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Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 11:34 AM
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#465 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
GrenjabobgorestonJust a quick note to say fuck anyone who's pretending this is difficult. "Ooh, are we going to ban anyone who says anything mean?" Everyone in this thread is capable of telling the difference between trash talk and discrimination, or you'd all have been fired/kicked out of school/beaten up repeatedly by now.
This. Always this.

People concern trolling this nonsense can get in the sea.

"He has a different opinion than me, therefore concern troll."

posted about 5 years ago
#422 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
All_Over_RSAdramelek is just derailing the thread and probably concern trolling. If he wants to talk about smaller level trash-talk where people insult each other's skill and stuff he can make a thread of his own, because this thread is about harassment of people in the community not telling someone they are bad at the game...

How is it derailing when it is literally related? Also, there is nothing else to address about this topic here. 14 pages of everything that could be said, for the most part. I would appreciate if you did not accuse me of trolling for no reason, thanks.

posted about 5 years ago
#420 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
MattCVAdramelekMattCVI am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.

Different strokes for different folks, you do not feel anything is added, I do. We are just going around in circles at this point.

You sound like you would enjoy Overwatch a massively sanitized video game where the outrage culture is so up to speed people made Reddit threads about somebody teabagging someone else.

I like Overwatch's approach to the topic, yes. Insulting is insulting no matter who it is. Being a minority or using a specific term does not automatically make it worse.

posted about 5 years ago
#418 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
MattCVI am not sweeping anything under a rug. It is on a "completely different level" attacking someone for there race/sexuality or gender is just retarded. These are elements of a person that cannot be changed.

As for trash talk, I for one find it entertaining, it adds to the competitive nature of gaming, everyone likes to have bragging rights and part of that can be calling out your opponents.

Also, I have already mentioned in this thread that sometimes you just do not get on with people and that can result in a verbal confrontation and insults being thrown around.

Having a disagreement and tossing out harsh words is different from tossing out said words needlessly and unwarranted, such as is most of the cases of trash-talking. It has nothing to do with elements that can or can't be changed. I can brag in a modest way that doesn't involve insulting my opponents, and I don't think anything is added from insulting anyone.

posted about 5 years ago
#415 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic
MattCVAdramelekI find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

There is no hypocrisy at all, attacking someone for race/gender/sexuality is on a completely different level than when you triple airshot that dude you don't get on with in your official and type "EZ clap" or "You don't even belong on the same server as me".

You ever watched the build-up to a huge hyped sporting event, say an MMA fight or a boxing match, for the burgers out there think of WWE. Trash talk is part of the entertainment.

Again you are sweeping under the rug because it's "on a completely different level" or so you claim. I don't think it is "entertainment" as you say it is, entertainment to whom? It just comes off as unnecessarily rude, and you and I both know it oftentimes goes well beyond that. And whether or not it is of the same severity does not make it acceptable still.

posted about 5 years ago
#403 Ban Pred and Degu in Off Topic

I find it quite amazing how some people are willing to stand against racist/transphobic/sexist remarks, yet so adamantly defend trash-talking or other remarks that aren't of the prior variety. You say that such racist/transphobic/sexist remarks drive people out of the community, but doesn't that apply to all forms of harassment? Minorities and specific groups, and terms used against them shouldn't be singled out because this is a problem that applies to everyone.

Plenty of people are driven out of the community for other unnecessary insults and trash-talk. Don't just swipe that under the rug as being "incomparable" and deeming it acceptable. Some of you even say it is a strategy if the enemies have "tilters", are you serious now? Don't you see the hypocrisy? Come on now, just be nice and respectable. It's not hard.

posted about 5 years ago
#53 Weapon Bans in TF2 General Discussion

I agree with this decision. In my opinion, I think they should also reban the Quickie, the Loch n' Load (yeah I get it, Demos need more variety but I don't think these weapons are balanced), the Cow Mangler, and Jarate.

Quickiebomb Launcher has got a lot less clip size than stock but the increased sticky damage and extra range you gain from it is huge, not to mention the shorter fuse. It's basically good for most situations now, and while it only has 4 stickies before needing to reload, it gives Demoman immediate extra effectiveness in both closer ranges and longer ranges, being able to defend himself easier and faster on close range despite the damage nerf, which is a questionable tradeoff from a balancing point of view, to being able to sticky snipe faster, further, and with much greater damage and speed. When a weapon needs to cut back half of its stock counterpart's clipsize at an attempt to "balance" it (pre-nerf Loch) you need to start questioning if there's something wrong.

The Loch n' Load. It makes pills way easier to hit, which is huge. The fact that its projectile travels straight without spinning also makes the effective projectile speed gain from the weapon greater than 20%, while also negating most of the slight random deviations in range/accuracy due to the spinning projectile of stock. Losing one shot and rollers for this much extra accuracy is not enough of a penalty.

The Cow Mangler is now pretty much a straight upgrade from stock for roamers. This weapon is really hanging on a balancing edge. Infinite ammo with negligible downsides for 6v6 play, and I know it sounds stupid but the charge shot will actually see some use now, especially in lower divs to make some absolutely bullshitty out of nowhere shots which deal way waaaay too much damage. Think about every choke situation where you'd be eating a few, normal rocket spam shots and replace it with a Cow Mangler charged shot. Yeah, no. This one is hard to balance because the former hidden reload speed penalty made it worse than stock in almost every situation, but now it's kind of the other way around.

Jarate. It might be tough to get into a position for a good piss soaking going against coordinated team play in most situations, but if/when it hits for whatever reason it is a massive advantage. It is also not hard to use either. And the drawback? There isn't one, in essence. So it should be banned, instead of increasing Sniper's viability/power even further.

posted about 7 years ago
#100 We need to talk about the booties in TF2 General Discussion
SideshowGunboats are not a game-changing unlock because you can go around speedshotting and treating things like a jump map.

They're a game-changing unlock because they make every normal rocket-jump far less damaging, letting you jump without being tethered to a medic and letting you move around the map more quickly. It's not an unlock that you have to be skillful to use.

True that, I'm seeing what he said as the Gunboats allow Soldier to use one of his skills (rocket jumping) with greater liberty and allowing Soldier to do stuff he normally wouldn't be able to do, without it just being "I have more HP when I bomb" or whatever.

posted about 8 years ago
#96 We need to talk about the booties in TF2 General Discussion

Booties are a powerful unlock, and sure they make the demo deal more DPM, while the presence of pipes, although less reliable as a weapon in a 1v1 situation can be very important especially in chokes and in the hands of good demomen it's a good way to deal high direct damage (and they do allow the demo to put out more firepower in a sense). I see the Booties as one of those weapons which players would probably find more problems with at lower levels.

The thing about it is that it offers two passive upsides while removing a weapon, which is kind of a lame-ish thing. Demomen sees a lot more use in two different weapons while other frag classes generally keep it to their primary to deal damage. As someone said before, not op but trading skillful play for passives is eh.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 A farewell in TF2 General Discussion

Was I the only one coming here expecting footrests?

posted about 8 years ago
#178 Confirmed MM Hackers in TF2 General Discussion

SamdogDoes PVP [U:1:165804227]

Very blatant cheater, never missed a headshot even at point blank or meatshot. Played dumb when questioned about the cheats.

posted about 8 years ago