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43 Frags +

wtf there must be some sort of mistake
his friends all said he changed and that hes streamed his pov and that hes willing to go to lan

wtf there must be some sort of mistake
his friends all said he changed and that hes streamed his pov and that hes willing to go to lan
27 Frags +


15 Frags +

team die too

team die too
33 Frags +

now stop letting cheaters get unbanned so this shit doesnt happen again

now stop letting cheaters get unbanned so this shit doesnt happen again
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6 Frags +

lol owned

lol owned
1 Frags +


25 Frags +

cu @

cu @
-9 Frags +

curious to see what rgl says about this because it raises a lot of questions
like why did it take this long to happen? were there any reports that got looked at for elijah earlier? what changed this time? were AC reports even being kept up with?
since banning elijah absolutely takes a load off of rgl's shoulders and appeases the crowd theres the concern of potential bias too. I doubt this will have any closure since i wouldnt expect them to release their findings in any detail
this definitely makes the most people happy though and it does nicely tie together the gbz fgp scheduling controversy i suppose

curious to see what rgl says about this because it raises a lot of questions
like why did it take this long to happen? were there any reports that got looked at for elijah earlier? what changed this time? were AC reports even being kept up with?
since banning elijah absolutely takes a load off of rgl's shoulders and appeases the crowd theres the concern of potential bias too. I doubt this will have any closure since i wouldnt expect them to release their findings in any detail
this definitely makes the most people happy though and it does nicely tie together the gbz fgp scheduling controversy i suppose
19 Frags +

i'm too invested in the drama, I MUST know what the smoking gun was ;-;

i'm too invested in the drama, I MUST know what the smoking gun was ;-;
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28 Frags +

dippidy has changed the course of the universe

dippidy has changed the course of the universe
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51 Frags +

anyone else think its a little bit suspicious that Arcadia, the owner and head admin of RGL, is rostered on the team that got let into playoffs due to this decision?

anyone else think its a little bit suspicious that Arcadia, the owner and head admin of RGL, is rostered on the team that got let into playoffs due to this decision?
48 Frags +
brodyanyone else think its a little bit suspicious that Arcadia, the owner and head admin of RGL, is rostered on the team that got let into playoffs due to this decision?

concerning. looking into this

[quote=brody]anyone else think its a little bit suspicious that Arcadia, the owner and head admin of RGL, is rostered on the team that got let into playoffs due to this decision?[/quote]

concerning. looking into this
14 Frags +

c u guys in a season or two when we have to make the next stink on the forums to get something done

c u guys in a season or two when we have to make the next stink on the forums to get something done
20 Frags +


-4 Frags +

noob down

noob down
25 Frags +


And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt


And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt
-15 Frags +

i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan
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cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

the guy has been banned twice now for cheating. this is no longer an accusation, bro has been Convicted!

[quote=cereaI]i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan[/quote]
the guy has been banned twice now for cheating. this is no longer an accusation, bro has been Convicted!
13 Frags +
cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.

[quote=cereaI]i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan[/quote]

There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.
11 Frags +

I will cheat at home and at lan

I will cheat at home and at lan
30 Frags +
cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

What exactly are you suggesting? Cheaters don't get banned until they're caught at LAN, cheaters get unbanned if they show up at LAN, cheaters get banned if they don't show up at LAN, or AC teams should spend an entire LAN watching all suspected cheaters who showed up not cheat and then unban them because if they didn't cheat at LAN they probably didn't cheat online?

You can't retroactively prove that you didn't actually cheat online by not cheating at LAN.
It would be like unbanning or not banning someone for not cheating in a single tournament, after they've cheated for 5 seasons straight.

And deciding whether or not someone cheated online purely by whether they play better or worse at LAN is an objectively terrible idea.

[quote=cereaI]i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan[/quote]
What exactly are you suggesting? Cheaters don't get banned until they're caught at LAN, cheaters get unbanned if they show up at LAN, cheaters get banned if they don't show up at LAN, or AC teams should spend an entire LAN watching all suspected cheaters who showed up not cheat and then unban them because if they didn't cheat at LAN they probably didn't cheat online?

You can't retroactively prove that you didn't actually cheat online by not cheating at LAN.
It would be like unbanning or not banning someone for not cheating in a single tournament, after they've cheated for 5 seasons straight.

And deciding whether or not someone cheated online purely by whether they play better or worse at LAN is an objectively terrible idea.
10 Frags +

Get fucked stupid ass cheater. U fkn sux

Get fucked stupid ass cheater. U fkn sux
9 Frags +
cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan

ban them from the venue but make them 1v1 GJ3 on the court outside

[quote=cereaI]i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan[/quote]
ban them from the venue but make them 1v1 GJ3 on the court outside
-1 Frags +
yak404cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan
There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.

oh man if only you knew the whole of that story

[quote=yak404][quote=cereaI]i think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan[/quote]

There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.[/quote]
oh man if only you knew the whole of that story
18 Frags +

Waiting for "The Case for Elijah 3.0"

Waiting for "The Case for Elijah 3.0"
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