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Country Sweden
Signed Up June 16, 2014
Last Posted January 18, 2019 at 4:12 AM
Posts 132 (0 per day)
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#7 Can't launch Lawena in Q/A Help

Dude it's running this is dope, I'll try and record something now

I actually had tried something like that in the java control panel, but it didn't help.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 Can't launch Lawena in Q/A Help
gemmTry 64bit java (you may need to get JRE from the JDK download page) and uninstall all old versions

Also try launching the main .jar file of lawena with the command "java -jar -Xmx1024m [jar file]" (navigate to the folder then type cmd in the address bar to open a command line there) just to make sure.the max heap size is getting set (I don't trust the java control center tbh)

Thanks a bunch, I'll try that!

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Can't launch Lawena in Q/A Help

Bumping this since I'm at it again and still having the same problem (though sometimes I get "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded" instead). I tried Source Recording Tool but I had issues with that aswell.

posted about 5 years ago
#234 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

The Person Who Everybody Hates : Mole you dick go back into your hole. Oh wait you cant even get one
mole : what hole? what are you talking about lol
The Person Who Everybody Hates : Your mama
The Person Who Everybody Hates : Your mama's Hole
mole : 'Oh wait you cant even get one' what does this mean
The Person Who Everybody Hates : you cant even get a hole like as in a vagina retard

15 min later

The Person Who Everybody Hates : Sorry i was harsh i was a game
The Person Who Everybody Hates : but i get real angry sometimes
The Person Who Everybody Hates : its just my depression
The Person Who Everybody Hates : see mole your a good player and i was just getting angry i am sorry please forgive me

posted about 7 years ago
#8 Getting into bball in TF2 General Discussion
gemmReerostand on top of the hoop and go shotgun only. you will never be scored on. let your other teammate worry about scoring.

tbh its a lot of fun watching people do elaborate jumps to attempt to score only to be denied by hitscan

that kinda defeats the point man

and thats why its banned

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Getting into bball in TF2 General Discussion

What exactly happened to the servers? They had four in europe and you could pretty much always get a bball game going on them, atleast if you knew some regulars. Bball was my favorite pastime in TF2 from last winter to early summer and I would pretty much play every other day if not every day. It would be really sad if the community has died completely :(

posted about 7 years ago
#17 how has your tf2 career changed you? in TF2 General Discussion

it's made me better at the game

posted about 7 years ago
#31 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events
Falcon0408aTooMiiksWhy does this guy look like Donald Trump?
he's england's answer to the donald. started out as a joke but now is worryingly influential.

He looks like a character from little britain.

posted about 7 years ago
#14 zorre is woman? in The Dumpster
loleri dont think any1 cares

you're right

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Need a new mouse, want to try Zowie, but no idea w in Hardware
KoalaSo EC-2A or FK1/2 it is then. Anybody with claw grip tried more than one of those?

I'm pretty sure I had the EC for a while. Now I'm using FK 1. I also use a claw grip and imo claw grips work better with ambidextrous mice, which is why I recommend FK 1 over EC :)

posted about 7 years ago
#49 What kind of Mechanical Keyboard Switch do you use in Hardware


posted about 8 years ago
#477 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
panda106you should have something like this
tf> custom > my stuff > scripts > bulletholedustremover.txt

I had to create all the folders. I named the txt file surfaceproperties and now it works.

posted about 8 years ago
#475 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

I can't seem to remove the bullethole dust. Is "scripts" a folder name or txt file name?

posted about 8 years ago
#28 PC MASTER RACE qualifies for ETF2L Premiership in News
manikaierathat is actually the worst team name i have ever heard
have you heard of "Semen Demon Loli Squad"? I'd take PCMR anyday

That's a great name though

posted about 8 years ago
#6 lagging without high ping in Q/A Help
VourimoleVourimolehow are you connected to internet?ethernet cable
straight to the router?

Hm Idk then man..I had a similar issue but that was due to my connection method.

posted about 8 years ago
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