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Signed Up May 3, 2015
Last Posted June 3, 2024 at 12:59 PM
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#1286 Post your setup in Off Topic
5 year old laptop. Hopefully upgrading to a proper setup this summer

i never posted the new setup? I did upgrade my pc that summer. and my room later on

posted 5 months ago
#83 8values political quiz in Off Topic

posted 5 months ago
#76 8values political quiz in Off Topic

posted 5 months ago
#13204 stream highlights in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#17 twitch in Off Topic
SwedenTobThey're not trying to stream softcore porn to you.I'm not sure what you're trying to say here

But in the end I don't even think it's their intentions that matter here, it's the outcome. The outcome is that young people get exposed to them very easily on a website that was primarily meant for game live streaming.

Yea, my bad. I meant it like "it's actually an ad and not porn for the sake of porn" but worded it badly

posted 5 months ago
#15 twitch in Off Topic

SWers have always advertised on twitch
It's always been easy to find streams advertising social media with NSFW links
Some are just really obvious now with confusion of new guidelines
Before this, you could just scroll any popular category and they'd be quite easy to spot by the thumbnails (or maybe I just have an easier time spotting it because I know a couple SWers)

You're looking at it from the wrong angle:
The twitch stream is just an ad for their paywalled NSFW content. Nothing more. They're not trying to stream softcore porn to you. They're not there to grow a twitch audience. They're trying to make ppl click through to the NSFW bio links. Once you look at it that way things kinda fall into place:

  • Dont have to pay Twitch/Google to show your ad if you are the ad
  • Circumvents people with adblock
  • Can advertise NSFW content on twitch indirectly

It's like spam email, or hot singles in your area ads but it's for OF/Fansly. The money from donations/subs offsets the effort for them to livestream, but the real money they already make elsewhere. Click through to any of these social medias and I guarantee you they're already going to be in the top percentages of NSFW sites before they even started twitch

posted 5 months ago
#21 what athlete = b4nny in TF2 General Discussion

Novak Djokovic
career, rivalries, achievements, weird dramas

posted 5 months ago
#66 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
Swedena bit of lore of dorito_snapped

ig this is considered old now so many players probably will need more context
ruwin was one of the best scouts in NA and quickly became a popular streamer (popular in tf2 terms)
he was edgelordy for the time. 420blazeit, doritos, Kappa and gachi remixes so kinda outdated edgy at this point but basically that forsen-like twitch era

He'd talk a lot about his past as he was a rather open person. This would (spoilers ahead) backfire because half his chat was weirdly parasocial. There's a lot of stories I know about him from before tf2, and after, but I'll keep it short

One stream he's talking about his school he went to, facebooks some of his schoolmates. Comments on how one of them looks more "rotund" judging by her pfp. Some weirdos doxx the girl, and TFTV goes wild
from the thread but idk how accurate this was:

capnnofapnYeah, he did it in an asshole way but I don't think he wanted us to go email her gore pics, sext her mom, and ruin her life. Making fun of a someone's weight is pretty mean, especially in front of 300 peopleDrPloxoHe said without the excess she'd be cute again

Ruwin had at this point also been moved to pocket soldier. Something he definitely was less good at. Though they were still winning the public response to his performance wasn't very cool and epic iirc.
Ruwin does a final stream upset about how the community reacted? Pretty sure that's why the drama thread is called Dorito_snapped. Stops playing on froyo quoting boredom, and whatever the HL team was he was on (i remember ma3la replacing him as demo)

He never returned to comp TF2, though there were 1 or 2 mix^-fossils-return-to-invite projects with PYYOUR that didn't end up happening. He did still stream TF2 on occasion once things blew over, for a much smaller audience

posted 5 months ago
#1415 Wut hud/crosshair/cfg thread in Customization
this is like a bigger default scattergun crosshair but I don't think that it's the default one

Probably default64_bright from this folder
It's bigger res defaults I made for ams originally. I remember Hai and Marv requesting some variants of the crosshairs at the time of this clip so I probably made it at their request

posted 5 months ago
#14 rahThread: room redesign in Off Topic

There's more options moving your bed around, but these are 2 main ideas that are likely practical with the context you've given so far. Obv I'd go with option 2 in the album. option 1 will not help the prison cell feeling

posted 5 months ago
#9 rahThread: room redesign in Off Topic

what does harry potter look like?
idk the room designer. Is it a shareable web app so we can reposition things?

Minimalism might be what you want, but not what you need this room to be.
A bedroom is also a living space if you share your living room with other ppl.
It's your private space so make it something you can also just "exist" in.
It serves more purpose than the functionality role minimalists strive for, despite its limited space

My main ideas (pending context)

  • Limited space? Add vertical storage. shelves, stacking bins Perhaps now you can place some smaller lights if you only have 1 shitty main light without dimming options. maybe a couple plants will look nice?
  • Your closet is too small. Let's look at options for harry potter, or moving part of the clothes into vertical storage in a different spot
  • I'm considering a possible rotation + position for the bed but I want to figure out other stuff first. I have like 3 or 4 ideas that can work depending on Harry Potter and storage options
posted 5 months ago
#13 Favorite lan memory? in TF2 General Discussion

Meeting my friends irl for the first time at i61, spending our days in the crowd and airbnb
Was going through some stuff irl so it was a breath of fresh air and my fondest memory of that time period.
I had to leave early for an exam. We played pubs with their PCs at the airbnb when I got home to my own setup. Felt so happy hearing their voices chattering in the background. Decided I'd go to every LAN my friends would go to from that point on

Staying until 7am at copenhagen games 2019. multiple days in a row just talking w everyone for hours and hours
We'd said our goodbyes to the final 10 ppl or so as the staff were closing. Walking to the hotel w my friend we talked about the past couple days and laughed all the way until we got there

posted 5 months ago
#17 Tob's Crosshairs in Customization
where is the scatter2_outline cannot seem to find it

should be scatter2_shadow2 in the brackets folder?
i make outlines by inverting the white layer to black and blurring it
so any "outline" crosshair I make is actually just a shadow that i copied until it becomes dark enough to be considered an outline

posted 5 months ago
#45 I dont wanna play entropy in TF2 General Discussion
Makafter playing the season i can admit i was wrong... the map is even poopier than i thought it would be :'D

I understand ppl disliking entropy in particular, or even the concept of new maps in general. But cmon man you played it 2 times this season and 4 times overall. You pretty much didn't play it

ETF2L shouldn't have added the map alongside sultry though. D2 and below lost gullywash for entropy basically lmao

posted 5 months ago
#40 funniest tf2 dramas? in TF2 General Discussion
TurbomonkeyAt i46 a player called Sparky cheated on her online boyfriend a french player called Fake with a street fighter player called Gino.
Fake decided to show up to surprise Sparky but found that he'd been cheated on. In response he poured a 2l bottle of coke on Gino's PC. There was an image floating around back then but probably gone for good. He got a perma ban from the i series and police got involved.

edit: i found the etf2l thread about it lol

posted 5 months ago
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