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Last Posted May 20, 2024 at 11:37 AM
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#3 DreamHack Community Clash NA (21-22 & 28-29th May) in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#11 Unifed Ruleset Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

my take on the OT thing is that if one team is dominant in a game it's very rare that it should take more than 10 minutes for them to secure one round. I've also made the suggestion before but the 'regular' 30 minutes doesn't actually need to be 30 minutes could be lowered to like 25 for example to keep the game length a bit lower if people are concerned about that (personally I don't mind 35-50 minute 5cp games since that's how long winlimit 4 koth is anyway)

I 100% agree with gazy on the comeback thing though, 5cp maps are designed so the team with mid is supposed to attack especially in stalemate situations. imo round resets in the past have only been so awful because you have to wait 10 minutes to get to one and usually that meant there was a decent amount of time where nothing was happening or you were just seeing the same failures over and over again, if you can't break a stalemate in 5 minutes and the other team doesn't want to take ground either the attacking team failed or the defending team made the choice to not take ground and I think the round resetting in either situation is fine.

5 minutes was way more than cozy as well, still want to see 4 minutes tried or 4:30 if people think 4 somehow isn't enough. on 5 i was able to sit on sniper for like 2 minutes, not do anything, and still have a really strong amount of time to do stuff with 0 creativity or change in approach.

detonator / scorch shot being banned is fine those things are broken anyway just kind of a matter of how unfun you think pyro is. the plugins were kinda silly though. I think the gunboats thing mattered from my perspective maybe twice and both times the only difference would've been a scout/soldier trade instead of just death and honestly whatever. the winger plugin was laughably pointless, the winger isn't that strong in the first place. the iron bomber plugin was also whatever probably mattered about as much as the gunboats one honestly. basically idc either way on all these things

personally i think this ruleset is easily better than both the old na and eu ones even though there's still a lot of room for adjustment

posted about 2 years ago
#12404 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 2 years ago
#20 Post your Yomps in TF2 General Discussion
brodyGrapeJuiceIIIwhen i showed up to gxl '15 without rly knowing a lot of people, yomps and the whole cafe` group (botmode, purpleshirt, h5 etc) were the only ones from the invite crowd to be genuinely welcoming and chill. everyone from 4g eLv 20b etc was nice said hi whats up nice to meet you but that was the only crowd where i didnt just feel like a fan asking for autographs.

posted about 2 years ago
#23 TF2 in 2022 and beyond in TF2 General Discussion
jetzi really really would like it if tf2 transitioned away from seasons and more towards having semi-frequent tournaments the way games like smash do. much better to play + watch imo

this is also my main line of thinking

CaptainZidgelI'm torn on the cup idea because I think the only way I can grow in the game is playing on a team long term but I can't commit to that, but also weekend cups are fun with the right team. However I can't see them as much more beneficial (to me personally) than a series of pugs.

I'm not sure about seasons vs cups for lower level teams (if we wanted cups to work for lower level teams we'd have to format them to be rewarding and offer a chance of prize money to some lower level teams (divisions in cups?)) but if you're playing multiple cups with the same stack and you scrim/practice together with them, would you still feel like you are playing a series of pugs? Just food for thought.

bearodactyli can see lower invite teams/adv moveups would like to play a season of invite in order to learn more, but realistically getting stomped almost every match is pretty demoralizing and just sucks, the only games that matter are vs the other low invite teams so doing cups (providing the lower invite teams get to play each other) would be about the same

As another note, having open tournaments at LANs or in online cups is definitely a good idea. Rewind 1 open tournament was super close and it was so hype doing a bo5 to determine the winner

agree that lower level invite actually kind of sucks, having a shorter turnaround between tournaments would also help with teams that tend to die, give those players more opportunities to make new teams (and who knows maybe they find a stack that can actually stick together)

Also yeah have an 'open' and 'invite' (or high level or whatever?) tournament for each cup would probably help a lot, it can also make buy-ins more reasonable for lower level teams, can have like $20/TEAM, whereas I would think most invite teams are probably going to willing to pay a lot more since they should have a very realistic shot of making it back (and the prize pools can work to help lower level teams from going bankrupt). should probably just structure the cost/tournament around how much it costs each div for a season, idk sort of just guessing with this.

loafei dont really think theres an issue with both league-play and cups occurring apart from burnout. but most people who play in the reg season also pug all night on weekends so i doubt its a problem for many players

I know the 'why not both' options always exists but burnout is a huge issue in tf2, multiple people have stopped playing for at least some period of time because of it, myself included. NATF2 has prize money in their seasons, you could argue it's not a lot but it is something, FROYO for instance is never gonna skip a season if it's offered, my team probably wouldn't either. Also there is a limit to how much money is in the scene (prize pools come from fees), maybe there is enough to do both but is it worth it? Also with having season and cups I think you'll end up with a situation where some teams only play the season and some teams only play cups and I think that should be avoided. So I guess the answer to "why not both?" is "why have both?"

