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Signed Up September 12, 2012
Last Posted December 13, 2021 at 11:23 PM
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#2 I HATE ANIME in Music, Movies, TV

me too

posted about 7 years ago
#1 ohboy pt2 in TF2 General Discussion

nazi mods

posted about 7 years ago
#316 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
rocketslaywasn't b4nny at least partially involved in creation of rewind LAN

Yes he promised the prize pool would reach $15k

posted about 7 years ago
#2182 stream highlights in Videos

4head sweat

posted about 7 years ago
#221 ban b4nny in The Dumpster
alfasaamhow did muma ever decide to pick up alfa instead of him
I can answer that one. I was offered either pocket or roamer, but I said I wouldn't be able to main call effectively on roamer as I'll have less info (when a roamer does his job, he won't be able to see as much as the core in order to call a push or time flanks and such. I can expand on this if you'd like me to). It came down to trying out tagg and marm, and at that moment I was working better with tagg than with marm in scrims. Maybe long term it MIGHT have worked better with marm? Who knows, I went by what went better in scrims and gave my input on it. Regardless, I regret doing that to marm as he is a friend and one of the best people I hang out at LANs with, and to just put in prospect how much of a genuine person he is, he brushed that shit off at LAN and we still hung out without any grudge bullshit or anything like that. I could say he is one of the people I respect the most in this game and look up to as a mature figure.

Commence shit talk of why I'm worse than both marm and tagg or something (seems that's what you do when you see my name pop up). If you want to have an actual proper discussion you can PM me because I know it's hard getting any facts when you're not part of a team.

Edit: I don't actually know who you are at all but I'm just telling you from my brief 2 interactions with you ever.

you are worse than both marm and tagg

posted about 7 years ago
#187 ban b4nny in The Dumpster
mub4nny is a fucking retard killing his own game

by the way, if you're an up and coming player who isn't in a circlejerk, u better be ready to suck some dick. good luck trying to get top 3 invite ever. theres actually no point in grinding this fucking game at all.

Or you could just be a good player and stop blaming circlejerks for the reason you're in a bottom 4 team. No one on ascent had spoken to yomps before we picked him up. He proved himself by playing well in scrims against us. If you are who I think you are (I'm not too sure you're past aliases are full of a bunch of edgy names or what I can only assume are weeb references) you aren't better than any scout who is playing on a better team (maybe yight). There is not a single player in the bottom 4 teams I can think of that would be a better than a player playing in one of the top 4 teams.

posted about 7 years ago
#176 ESEA Invite S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

thank god yomps is back

posted about 7 years ago
#22 cookiejake joins EVL Gaming in News

Fucken awesome Medic! I'm very excited to see him play this season with a strong Squad surrounding him. Good luck to cookiejake, corsa, garbuglio, yomps, and BDONSKI!

posted about 7 years ago
#73 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
camperrandoi am very upset that i was not interviewed for thisfuck my life dude out of all people it was you that i wanted to hear talk about banny

I got asked but I thought it would get edited to make me look dumb or banny look like a normal individual so I didn't commit to it. RIP

posted about 7 years ago
#71 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion

i am very upset that i was not interviewed for this

posted about 7 years ago
#42 paddie leaves froyotech in News

please take corsa from us

posted about 7 years ago
#202 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events

Please stop being mean

posted about 7 years ago
#434 TF2 Rewind LAN at Esports Arena - Jan 21-22 in LAN Discussion

Yomps, my gf and I are landing at Long Beach airport at 6:30 on Friday so if anyone can pick us up at like 7pm that would be much appreciated. We can throw you like $30 for gas and convenience. It's like a 25 minute drive from the hotel.

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

Since I'm the only pocket still playing from the quickfix lan I'm gonna educate you retards on the quickfix. Even with the quickfix "nerfs" it is still by far the best medigun. You have the ability to save your medic from just about any situation.

Example 1
You're losing mid so your soldier and medic bail you can literally double jump you're medic from choke to safety without any risk of dying. That's part of the reason why it was so stalematey.

Example 2
Holding second and the enemy roamer bombs your medic so as pocket you just jump away and you're medic is safe while your scouts kill the roamer. If your medic actually gets forced you actually fucked up so bad you deserve to lose.

Tri was the only player who wanted it to stay banned because he remembers. It's gonna be the worst shit you've ever played with.

Also while I have you're attention.
Gunboat limit 1
Revert medic scout movement speed

posted about 7 years ago
#54 Global Whitelist Meeting in Events

Can't wait to see what stupid shit gets unbanned because I'm not able to attend the meeting

posted about 7 years ago
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