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Signed Up June 25, 2017
Last Posted January 7, 2020 at 2:19 PM
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#60 really good music thread in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 4 years ago
#2327 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

definitely not going to sit around listening to it because 80s pop but it does make me inexplicably smile, because 80s pop. good job

posted about 4 years ago
#6 discrepancy between player count and YouTube views in TF2 General Discussion
sigafooI cannot find the article, but TF2 is the most installed game on steams platform.

IIRC it clocked in at around 50+ million installs.

interesting, I guess that theoretically does make it a semi-untapped market. Not trying to be one of those people who act like the game is ever going to explode, but that is an interesting fact, benevolent lord sigafoo

funhaver1998jerma star and muselk dont count because they only made TF2 videos during the games peak and now with star and muselk have big overwatch platforms now like muselk was on TV and shit

dont think its possible for a new tf2 youtuber to do that i think bannys taken their spot and he doesnt get nearly that much views

ster has kind of fallen on the wayside, I think he dabbled in overwatch competitive and then went full grumpy old man and just streams himself getting salty and whatever given game a couple times a week for like 600 viewers, in the meantime jerma gets thousands of viewers for streaming shitty old late 90s games

arguably, lazypurple and soundsmith have taken their place as the pub-god-youtubers

muselk panders to small fortnite children with red arrows and clickbait titles for metric asstons of cash

posted about 4 years ago
#21 i would like to talk about weeb shit here please in Off Topic

can somebody point me in the direction of some decent horror manga pls ty

posted about 4 years ago
#118 what are ya READING? in Music, Movies, TV

children of dune by frank herbert, about halfway through. interested to finish it to see what the implications are on the remaining books in the series, definitely doing a good job of moving the plot

posted about 4 years ago

haven't they been in the process of recording an album for a while? so are they just now announcing this or is it still klinghoffer on the album? or did that get scrapped

posted about 4 years ago
#24 I need your terrible inventions in Off Topic

a machine that solves overpopulation and the livestock industry's green house gasses problem by turning people in hamburgers

posted about 4 years ago
#2 tibby lft combo scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

spent like 3 seasons on and off locked in a trunk in the back of mono72's free candy van with this player

very dedicated, grinds the game daily, watches demos, pugs, mge, takes all criticism, works extremely hard in a team environment
has had problems with being a space brain and having iffy movement, but improved on this heavily last season despite the dumpster-fire first half
definitely high main now, and capable of hanging in low advanced but needs to lock down his calls and snap decision making to be safe

posted about 4 years ago
#12 Sporadic eSports confirmed for RGL Season 2 in News

this is either gonna be really RAD or really SAD

I'll let myself out

posted about 4 years ago
#56 UGC Season 30 + Updates on recent events in TF2 General Discussion

rgl and ugc are both dogshit at dealing with bans because they're both grass roots leagues and everyone is in a circlejerk of which there can be overlap, the only time this wasn't an issue in any league afaik was with ESEA, which had it's own slew of problems

that aside, in my experience rgl highlander has been much more proactive and transparent with general league management otherwise, i co-led teams in some of my first seasons in ugc and trying to get any sort of support or understand what was happening with maps and configs was like throwing rocks at a brick wall, there was simply no fallback help at all, so despite it being an institution i'd still choose rgl over ugc

the 6s league needs a lot of work still though

but this particular situation is a highlander one and highlander is a meme so whatever lmao

posted about 4 years ago
#15 frag videos that inspired you to play competitive in Videos
also warhuryeah in general

posted about 4 years ago
#2287 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

yeah that one is going in the playlist

posted about 4 years ago
#9 infinite possibilities in The Dumpster

somebody hosts a lan in california that doesn't die

posted about 4 years ago
#5 LF benchmark demo in Customization
Blusorry, do you happen to know how you actually get the benchmark stats after playing the demo?

type in console

timedemo (name of the demo)

once it's done playing, it'll read out the average FPS/variability/etc in console, example being

2639 frames 15.886 seconds 166.12 fps ( 6.02 ms/f) 7.576 fps variability
posted about 4 years ago
#15 Favourite Albums of the 2010's in Music, Movies, TV

in no particular order because that'd be like schindler's list

tobacco - sweatbox dynasty
beach house - 7
beach house - bloom
girlpool - what chaos is imaginary
black marble - a different arrangement
black marble - weight against the door
danny brown - uknowwhatimsayin
la luz - floating features
crystal castles - III
crystal castles - II
mindless self indulgence - how I learned to stop giving a shit and love
grimes - visions
grimes - geidi primes
black moth super rainbow - cobra juicy
u.s. girls - half free
the knife - shaking the habitual
king gizzard & the lizard wizard - i'm in your mind fuzz
lcd soundsystem - american dream
demon queen - exorcise tape

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shoutout to bjork for being the goat, and the emo dumpster fire that is black veil brides, and the garden for existing
also make a 90s one of these so I can vomit shoegaze and nine inch nails thanks
posted about 4 years ago
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