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Signed Up July 8, 2021
Last Posted May 19, 2024 at 4:07 PM
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#5 Backroom Interviews - Localhost Philly 2023 Lan in LAN Discussion
plumP.S. can someone recommend a free filehosting service I can move the unedited Lan photos to? (not imgur im not allowed to publicize them)

Google Drive? Flickr (free account lets you upload 1000 photos)?

posted 1 week ago
#18 GPT-4o is insane in Off Topic

Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be replacing math tutors any time soon.

posted 1 week ago
#4 12v12 comp format in TF2 General Discussion

Forcing two players to run melee only in a game where 10 other players shoot guns at you is balanced and fun!

posted 2 weeks ago
#16 This person should not be in this community in Off Topic

The most you can do is encourage the victim to report it then. Nobody's going to do anything with this complete lack of evidence.

posted 3 weeks ago
#13 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion

My record is 7:
Like four of the drops were to the exact same counter sac through Africa and I just refused to pussy pop when it was so predictable

posted 1 month ago
#1 TF2 Coaching Central announces Newbie Cup 7 in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 Coaching Central is back with their seventh North American Newbie 6s Cup, a learning experience and friendly competition for people who are new to competitive 6v6.

Players with no to minimal competitive experience sign up to be placed on a team of six, led by a coach who will teach the basics of how to play the format and help you learn the maps. You'll have three weeks to learn and practice together as a team before facing off in a tournament.

If you're an experienced competitive player, we're also taking applications for coaches! Newbie cup coaches will mentor a team for duration of the training period and/or give map talks and classes about basic concepts. Help foster the growth of the next generation of 6s players!

Sign ups are open now, and the deadline to apply to be placed on a team is April 15. Team and coach assignments will be made by April 18 and tournament matches, brought to you with the help of our official casting partner Fireside Casts, will be May 11. Top teams will move on to playoffs on May 19 to compete for a 36 key prize pool sponsored by

Check out the TF2CC discord for more info ->

posted 1 month ago
#15 A Huge Problem on TFTV in TF2 General Discussion

If you're new to a forum, lurking is proper etiquette and it's how you learn not to get shit on.

posted 2 months ago
#3 new to comp tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

If you prefer a more structured intro to 6s you should definitely try out Newbie Mixes if you're in NA. They run beginner friendly mixes every Friday evening with live coaching and will teach you the basics.

posted 2 months ago
#75 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Your counterarguments for the benefit of your roommate are irrelevant to your case that you are a separate person from your roommate.

PupsiMaxEither way, both me and my roommate are reachable on discord if either you or NoNoeWay want to talk to us yourselves. I asked her to join this morning.

Not necessary. We're not the people you need to convince. As you've probably noticed, for the purposes of TF2CC we've determined it to be fine to let you play pugs on your account.

posted 3 months ago
#70 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Why did it take you almost a whole day to clarify that the additional alt accounts in RGL's final response are not yours? It took that long to come up with a believable story?

If you were truly innocent of alting, and they said here are two previous alt accounts you used, your first and most important reaction would have been "those aren't mine, I don't know whose accounts those are". Instead in your post you focus on how old and inactive they are and comparing them to your roommate's account, which is irrelevant, and only when someone pointed out the holes in your story you come up with some clarification about how they're associated with your roommate. Which is still irrelevant information if you're arguing about your own alting ban, not hers.

The most charitable interpretation here is that your inability to focus on relevant facts is hindering your attempts at arguing your case to RGL.

posted 3 months ago
#31 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Surely an easy way to prove your innocence is to just have both accounts show up in a match log. Grab two friends, set up an ultiduo match, and then you have a log as proof that you're two separate people without having to dox yourselves.

posted 4 months ago
#12 Favorite lan memory? in TF2 General Discussion

The parking lot BBQ hosted by prograde at Fullerton LAN

posted 5 months ago
#15 most depressing tf2 stories in TF2 General Discussion
diemosthe most depressing story is this game has somehow existed for almost 2 decades with a really incredible competitive scene but somehow hasn't been able to grow or reach further out. I remember being in middle/highschool thinking this shit was about to blow and still after all this time its a cesspool of toxic weirdos (not to say there aren't great people around here but the stinkers are really fucking stinky)okyaaaI'll tell you a depressing story, dwindling RGL team numbers.

Be the change you want to see in the world. The TF2CC newbie cup is getting a fair amount of attention from the recent Steam community post To all the experienced players, this is your chance to coach and mentor the future of the competitive scene.

Or you can sit around complaining that the scene is dying, up to you.

posted 5 months ago
#1 TF2CC NA 6s Newbie Cup 6 in TF2 General Discussion

Event banner

TF2 Coaching Central is a 4000+ member discord server focused on helping new players and introducing players to competitive TF2 with classes, pickup games, and fun events. We just announced our sixth NA 6s Newbie Cup, with signups open now until December 11.

Players with no to minimal competitive experience sign up to be placed on a team of six, led by a coach who will teach the basics of how to play the format and help them learn the maps. They will have three weeks to learn and practice together as a team before facing off in a tournament, scheduled for January 6-7, 2024.

Matches will be brought to you by our casting partner Fireside Casts, and the prize pool for winners and coaches is sponsored by

Our Newbie Cup events are a great starting point for anyone interested in trying out competitive 6s for the first time or looking to make their RGL newcomer/amateur debut in 2024, as well as an opportunity for more experienced players to help foster the future of the competitive scene by teaching newbies. We're currently taking signups for participants and team coaches! Tell your friends!

posted 5 months ago
#9 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion

The Fireside team going through all the demos and compiling a whole LAN frag video before pics came out is crazy

posted 5 months ago
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