I think that cups could really power up tf2 back into something people tune in to watch, because I think our viewership is actually way lower than you would think given the size of the tf2 community (not just the people who play 6v6 HL, though obviously they're a big portion of it) and how many people who have participated in it and then left. Basically esports is content and cups make more content than seasons.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF2 in 2022 and beyond in TF2 General Discussion

google doc because word limit

posted about 2 years ago
#8745 Frag Clips Thread in Videos
for the lads:

posted about 2 years ago
#65 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic

posted about 2 years ago
#15 Fullerton LAN MVPs? in TF2 General Discussion

is there someway to look at the results after filling it out

posted about 2 years ago
#12 Fullerton LAN MVPs? in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylFORD GAMING and HNJ or RITO!!

ford = dingo
hnj = kyle & jeff & ckj honestly

posted about 2 years ago
#34 Localhost Shoutouts in LAN Discussion

shoutout charm quark, thanks for all of your support you are awesome
shoutout to alex steiner kvothe_of_adem whoever "me" was styles jemond virgil and everyone else who donated when i was streaming
shoutout to zilly for doing his best to make it out to lan for us
shoutout to all of hnj for not immediately murdering me for taking skeez away and being really cool
shoutout to my dad for picking me up/dropping me off at the airport
shoutout to ian for all the stuff you did for this lan, pretty epic
shoutout to lolguy for chilling with us
shoutout to jeff you're perfect
shoutout to b4nny for getting us a lan that finally wasn't a dinky byoc
shoutout to reno (and the localhost staff) for helping me when my computer went thermonuclear and for running the tournament
shoutout to tcmano and dolphin,all the casters and production and everyone who made the tournament and the stream happen (I'm sorry I don't know all of your names)
shoutout to moof and hidi for the photos, can't wait to see them all
shoutout to cookiejake, zilly and kaidus for throwing together some pretty entertaining streams

most of all
shoutout to the g6 gang, caps rekuso soapy logan howard skeez nyxi


posted about 2 years ago
#12322 stream highlights in Videos

url has HassanChop in it
i done

posted about 2 years ago
#28 Announcing RGL 6s - Season 8 (+ Invite Quals) in TF2 General Discussion
WalrexDon't really get the point of the map pick statistics. Got me curious so I checked the (regular and playoff) games: witness picked 4 of the bagel games, g6 picked another 4, and froyo picked it once against estrogen (notorious for picking whatever map against bottom invite teams). So basically wg picked bagel a bunch because they established last season they were the best bagel team and could get free wins on it, and I would assume g6 did the same because they were also trying to become a good bagel team. Which makes sense, because people typically prioritize maps they can win on over maps they find fun. Of course it could be both, but it doesn't change the fact that these stats only reflect the opinions of 2/10 invite teams lmao.

I still think bagel sets a new precedent for what a good koth map looks like in tf2 and I hope it encourages more new maps, but those stats are just wacky.

it's just more data
looking at firstban% can be just as valuable as looking at # of games played on those maps (indicates that one team was able to have a significant advantage on one of those maps)

to clarify a few more stat points

mal and froyo always banned clearcut (vs all), and wg banned clearcut vs us because no one wanted to play that map vs us (last time we had the option of playing it was like week 3 or something)
g6 was the only team to ban snake first phase (vs wg and froyo)
froyo was the only team that picked metal (it was banned by wg in wg v mal)
wg was the only team to first phase ban metal (vs mal and froyo)
granary and snake were the only map3/4 (even in gf granary was map3 and snake was map4)
both times gully was picked was vs wg
reckoner was the only map essentially untouched, largely because none of the teams practiced it enough to actually have it force a ban or be a pick (for us it was literally not worth because everyone was going to ban clearcut and we were gonna pick other maps that we thought were more worth the practice anyway)

imo give reckoner 1 more season at least, give triple koth, remove metal (maybe add it back after next if people still don't care for reckoner), and possibly swap granary for badlands (1s cap)

posted about 2 years ago
#23 Announcing RGL 6s - Season 8 (+ Invite Quals) in TF2 General Discussion

more stuff from invite playoff

probably not the prettiest or best way to display the data but whatever it's there

posted about 2 years ago
#69 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiei did some rough testing about the size of the hitbox and the numbers i got was the iron bomber gives you a 3-4% wider hitbox in terms of angle from around medium range. honestly i think the real reason you hit more with the iron bomber is that its much harder to see the projectiles so theyre a lot harder to dodge

also lowkey the straighter arc thing as well
it's a lot of really small bonus that end up making it like 10-15% better overall not just when it comes to hitting things

posted about 2 years ago
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