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LF demoman mentor for 6s
posted in Mentoring
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Hi! Recently i started playing demoman competitively (i play scout on 6s usually) and i would really appriciate if a more experienced player watched my .dem and gave me some tips. Thanks!

Here's the demo: https://mega.nz/#!975nSTiZ!C4ufFAIJWFjHyRAkKtfZCkqUJ4ftCNVrdfTE6dFbuJg

Hi! Recently i started playing demoman competitively (i play scout on 6s usually) and i would really appriciate if a more experienced player watched my .dem and gave me some tips. Thanks!

Here's the demo: https://mega.nz/#!975nSTiZ!C4ufFAIJWFjHyRAkKtfZCkqUJ4ftCNVrdfTE6dFbuJg
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