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Signed Up May 6, 2014
Last Posted November 10, 2019 at 3:09 PM
Posts 286 (0.1 per day)
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#157 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events
TwiggyBarryChuckleLegitimately retarded that they had Sunshine in the map pool when it is not played in ETF2L. Congrats to FROYO but I feel robbed of a proper deciding map in what was otherwise a super close grand finals and a legitmate chance to dethrone Froyo.Then what map do you put in to replace it Mr. Smart? Cardinal? Metalworks? Ashville? No additional map? Then how do you do pick and bans?


posted about 5 years ago
#122 Insomnia63: Grand Finals in Events


posted about 5 years ago
#14 Rude in The Dumpster
aim-Speaking as the standin manager for froyotech while they are at lan and shade is on vacation, I can tell you we, 'Froyotech' do not mind the chants.

That's great to hear. It'd be terrible if your team or members in it were discouraged from attending these events again because of the community deciding to run their mouth a little. It's true, it's all harmless banter and I'm glad it's recognized.

b4nny go home btw

posted about 5 years ago
#829 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

womp womp

posted about 5 years ago
#827 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
mur just way too r/iamverysmart for me to take serious lol

emotional sperging over my heretic proposition

Case in point.

"My association of this topic with negative emotions invalidates any further need to debate."

It is you who is being unreasonable, not me.

posted about 5 years ago
#824 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

The competitive spirit is to win at any cost, it doesn't care about self-regulation. All of this is poppycock, I still haven't gotten any rebuttal that isn't emotional sperging over my heretic proposition.

posted about 5 years ago
#822 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

It's the general principle, retard. Pro CSGO teams will not run quintuple AWP not because of money problems but because it's generally more useful to use AK-47s, but they have the freedom to do it whereas we don't (and the one time they did do it ended up becoming an iconic highlight, wew!). You have some cons and you have some pros based on what guns you use in CSGO. Likewise you have some cons and some pros based on what classes you limit yourself to in TF2. Every second you spend on a specific class is a second that you're not spending on another class performing a different function for the team.

posted about 5 years ago
#820 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion
edinFuxxWe need to reevaluate 6v6 class limits.you know i almost agreed with all of this an upfragged it until you said let me run double heavy to mid

Thread is called unpopular opinions for a reason.

Still, I went through the effort to provide reason and motive for my opinion, whereas yours appears to be based on emotion alone as though that instantly validates it / rejects any further ground for debate.


posted about 5 years ago
#818 unpopular tf2 opinions in TF2 General Discussion

We need to reevaluate 6v6 class limits.

The TF2 6v6 metagame has been originally molded by trial and errors from the O.G. teams to find the optimal compositions, finally settling on maximizing speed and versatility. Class limits were imposed to restrict domineering overpowered styles, beginning by limiting the Medic (Uber is OP) and the Demoman class (then ultra OP).

Every other composition that deviated from the cookie cutter was automatically inferior by very design, but class limits began to be imposed not out of a fear of overpowered styles but because of their situational gimmicky usefulness. Engie, Heavy, Sniper and Pyro were all restricted to 1 despite them having rarely been at all viable outside of specific situations. The Sniper was limited to 1 for example because Epsilon whined that Broder's 2 sniper defense on Process last was too OP, even though it was the only time when running double sniper was ever viable.

The nerfing of the Demoman and the accelerated dominance of the Scout class, together with the uselessness of other classes, should leave us to naturally ask whether or not it is time to reevaluate class limits.

Scout is now the strongest class in 6v6 and yet it has a higher class limit than Heavy, Pyro, Sniper and Engineer. The only non-standard class that has survived the chop has been the Spy, but only because no one has yet figured out how to amount to anything more than complete and utter shit with it.

The current design of class limits is strongly biased on tradition and anything that threatens it gets the chop. This is antithetical to the competitive spirit. CSGO Majors do not set restrictions on the amount of AWPs or Auto-Snipers their players can use, nor are the organizations conditioning the players to a specific playstyle. This is all chosen by the professionals themselves. In much of the same spirit we should not so viciously ban, ban & ban just because we are too lazy or scared to adapt to new strategies.

Let me run double Heavy to mid and let me defend last with two Snipers. It's none of your business to ban them if it proves effective in a niche situation and it's neither none of your business to advocate banning it "because it's dumb". If it works then it's not dumb. If you're convinced that it will fail then allow it at least the chance to fail all of its own.

posted about 5 years ago
#74 i63 predictions? in LAN Discussion
FuxxI want an underdog team to upset everyone and take the 1st place after a series of intense tribulations and last minute clutches.Yohnany underdog team in particular? ^^martenNot you yohn jeez


posted about 5 years ago
#5 Question for musicians and/or physicists in Off Topic

I recommend using a thermometer to inspect the temperature instead of relying solely on your human perception. Underground places like a basement work well.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Question for musicians and/or physicists in Off Topic

No, it would not work.

Physics explanation:

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Temperature is a measurement of the average kinetic energy of the particles in the system, in this case the air molecules. At a macroscopic level the air may appear still, but at a microscopic level there is an absurd number of particles flying around colliding with each other and transferring energy. To reduce the temperature you require a reduction in their speeds. Introducing a fan does not achieve this, all it does is remove spacial isotropy by giving a preferred macroscopic direction.

The reason a fan makes us humans feel cooler is because our skin actively captures a thin layer of air which pools around us, accumulating heat from the body and from the air. A fan blows this thin layer of dead air away, replenishing it with new air, but which is ultimately at the same temperature of the room.

Short explanation:

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They don't make the room cooler, they only make you feel cooler.
posted about 5 years ago
#70 i63 predictions? in LAN Discussion

I want an underdog team to upset everyone and take the 1st place after a series of intense tribulations and last minute clutches.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Why is white people so evil? in The Dumpster

are italians white

posted about 5 years ago
#8 New ETF2L Medals in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
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