was and how much work he put into this
shoutout to casters for their work during the event, I'm still trying to rewatch whole event, but the casting was great
shoutout to wan for beeing amazing person :D
shoutout to everyone I met and for people who came to us in the basement to meet us I really didn't expect that this many people wanted to meet us
and I'm very sorry that I sometimes mixed up someone's nickname
It was my first european LAN and holy fuck you guys are awesome as a community, I'm really proud of beeing a part of that