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Low-Mid Roamer or Engi LFT UGC summer or ESEA S14
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Hi everybody itʻs skye here,
I have been trying to get a team together for a couple months now, but it is taking to long and Iʻm not quite up to all the responsibilities, so I gave up.

Now Iʻm looking for a new iron-silver team in EST, which scrims a couple times a week.

I have scrimmed with my friendʻs ugc silver team, apparently I "have a good grasp of how to navigate maps and make key advances".

So to conclude

I would like to be of a team that
-is in iron -silver
-goes on EST
-scrims a couple times a week
-is committed

I can give to a team
-a solid roamer or a decent attacking or defensive engi
-Iʻm british(Americans like my accent)-I came to the u.s.
-I have good tf2 background-not a competitive one
-I have a fairly open schedule
-A desire to win
-A good mic

Anybody interested in recruiting me, hit me up at -http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034877025/

Hi everybody itʻs skye here,
I have been trying to get a team together for a couple months now, but it is taking to long and Iʻm not quite up to all the responsibilities, so I gave up.

Now Iʻm looking for a new iron-silver team in EST, which scrims a couple times a week.

I have scrimmed with my friendʻs ugc silver team, apparently I "have a good grasp of how to navigate maps and make key advances".

So to conclude

I would like to be of a team that
-is in iron -silver
-goes on EST
-scrims a couple times a week
-is committed

I can give to a team
-a solid roamer or a decent attacking or defensive engi
-Iʻm british(Americans like my accent)-I came to the u.s.
-I have good tf2 background-not a competitive one
-I have a fairly open schedule
-A desire to win
-A good mic

Anybody interested in recruiting me, hit me up at -http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198034877025/
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