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SteamID64 76561198056871257
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:48302764
Country Fiji
Signed Up September 12, 2013
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 7:22 PM
Posts 1367 (0.3 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 90
#38 lft season 4 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

if you still need a scout HMU! IDC DIV!

posted 9 months ago
#12 LFP ADVANCED in Recruitment (looking for players)

what is the point of that post

posted 9 months ago
#15 RGL Sixes™️ Season 12 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-Sanityscratchhban the market gardenershut the fuck up furry degenerate

Why are you so mean ?

posted 9 months ago
#24 brick lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Brick is one of the medics of all time.

posted 9 months ago
#4 ambroon lft advanced in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 9 months ago
#35 lft season 4 scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

bump I'll play adv or quals idc the div just want to shoot people

posted 9 months ago
#75 RGL S12 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

the rules are if you don't get top 4 in invite or win the division in a recent season you don't get banned how is this confusing

posted 10 months ago
#73 RGL S12 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
dbkmmrarktemustardoverlordwait, with how ridiculously strict the sandbagging rules are in rgl, how did they let stock and phone mainclass in advanced lmao

not that I have a problem with it because I think sandbagging is good, but still
the last time we played we got 4th in advanced
both are currently rostered and phone is paid up for the 1st place advanced team, and both have a recent history of logs scrimming/playing with that team. the season youre talking about was almost 2 years ago and had very strong teams in 1st-3rd, what exactly are you trying to prove lol

if you get 4th in the division I think you should be able to play it the next season you play

posted 10 months ago
#70 RGL S12 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordwait, with how ridiculously strict the sandbagging rules are in rgl, how did they let stock and phone mainclass in advanced lmao

not that I have a problem with it because I think sandbagging is good, but still

the last time we played we got 4th in advanced

posted 10 months ago
#4 tojo lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Yupp he did it this season

posted 10 months ago
#1357 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization

hud ?

posted 10 months ago
#119 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion


posted 10 months ago
#51 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
charisHow nice would it be if the game had a functional anticheat as opposed to relying on an RGL skeleton crew where it is a guessing game at best, and the only way anyone even puts forth any accusation is with the game's community forums. With how advanced soft aim programs have gotten vs. how useless VAC is, no wonder random people start playing and cheating. It doesn't take a crazy level of intelligence to go undetected and honestly it wouldn't be too crazy a wager to say there's probably other undetected cheaters using even less obvious things like autodet. Like seriously compare it to any other game lol this shit has so little integrity as far as cheating goes.

This is a very important post. Please normalize suspicion. When cepi was blatantly triggerbotting the only reason gungon watched his demo was because Della kept talking about how a person who never plays comp did 87% acc on 300 dpm vs advanced players. No one in that pug was even a little suspicious that a pubber did that.

Like charis said, there are 100% other people cheating that are just not as high profile as elijah. Take aimer for instance, people caught him using the no scope script and he immediately deleted vods and changed his twitch (btw he also doesn't stream under the tf2 category, kind of weird !). It's possible he only ever used it for as he claims a few seconds on accident but it's equally as likely that he's lying and potentially still using it but hiding it better. This isn't to say aimer is definitely cheating but I feel like he's a person very few people are even a little suspicious about. There is nothing wrong with being suspicious of people doing very weird things. Our game requires more people to be more suspicious of cheaters, not every one is going to be as blatant as cepi and feno. (btw people still watched their demos and couldn't tell they were cheating)

posted 10 months ago
#32 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
chellSpaceCadetthe people who scrim/play against him and his team are fucking morons for even playing against a cheater.
I don't really know what option my team has to not scrimming him. We can just say fuck him he's a cheater, but then we'd just lose cuz no way ac team does anything this season. Coping won't really make rgl act faster or review their rules more, so it's just learning to play against a team where the combo scouts gets 40+ kills every map and just try not to think about if he's legit or not.

my team has not scrimmed them

posted 10 months ago
#2 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

I don't see the problem this is just what happens when you study 8 hours a day at The Feno Aim Academy®

posted 10 months ago
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